Chapter 693 Our 520
The rain is gradually getting lighter, but nursery rhyme is wearing a dress, and it is still a little inconvenient to walk down. Those small houses look very similar to those in the game, as do the old trees and bamboo forests around here. Compared with Xiao Yijin, Xiao Yijin also spent a lot of thought.

Xiao Yijin looked at Tong Yao's skirt, and then said, "Yao Yao wait a minute, I have all the clothes ready in the room, I will carry you in and change."

"No need, this is fine." Tong Yao took off her shoes, then hugged the hem of her dress, opened the car door and ran into the yard barefoot.

After the rain, the sun shines on her body, she looks like an elf in the forest, everything is as beautiful as a dream.

After entering the courtyard, Tong Yao discovered that many of the decorations here were exactly the same as those in the game, even the area where medicinal herbs were grown in the cave was copied. Xiao Yijin obviously built a garden here.

Even if this is the suburbs, it is so difficult to buy a piece of land in the imperial capital. How did he do it.

Seeing Tong Yao running around barefoot with her skirts in her arms, Xiao Yijin suddenly thought, if they have a child in the future, the child and Xiaobao are playing and playing around at home, and his girl is chasing them, all this is true It's too good.

Following the nursery rhyme into the backyard, Xiao Yijin stood behind and shouted loudly: "Yaoyao, do you like our home?"

Nursery rhyme nodded: "I like it."

Xiao Yijin: "Then this time, do you like the house more, or me more?"

Xiao Yijin still hasn't forgotten the scene in the French manor, it was the first time Yaoyao took the initiative to say that she liked him.

"Xiao Yijin, this is the first 520 we have spent together. In fact, I prepared a gift for you." Nursery rhyme had already guessed that Xiao Yijin would prepare a surprise for her, but in fact she also prepared a gift for Xiao Yijin without telling everyone .

Hearing that she still had presents, Xiao Yijin seemed a little flattered, "I don't want any other presents, you know what I want."

Someone stared at the nursery rhyme directly. He thought that Yaoyao should understand what he wanted.

Looking at someone's expectant eyes, Tong Yao smiled, "I don't have the gift with me now, I'll give it to you when I get home."

"Okay." Xiao Yijin smiled. Many of the furnishings in this room were designed with the help of Wu Jie and the others. Although those guys' design talents are not that high, they can be made with reference to the game, as long as the degree of restoration is high. ...

This piece of land was bought by Xiao Yao a long time ago to build a resort, but due to the problem of the investment contract, the construction has not started, so he asked Xiao Yao for a small piece of land to build this garden.

Xiao Yao also disagreed at first, but later he went to Sister Ting to explain the reason, and with Sister Ting stepping in, naturally everything was easy to talk about.

When the two returned home, the time for the live broadcast was almost here.

The old man is not at home, compared to going out for the holidays.

Going upstairs, Xiao Yijin followed the nursery rhyme like a follower, wherever the nursery rhyme went...

Tong Yao had a headache, so she said disgustedly: "Xiao Yijin, what are you doing?"

"Where's my gift?" Xiao Yijin was thinking about her gift, but she didn't mention the nursery rhyme when she got home. Could he not be in a hurry?

"Oh, this, sorry, I forgot." Tong Yao got up quickly, took out two clothes from a bag, and handed the bigger one to Xiao Yijin: "Hey, this, I drew it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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