Chapter 696 I Am That Powerful

Hearing these words, Mr. Zhao's fat face trembled slightly, and then he waved his hand to Zhou Tian: "Go down, I'll take care of it."

"Yes." Zhou Tian backed out and closed the door, but he didn't say a word about the current situation of the customer service department.

Since Xiao Yijin dared to ask such a question, it meant that this matter had something to do with Mr. Zhao, so what she had to do at this time was to keep calm.

Don't mention how beautiful it is in Little Gummy's heart at this time. The live broadcast has started for more than half an hour, but the live broadcast room of nursery rhymes has completely disappeared in the activity area of ​​the peak goddess list. Looking at the leaderboard, the live broadcast of nursery rhymes at this time The time is also outside the fifty.

She didn't know that Mr. Zhao was playing tricks behind his back. She thought it was the handiwork of the studio yesterday. Seeing her ranking steadily rising, Little Gummy smiled even sweeter: "Thank you little brother for sending us the super rocket!"

At this time, the studio sent an email, asking for the 500 million reward, and said that if Little Gummy didn't pay, all the previous things would be announced now.

Little Gummy is anxious, now is the most critical time, if those scandals break out, won't he be doomed?
Even though she felt sorry for the money, Little Gummy still asked her agent to handle the matter.

Without nursery rhymes blocking the way, Cherry Britney has always been in the No.1 position in the competition. Now the gift gap between her and nursery rhyme live broadcasts is several million. Even if nursery rhymes want to make efforts later, it will be very difficult. It seems This time, I finally got the first place.

In this way, the previous sacrifice will be worth it.

There are at least 10,000+ people in the nursery rhyme live broadcast room, but nursery rhyme did not ask them to collect gifts, but asked them to wait for the live broadcast room to return to normal before starting to list.

So this is also the reason why other anchors have been ranked very low in the live broadcast room of nursery rhymes. That's because... they haven't started to act at all.

Mr. Zhao promised that Cherry would limit the flow of the nursery rhyme live broadcast room, so he did not intend to lift the suppression of the nursery rhyme live broadcast room, but at this moment, the backstage supervisor of the Maoya live broadcast called and said urgently: " Mr. Zhao, the computers in our technical control room were hacked and all of them failed, and the hacker replied to the data of the guest officer's unavailable live broadcast room in front of us..."

"Trash, aren't you a master hacker in China?" Mr. Zhao was so angry that he wanted to drop the phone, why the people he recruited so hard were so vulnerable.

The staff member said weakly: "We are considered masters in China, but have you forgotten that Keguan and Xiao Ershao are both masters in the international hacking competition, we...we are really no match."

Before the man finished speaking, Mr. Zhao had dropped the phone.

Before he could react, a blue screen suddenly appeared on his computer, and then a cartoon villain with a thick back came out, twisted his buttocks with a smile and sang a song: "You still want to fight me with this ability, you can't fight me Yes, I am that powerful, la la la la la... la la la la..."

Mr. Zhao was about to turn off the computer, but the villain immediately stood upright and continued, "If you don't want to repent, I'll tell your wife that you have raised twelve women outside, and I have photos of them. Don't thank me ,please call me**."

After speaking, Mr. Zhao received photos of him fooling around with various women in his mailbox.

He pressed his aching temple, stared at the villain who continued to dance on the screen, and finally heaved a long sigh...

(End of this chapter)

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