The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 698 Your Home Is Drunk in the Clouds

Chapter 698 Your Home Is Drunk in the Clouds
"You can watch it on your phone too, you silly hat, come down quickly." Du Chuan was wearing earphones and was giving her presents for Nursery Rhyme. My childhood sweetheart, how could he lose...

No, you can't lose.

Seeing that Wu Jie's expression was wrong, Sun Yi turned around and teased: "Wu Xiaojie, did your family come drunk and lying in the clouds?"

"Little grandson, you can shut up." Wu Jie sat in front of the computer with his mobile phone, thinking whether to go down.

But Xiaojian leaned on the chair and sang a song: "The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is full of wounds, your smile has turned yellow, the flower is broken, and my heart is heartbroken..."

Sun Yi couldn't help bursting out laughing when he heard this.

Wu Jie's ears warmed up, and he stood over and choked Xiao Jian's throat: "Xiao Jian, are you f*cking afraid that I will kill you?"

Xiaojian innocently pointed at his computer: "This music just happened to be in this section, so I just sang along, you...why are you so nervous..."

Looking at Xiaojian's hand, Xiaojian's computer happens to be playing "Chrysanthemum Terrace"...

And Xiaojian was wearing earphones all the time, so when he heard the song, he sang along...


The atmosphere became slightly awkward, Wu Jie stretched out his hand to scratch his hair, but there was a knock on the door...

The three people in the dormitory looked at the door together, Wu Jie was trembling, wouldn't that bastard Du Chuan come up?

After all, he can still do things like grab a campus card and swipe it...

Sun Yi and Xiao Jian looked at each other, they quickly got up and shrank behind the door, Wu Jie ran straight to bed and pulled up the quilt to cover himself.

Xiaojian: "Who is here?"

Outside the door: "Counselor, open the door!"


Sun Yi opened the door and saw the counselor wearing glasses standing at the door with a serious face. The two of them quickly stood aside. The counselor walked in and saw that the three computers in the dormitory were all stuck in the live broadcast room...

He frowned and asked, "What are you all doing?"

Wu Jie and the three of them were stunned. This counselor hadn't been to the dormitory once a year. What kind of wind gave him out today.

"Watching the live broadcast." Sun Yi didn't intend to hide it, so he said it directly. Anyway, watching the live broadcast is not against the law. Today is Saturday, and there is no class.

"Do you know that you are about to start an internship? Why don't you prepare well to apply for an internship unit and watch a live broadcast?" The counselor went to Xiaojian's chair and sat down, looking not to be trifled with.

Although Xiaojian really wanted to hate the counselor, he held back and said, "We will prepare well."

"By the way, Xiao Yijin in your dormitory founded a game company, right? Isn't their company recruiting interns? I want to talk to him about the number of interns. When will he come back?" After the counselor finished speaking, Wu Jie and the others He immediately understood the purpose of his coming to the dormitory today.

But their profession has nothing to do with game companies, okay?Besides, this counselor would not call Xiao Yijin directly, but ran to the dormitory instead.

The nursery rhyme competition was coming to an end, and they didn't want to delay seeing the results of the competition, so Sun Yi said, "Xiao Yijin goes home on weekends, and she won't be back at school until tomorrow night."

"Does he come home on weekends, or is he not there during bedtime checks?" The counselor's expression was a little strange, as if he was here to find fault.

Seeing this, Wu Jie said directly: "He is usually at school, if you don't believe me, you can ask the people in the surrounding dormitories, everyone should have seen him."

(End of this chapter)

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