Chapter 730

To be honest, when I met someone like Jiang Yushan, I didn't feel happy if I didn't say a few words to her.

Although she didn't know what the result of today's interview would be, but when she saw Director Liu smiling happily at the end of the audition just now, it probably meant that it was okay...

Back in the lounge, Wu Siyao had already changed back into her clothes and sat there. When she saw the nursery rhyme came back, she stood up enthusiastically: "You're back? How do you feel?"

"It's okay." Although nursery rhymes are relatively slow, but they are so enthusiastic, she can't be too cold.

Looking at Tong Yao's expression, Jiang Siyao whispered, "I feel like I'm terrible, I forgot the words, Jiang Yushan was recommended by the producer, you know that?"

Tong Yao shook her head, she really didn't know this.

It's just that it's nothing new to bring money into a group in the entertainment industry, but she doesn't think it's so unusual. After all, Jiang Yushan will suffer a disadvantage if she competes with them for this role at her age.

Although the 30-year-old female star is not without it, but she has a girly look, Jiang Yushan... There is no girly look, but a lot of romantic feelings...

It's just that she couldn't say these words to Wu Siyao. After all, she didn't have deep contact with him, and she didn't dare to conclude that Wu Siyao was a simple-minded person.

"You've just come into this circle, you don't understand many things, but let me remind you of some things. You used to be an anchor and didn't appear in front of the public. Now, once you step into this circle, entertainment is indispensable. Just push it away, many people are not so pure in their minds, a pure and beautiful girl like you is very dangerous..." Wu Siyao moved to sit next to Tong Yao while holding onto Tong Yao arm.

Nursery rhymes frowned, catching traces. She didn't like unfamiliar people being so close to her, but it was hard to shirk, so she sat there quietly listening to Wu Siyao.

Seeing that the nursery rhyme did not refute, Wu Siyao continued, "Have you signed a company? Or are you planning to set up a personal studio?"

The weather is a bit hot, and the temperature of the air conditioner in this room is not too low. It is really hot for two people to be so close together.

"Haven't thought about it yet." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone and checked the time. Why did it only take 10 minutes? She was about to find an excuse to stand up when Juzi trotted to the door: "You two, please Now go to the recording studio, the director will announce the result in public."

"Okay." Tong Yao stood up and walked out, but Wu Siyao took Tong Yao's arm familiarly.

The two arrived at the recording studio, and Jiang Yushan stood inside with red eyes...

The atmosphere was a bit weird, Tong Yao walked in and stood next to Jiang Yushan, only feeling her cold swishing eyes keep looking at him, which made Tong Yao inexplicably uncomfortable.

Director Liu looked at the three of them, stretched out his hand to adjust his glasses, and said, "You three have worked hard. After the resolution of our director team, we decided that this time the role of the second female Luo Xiaoyu will be played by Miss Nursery Rhyme."

Although Wu Siyao had guessed it a long time ago, there was still some disappointment in his eyes.

Jiang Yushan didn't perform well in the audition, and she was yelled at by Director Liu. Director Liu is notoriously strict, and Jiang Yushan's lines are all messed up, so Director Liu got angry at that time and reprimanded her.

So Jiang Yushan guessed the result in advance, but she still felt a little uncomfortable, so she said eccentrically, "Director Liu, if this show doesn't have a well-known artist, I'm really worried about the ratings."

(End of this chapter)

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