Chapter 734 Her Mr. Vinegar
Things continued to ferment, but Nursery Rhyme himself never made a sound.

She didn't expect that the news would spread like this so soon. She never said that she was determined to play the second female role, and there was no official announcement from the crew. These people were really busy.

Now she just wants to find a suitable opportunity to reject Director Liu.

Niu Niu said that Director Liu is a very authoritative director in the industry. Now that Nursery Rhyme does not enter the entertainment industry, it does not mean that he will not enter the entertainment industry after graduation, so he should leave a way out for himself when dealing with things.

Tong Yao thinks what Niu Niu said makes sense, after all, no one can tell what will happen in the future.

And the nursery rhyme also thought of another thing, that is his family's Mr. Vinegar. Usually, if a man looks at her a few more times, someone will be jealous. He must have a rivalry with other actors in acting. When the time comes Xiao must be soured to death.

Even if he doesn't say anything, he won't feel comfortable in his heart.

Tong Yao was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. Jiang Ya heard the movement on her bed, and asked in a low voice: "Fairy, what's the matter? Are you too excited to fall asleep?"

"No, I just didn't think about how I would reject Director Liu." After Tong Yao finished speaking, Jiang Ya sat up from the bed in fright.

The lights had already been turned off at this time, and she couldn't see Tong Yao's face clearly.

Jiang Ya didn't understand why Tong Yao gave up this opportunity. This is an opportunity that many people dream of. If it were her, she would definitely seize this opportunity and not let it go.

But nursery rhyme, actually said the rejection lightly.

Biting her lip, Jiang Ya asked puzzledly: "Why? Isn't it the most normal thing for an anchor to develop in the entertainment industry?"

"I have my reasons, Xiaoya, go to sleep." Tong Yao turned over and faced the wall, Jiang Ya stared at the direction of Tong Yao in the dark for a long time.

Then I lay down and said in a low voice: "Then... I would have known that I would not talk nonsense in the fan group. Now that it is spread like this outside, if you refuse again, I am afraid that the influence will not be good at that time, and those people will say it again." What are you hyping up?"

Hearing Jiang Ya's words, Tong Yao's body paused slightly, and then explained: "Stupid, this news came from the crew as early as when I left Kunlun Film and Television, it's not because of you, don't worry about it because of this kind of thing Blame yourself."

"Oh, that's good." After Jiang Ya finished speaking, she tossed and turned. She loved acting since she was a child, and dreamed that she would become a star one day.

But her family objected to her, and she was not allowed to apply for film and television colleges, so she finally compromised.

As for nursery rhymes, she actually gave up when she got the chance, it's a bit...shouldn't be...

It was already late at night, but the light in Xiao Yijin's office was still on. He sat in front of the computer and kept looking down at the desktop, without speaking for a long, long time.

Lao Zhang was sitting on the sofa opposite him, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Today, their conversation with Kunlun Film and Television did not get the result they wanted. In order to ensure the quality of the play, the other party firmly disagreed with changing the script.

Negotiations between the two parties failed, so they had to give up for the time being.

Although the young master's behavior has been very decent, the other party may not have seen anything, but he can feel the entanglement and struggle in the young master's heart.

On the one hand, he didn't want to restrict nursery rhymes, but on the other hand, he couldn't accept that she wanted to play intimate scenes with others.

After following the young master for so many years, it was the first time he saw him tangled up late at night because of one matter.

(End of this chapter)

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