Chapter 736
But Chen Qing had no intention of leaving, and continued: "I also participated in the audition for a small role in that TV series. Although there were only a few minutes of scenes, I was going to join a crew anyway. I owe you a lot for that matter." I apologize, so I hope you can give me a chance to redeem my sins, can I invite you to dinner?"

"I said that people are invincible when they are humble. Where did you come from to say this to my fairy? Do you think some things can be solved with an apology? It's because my fairy has a good temper, otherwise if I changed the thing last time Me, I'll sue you to death, until you're completely indifferent, why play for a while..." After Jiang Ya said this, Tong Yao stretched out her hand and gave her a thumbs up.

Originally, Chen Qing wanted to refute a few words, but when he saw the thumbs-up on the nursery rhyme, he felt that there was no need to continue.

He has no regrets about what happened last time, because after that time, the popularity of her live broadcast room has risen a lot. Although compared with nursery rhymes, he is still a small anchor, but compared to the previous small fights, It's really popular now.

Seeing Chen Qing walking back to her seat, Jiang Ya murmured dissatisfiedly: "Now anyone can clean up, the last time he kidnapped you, it seems that all the stupid fans have forgotten, and now they are starting to brag again. His face is amazing, these people haven't seen my brother Xiao, have they? After seeing my brother Xiao, they will know what a real face is!"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Is Xiao Yijin handsome?

It seems that I have seen it too much, and I have already gotten used to it...

After finally getting through this boring day of class, Nursery Rhyme yawned and packed up the books: "Xiao Ya, Xiao Yijin and I are going out, so we won't have dinner with you."

"Well, I'll find Xiao Fengfeng to eat with me." Jiang Ya stuffed the textbooks into her bag, looking listless.

Speaking of this, Tong Yao remembered one thing, and asked a little puzzled: "You have been with your great talent for so long, I found that you seldom eat with him, is this normal?"

"It's okay if you don't talk about it. I'll get angry when I say it. Let me tell you, that person eats at a storm-like speed. To put it simply, maybe I just took a few bites before he finished eating, and then Just sitting in front of me and staring at me, how can I eat it!" Speaking of this, Jiang Ya was so angry that she jumped.

Every time I eat with Lin Feng, that guy really looks like he hasn't eaten in a few years, his appearance is really terrifying.

The most unbearable thing for her was that after he finished eating, he held his chin in both hands and stared at her eating, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Nursery rhymes imagined thousands of reasons, but never thought that it was because of this...

Somewhat funny, he said: "Haha, well, then eating with him is really wronging you."

"Okay, okay, don't talk, go out quickly, if you don't go out, my brother Xiao will become a wife-watching stone." Jiang Ya said with a smile, and called Lin Feng.

Turning her head to look out the window, Tong Yao walked out with her bag on her back, "Why is Mr. Xiao free to pick me up from school today?"

Looking at the sly smile in Tong Yao's eyes, Xiao Yijin reached out and stroked her hair: "I will pick you up whenever I have time. If you want to eat today, I will take you out to eat."

The nursery rhyme rolled her eyes when she heard the words: "Then, how about we buy vegetables and cook them ourselves?"

Xiao Yijin was taken aback when she heard the words, she didn't want to cook today, but looking at Tong Yao's eyes, she said, "You have the final say."

(End of this chapter)

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