Chapter 746

Sister Ting: "Are you investigating about Yaoyao's mother?"

Xiao Yijin's closed eyes opened at once, and he stretched out his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, which was a little sore. After a long time, he said coolly, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

In fact, this is what Xiao Yijin is most afraid of. He would rather sister Ting not ask about this matter, which proves that what happened back then may not have that much relationship with sister Ting.

But sister Ting's current attitude told him unconsciously that she was very nervous about this matter.

This attitude made him a little uneasy.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and the time passed by second by second, and every second was a torment for Xiao Yijin.

The more troubled I heard... the more disturbed Xiao Yijin became.

I don't know how long it took until Sister Ting's voice came from the other end of the phone: "You have to trust Mom, as long as you and Yaoyao are as good as you are now, as for the past, let it pass .”

Sister Ting seldom claimed to be her mother in front of Xiao Yijin. Xiao Yijin knew that it was impossible to ask what the result would be, so she sighed and said: "Sometimes, it's not that I want to uncover the past, but someone forces me to do it." To uncover it, I would rather know the truth myself than know the distorted truth from the mouth of a malicious person."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yijin hung up the phone. The night was exceptionally quiet, but his heart became more and more heavy.

The day of the final exam was fixed, and it was time for nursery rhymes to cram into the library.

Early in the morning, Tong Yao was still asleep, and was forcibly dragged up by Jiang Ya.

Looking at Jiang Ya with squinted eyes, the nursery rhyme went crazy: "Xiaoya, what are you doing? I don't have class this morning, can you let me sleep for a while?"

"Miss, let's go to the library to grab a seat, otherwise there will be no seats. You have to know that we have a lot of professional courses for the final exam this semester. If you don't study hard, you will just fail the subject when the time comes." Jiang Ya said While talking, I packed up my textbooks.

When she finished packing her textbooks and turned around, she found that Nursery Rhyme was already lying on the bed again, and said inarticulately, "5 minutes, just 5 minutes, just let me sleep for another 5 minutes..."

Unexpectedly, in less than half a minute, Jiang Ya's paw reached out to the nursery rhyme again, "Hurry up, you have to know that this year's professors are all stern and selfless, I promised my brother Xiao that I will take you to work hard together , I can't break my promise."

Originally, Tong Yao was a troubled household. It was too difficult for her to get up early, so she begged for mercy: "Miss, can I read in the dormitory by myself? Our dormitory also has air conditioning, why do we have to go to the library and study room? We can't Go with the flow, as long as you want to learn in your heart, where is it not learning? Are you right?"

Listening to the words of the nursery rhyme, Jiang Ya rolled her eyes directly: "Can you read in the dormitory, a net worm? I can guarantee that you must be playing games when I come back. Hurry up, the library has a learning atmosphere." , and the air conditioner in the library is much cooler than that in the dormitory, besides..."

Jiang Ya turned on Tang Seng's Stranger, the nursery rhyme was chanted until her head exploded, and the most popular finally compromised... Get up... get dressed...

Walking out of the dormitory building, there was a gust of hot wind, and Tong Yao wanted to turn around and go back to the dormitory in an instant, but Jiang Ya held her tightly, and she couldn't run away at all.

The nursery rhyme was really drunk, so she asked unrequitedly: "Xiaoya, what advantage did Xiao Yijin do you? Let you look at me so persistently."

(End of this chapter)

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