Chapter 755 A Hug

Jiang Ya: "That's right, among the men in this world, maybe you will react a little when I mention my Brother Xiao, otherwise everyone else is just floating clouds."

"That's not it, isn't there still my male god?" Tong Yao is in a good mood today, not only because she punished Yun Zilei, but also because she overheard the conversation between Qin Yiyi and Yun Zilei. There is a glimmer of progress.

At that time, she checked the opposite sex who had been in close contact with Qin Yiyi recently on the Internet, and then found that Qin Yiyi was closer to a rich second generation, so the nursery rhyme asked Qin Yiyi in the name of that man...

At first, I thought that Qin Yiyi would be reserved anyway, who would have thought that she would leave when she saw the card.

This woman is really good enough. While getting close to other men, while thinking of destroying her relationship with Xiao Yijin, she really can't take it easy.

It's not easy for her and Xiao Yijin to get to the present. She will cherish and protect this relationship even more, and will not be deceived by Qin Yiyi's one-sided words.

"Ding." There was a text message on the mobile phone, Tong Yao quickly clicked on it, glanced at it, and then said, "I'm going out after finishing this book."

Sun Yi and the others expressed their understanding. After finishing the dungeon, Tong Yao quit the game and went out with his mobile phone.

As soon as I went downstairs, I saw Xiao Yijin standing there. He was still wearing formal clothes. It seemed that he ran away after the meeting, without even having time to change his clothes.

The moment she saw her, Xiao Yijin opened her arms... as if waiting for her to throw herself into her arms...

The girls passing by saw his action and covered their mouths and sniggered one by one.

Tong Yao smiled lightly, walked over quickly, and hugged him gently, "How is today?"

"Everything is going well, how about you?" After a day of exhaustion, holding her in his arms, all the tiredness seemed to disappear completely.

"I'm doing well today too. You haven't eaten yet, let's go eat." Nursery rhyme gently hugged his arm and dragged him towards the cafeteria.

Seeing her little woman's movements, Xiao Yijin smiled slightly, and let him drag her forward.

In fact, he really doesn't like the food in this cafeteria, but with Yaoyao to accompany him, eating is not the most important thing, seeing her is the best thing.

After eating, the two of them circled the football field like other young couples in the school. Although it was sweltering during the day, the temperature was not bad at night. When the wind blew, they were still a little comfortable.

The two walked for a while, and Tong Yao suddenly remembered about the competition, so she turned her head and asked, "Do you know about that competition? You are so busy now, do you have time to accompany me to participate in the competition?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin slightly lowered her head to look at the nursery rhyme, "There is always time to spend with you."

Tong Yao nodded lightly, and said: "Wu Jie and his team are not strong enough, how many extra materials do you have, let's think of a way to improve their combat power, otherwise we will meet the gods who don't obey us." , will inevitably be abused."

"I'm already arranging this... and there is..." Xiao Yijin didn't finish speaking, but found that the nursery rhyme stopped moving.

He followed his gaze and saw... two very familiar figures sitting in the middle of the football field...

That's... Du Chuan and Wu Jie...

"Let's go, let's get closer, and listen to what they are talking about..." The gossiping nursery rhyme didn't ask Xiao Yijin's opinion at all, and dragged Xiao Yijin sneakily towards Du Chuan and Wu Jie Moved over.

(End of this chapter)

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