Chapter 759 You Can't Be Together

After speaking, Xiao Yijin walked into the room.

Looking at the closed door, Xiao Yao leaned on the sofa and let out a long sigh: "Honey, I told you that it is not acceptable to dissolve the engagement, why didn't you listen to me and insist on using this Method."

"But we must stop them from investigating this matter. If they really find out, everything we have now will be wiped out. Husband, are you willing? We just need to let them separate, relying on the power of Yaoyao alone , she can't find anything, who has never been young, it may be painful when they separate, but after a while, won't it be fine?" Yu Ting really felt ashamed of Feng Ran, and thought about making up for the nursery rhyme , but in the face of their own interests, everything else becomes less important.

Xiao Yao has always listened to Yu Ting's words, but on this matter, he held the opposite opinion with Yu Ting.

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Yao still expressed his thoughts: "Actually, even if the two of them investigate, they probably won't be able to find anything. If you insist on letting them break off the engagement, it will only make Yijin doubt us even more. "

"Xiao Yao! Are you stupid? Yiyi said that if she doesn't let them separate, she will announce everything she knows to the media. Qin Yiyi is crazy now! If you don't let Qin Yiyi say now, then not only will you It will affect our company, and it will also affect Yijin and Xiao Yan's company, I don't want to see such a thing happen, so they can't be together, absolutely can't be together." Speaking of this matter, Yu Ting seemed to be the whole person They all became bewildered...

She kept thinking about it, and Xiao Yao felt that the woman who had been with him for many years had become strange.

It seemed that he almost didn't know the person in front of him. They were indeed involved in what happened to Feng Ran back then, but they were not the main responsibility.

Over the years, he has always regretted that he was on the wrong team and made the wrong choice, otherwise, he would not be like this now...

At dinner time, the nanny asked Xiao Yijin to go down for dinner, but Xiao Yijin said she didn't want to go.

After a while, the nanny shortened some meals and delivered them to the room, then closed the door and left.

Yu Ting was sitting on the sofa, and when she saw the nanny coming down, she asked, "Have you eaten, Master?"

The nanny shook her head: "No."

"He can eat, let him sleep well." Yu Ting sighed and walked into the room.

Staring at Yu Ting's back for a long time, the nanny's back felt a little chilly. I haven't seen my wife show such an expression for many years. The last time... was that night more than ten years ago...

Xiao Yijin sat in the room playing games and writing books with nursery rhymes.

Listening to her fighting against Wu Jie and the others, listening to her complaining to Wu Jie and the others that they limited the login time of her account, Wu Jie and the others laughed at her without any concealment, saying that she was worse than a primary school student, and that she was prevented from being addicted when she was in college.

Everything in the earphones was beautiful, and he hoped that everything would go on like this, but the attitude of Sister Ting and Xiao Yao during the day made him understand one thing.

That is, the two of them were absolutely inseparable from Feng Ran's death. After hiding for so many years, when the truth might surface, they couldn't hold their breath.

In the beginning, they accepted Yao Yao because they were confident that the events of that year would not be revealed. Who would have thought that a Qin Yiyi would suddenly appear and disrupt everything that was originally peaceful.

Xiao Yijin had no appetite, and didn't eat dinner. She was just thirsty, so she drank the orange juice brought by the nanny...

This night, Xiao Yijin slept very deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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