Chapter 761
Xiao Yijin's liking for nursery rhymes is not pretending at all, he has exhausted his thoughts for her, how could it be possible to use relationships like these people said.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng replied to Jiang Ya: Xiaoya, don't worry, I don't think the senior is the kind of person who starts to mess up and ends up giving up.

Jiang Ya: I don’t think so either, but I’ve already checked it out. The news of the breakup was indeed posted by Brother Xiao himself on Weibo, but Nursery Rhyme pretended not to know about it and was still playing games. What should I do if the news breaks down, I... You know that I am the worst at comforting people.

Lin Feng: Those who should come will always come, you should take good care of her first.

Jiang Ya: Good.

When the game couldn't get anyone to download the book, Nursery Rhyme was going to go to the WeChat group to call a few, and just clicked on the WeChat group and saw Altman asking: Guest officer boss, did you break up with the boss?
Tong Yao looked confused: No, why are you looking forward to breaking up every day, can you look forward to it?
Seeing the news of the nursery rhyme, everyone in the sect looked confused.

So to say……

Breakup stuff, nursery rhymes...don't know...

What the hell is going on here?
Sensing the strange atmosphere in the group, Tong Yao scrolled up the chat history and saw a lot of screenshots.

The content was all about her breaking up with Xiao Yijin.

At first, she thought it was gossip news again, until she saw Xiao Yijin's Weibo screenshot.

The smile on her face froze completely.

Wu Jie and the others were sitting in the dormitory anxiously like ants on a hot pot. Their boss had broken up with him and announced their breakup inexplicably. They didn't know what to say if nursery rhymes asked them to ask questions...

They all knew how much Xiao Yijin liked nursery rhymes, so the appearance of the word breakup was unexpected.

"Xiaoya." Tong Yao suddenly called out to Jiang Ya, Jiang Ya was so frightened that she almost couldn't hold her phone steady: "Why... what's wrong?",

Tong Yao turned around and said, "Lend me your mobile phone."

"Oh, good." Jiang Ya looked at the calm nursery rhyme in front of her, but she was a little scared in her heart. She got out of bed, unlocked the phone and honestly handed it to nursery rhyme.

Tong Yao took her mobile phone and called Xiao Yijin. The call was connected, and then someone hung up.

At this moment, Tong Yao's heart turned cold.

She has been unable to get through to Xiao Yijin's phone number since the afternoon, but she can get through to Jiang Ya's cell phone, which shows a problem, she... was blocked.

My heart feels like it has been pricked by a needle, and it hurts every now and then. My arm seems to weigh a thousand catties, and it is difficult to lift it.

Tong Yao opened WeChat to send a message to Xiao Yijin, and the page displayed: The other party has turned on friend verification, and you are not his (her) friend yet, please send a friend verification request first, and you can chat only after the other party passes the verification.

The red exclamation mark that failed to send the message, the special blink, Nursery Rhyme stared at that page, and did not move for a long time...

She even learned about the breakup from others.

Unexpectedly, such a dramatic thing happened to her.

Jiang Ya stood behind Tong Yao, looking at her like that, but didn't know what to say, she folded her hands together, nervous and uneasy.

To be honest, even if she thought about breaking up with Lin Feng, she never thought that Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao would break up so suddenly. The calmer Tong Yao was, the more worried she was...

Tong Yao opened Weibo, clicked on Xiao Yijin's Weibo page, and carefully read the breakup Weibo countless times: After friendly negotiation, Tong Yao and I formally terminated our engagement today and broke up peacefully. I hope she will be well for the rest of her life .

 The watch hit me, this is just glass shards, no abuse, definitely not!Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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