Chapter 764 Problematic Orange Juice
Compared with the chairman, Tong Yao is really calm.

Since Tongyao himself said not to talk to those reporters and media, Niu Niu's manager knew to do so, hung up the phone and turned on the airplane mode, and went happily...

The news of the breakup continued to ferment, and Xianmeng Game Company was also affected. The reporter couldn't get in touch with Xiao Yijin, so they had to contact Xianmeng Game Company to know the whole story of the breakup, but...the reply was only three words: I don't know.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yijin only felt a splitting headache, and her throat was very dry, as if it was about to catch fire.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and found that he was lying in a strange room with the lights on and the curtains drawn.

His stomach was screaming with hunger, and he didn't know how long he had slept. He opened the curtains, looked down, and found that this was the top of a building, and the door had been locked.

The phone was gone, and he didn't know how long it had been.

Before going to bed, he didn't eat anything, just drank that glass of orange juice...

So, there was something wrong with that glass of orange juice.

Sister Ting stunned him and took away his mobile phone. It must be completely chaotic outside now...

After all, Sister Ting has only one purpose, to make him break up with Yaoyao.

He dare not think about what's going on outside now, but the most important thing now is to get out.

You have to get out as soon as possible.

The door is locked, jumping under the window will undoubtedly kill you, there is no communication equipment in the house, what should I do...

what to do...

"I told you to open the door, you understand me. If you don't open the door, I'll shock you to death!" Xiao Zihan's arrogant voice came from outside the door, and Xiao Yijin walked quickly to the door and patted on it.

The four bodyguards at the door blocked the door motionlessly: "Miss, please don't embarrass us, we can't get out of the way."

"Fuck off! My second brother and my sister-in-law finally achieved the right result. If you don't let my second brother go out, my second brother will eat people after falling out of love. Will you take care of it then?" Xiao Zihan was really going to explode. Yes, but these bodyguards didn't get in at all. As soon as she took out the stun gun, she was snatched away by the bodyguard backhand. She had no room to resist at all.

When she saw the news of the breakup, she wanted to ask Xiao Yijin what happened, but then found that she couldn't get in touch with Xiao Yijin. Tong asked other people in the family, but no one was willing to tell her.

In the end, she still learned from Lao Zhang that Sister Ting wanted to force Xiao Yijin to break up with Tong Yao...

She asked Xiao Liu to check for Xiao Yijin's whereabouts, but Xiao Yijin's cell phone was not with her, so she couldn't locate it.

Today she followed Sister Ting secretly, and only after she bought off the front desk of the hotel did she find out that Xiao Yijin was locked in this room.

Originally, Xiao Zihan was a lawless person. She and Xiao Yijin were twins, so how could she bear Xiao Yijin's being wronged like this? Since she was a child, Xiao Yijin had always protected her with a knife and a heart, but now, how could she just sit idly by.

"Zi Han, it's useless for you to find me!" Xiao Yijin was really anxious, so she yelled outside.

He wanted to signal Xiao Zihan to look for nursery rhymes, and he didn't know if she could understand them, but he couldn't speak directly, because if he said it directly, Xiao Zihan would be detained directly, after all, there were all sister Ting's people outside, Xiao Zihan was no match at all.

Xiao Zihan was taken aback when she heard the voice, that's right, she should go to nursery rhyme now, and tell her that all of this was planned by Sister Ting, and it wasn't her second brother who wanted to break up at all, wouldn't that be all right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zihan turned around happily, and as soon as she turned around, she saw Sister Ting and two bodyguards standing behind her.

And then... Xiao Zihan was locked in the room next to Xiao Yijin.

(End of this chapter)

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