Chapter 766 Why Are You Blind Back then?

Everyone knows the success of Xiao's enterprise, but few people know that the person who led Xiao's enterprise on the right track was not Xiao Yao, but Yu Ting.

She has done too much behind Xiao Yao's back, so that the Xiao family has its current status in the business circle.

It's just that the company has become more and more stable in recent years, so Yu Ting can spend her days leisurely at home with peace of mind.

It's just that she didn't expect that something like Qin Yiyi would happen. If Qin Yiyi hadn't made trouble first, that matter would have been sealed forever, and she would definitely not object to the marriage between Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao.

She had no idea that Qin Yiyi's mother was one of the people who knew the inside story. If she had known about this earlier, she would never have had such close contact with the Qin family.

No, okay, this is the end of it all.

Xiao Yijin might blame her, but she never regretted what she did.

At this time, in the Feng family villa, the old man was furious: "Yaoyao, what are you talking about? Forget it? I can't just forget about it if you forget about it, old man. His Xiao family wants to engage in an engagement. If you kick people away, you really treat people as decorations?!"

"Grandpa, please calm down first. Is it worth it for this kind of thing? You let me solve it, and you will never lose face to the old man. Can I help you find the place?" Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to make him too excited, otherwise accidents are easy to happen.

Hearing the nursery rhyme's words, the old man glared, pointed at the tip of the nursery rhyme's nose, and said bitterly, "Yaoyao, is this my place? It's yours, grandpa is not worth it for you." Ah, back then that kid from the Xiao family tried his best to chase you with all his might, but now that you helped Xianmeng Game become popular, he dumped you. You said this kind of person... why were you blind back then? ?”

"Ah?" The old man's words were fresh, and the corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched lightly: "Just take those words in the news as a joke, don't take it seriously? Do you really think that Xiao Yijin is chasing after the number of players in Xianmeng? It's Mine?"

"Isn't that what those reporters said?" The old man is a very gossip person, and watching the news is just a routine operation. When he thinks about his precious granddaughter being wronged like this, the old man really can't bear it for a second. "Old Yu, listen well, contact the people in the company now, stop all cooperation with the Xiao Group, and what's more, get me the boy's room immediately and throw all his things out, immediately! Immediately!"

Old Yu was sweating coldly, but knowing that the old man was angry, he lowered his head and said, "Yes, I'll do it right away."

"Yaoyao, don't you young people have a saying that you always meet a few scumbags in your life? I see Xiao Yijin as a scumbag, and there are ten scumbags in one person. Now you see him clearly It doesn’t matter if he is a scumbag after getting married and having children, that would be even worse. Grandpa knows many young talents who are more handsome than him, so I will give it to you in another day..." The old man opened the broken Broken thoughts mode, nursery rhymes only feel a headache...

Hastily stretched out his hand to interrupt him, "Grandpa, I'm not even 19 years old yet, this blind date or something, can we talk about it in a few days..."

The old man squinted at the nursery rhyme and thought for a while. Although the nursery rhyme seemed to be fine on the surface, it must be very uncomfortable in his heart, so it is better not to sing against her for the time being. Thinking of this, the old man coughed lightly: "Okay, listen to you .”

(End of this chapter)

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