Chapter 772 The truth is so
"Can you tell me about the nursery rhyme? I really didn't know it was the boss's phone, because there are many phones of the boss's model. When the aunt brought it over, she put on a very girly phone case, so I didn't pay attention..." Xiao Liu's voice trembled after speaking...

After listening to all this, Sun Yi took a deep breath and said: "Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, and even if you don't help, she will find other people to help unlock it. I will help and tell the nursery rhyme that today's thing, thank you."

Wu Jie and Xiao Jian heard Sun Yi's voice became heavy, and they were a little confused.

Sun Yi hung up the phone, looked at the two of them, but didn't know how to speak.

"You... What did he tell you on the phone, why do you have such an expression, don't be like this, I'm a little scared." Wu Jie was used to fighting with Sun Yi, but he rarely saw such a serious expression on his face.

Putting down the phone, Sun Yi looked at the two of them, and said calmly, "That breakup Weibo was not posted by the boss, but by the boss's mother..."

"Sister Ting?" Wu Jie opened his mouth in surprise. Everyone in the dormitory knew that Xiao Yijin called her mother Sister Ting, and Sister Ting once invited people in their dormitory to dinner. She was such a talkative and gentle person. Well, Wu Jie really never thought that she would do such a thing...

"Are you going to tell nursery rhyme about this? If you tell, it will probably deepen the conflict between sister Ting and nursery rhyme, and then the possibility of the boss and nursery rhyme getting back together will be even lower..." Although Xiaojian was surprised, she was rational He is still there, after careful analysis, he thinks that this matter should be contacted with Xiao Yijin first...

Otherwise, if they make a fuss on their own initiative, the matter will be more serious.

Sun Yi stretched out his hand and patted his head, and agreed to Xiaojian's proposal. Now that the situation is so bad, it's better to wait to contact Xiao Yijin. No matter how good their relationship with Xiao Yijin is, they are not the parties involved after all, so they can't act rashly.

Walking in the school, Tong Yao felt that no matter where she went, there was Xiao Yijin's shadow in the school, always disturbing her mood from time to time, making her feel extra irritable.

In City D, Xiao Yijin, who had been in a coma for a long time, finally woke up. He opened his eyes, the sunlight was a bit dazzling, and he could vaguely hear the sound effects of the game coming from beside him...

"Little Qiao must work hard to become stronger!"

"Love and battle must go forward..."


The throat was very uncomfortable, Xiao Yijin couldn't speak for a long time, and it took a long time to cough, Xiao Zihan finally noticed him, and quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to Xiao Yijin's mouth: "Drink, drink it yourself, I want to drink it group!"

Xiao Yijin: "..."

He also wanted to drink by himself, but his hands seemed to have no strength...

After a few seconds, Xiao Zihan was knocked to death by the monkey on the other side, and finally she was willing to put down the phone, and brought the cup to Xiao Yijin's mouth, and fed him water: "Second brother, you are awake, if you sleep again, My wife probably ran away with someone."

Xiao Yijin, who was drinking water, coughed violently when she heard this.

Seeing this, Xiao Zihan immediately said with disgust: "I'm lying to you, I don't have my sister-in-law's phone number, and I haven't contacted her until now, but do you think sister Ting is crazy? Why is this suddenly To want you to break up, and to use such a strong method, when I was locked up by the bodyguard, I heard that my sister-in-law seemed to threaten our company's interests, but I couldn't figure it out..."

(End of this chapter)

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