Chapter 774 Explanation

There were many people standing at the door, and this scene was naturally seen by everyone.

Let alone passers-by, even nursery rhymes are puzzled, she has never talked to this librarian before, let him appear out of nowhere, and protect her from the rain...

Always thought it was weird.

"Isn't this a nursery rhyme? It's only been a few days since you broke up with Colonel Xiao, why did you hook up with someone else?"

"If someone breaks up, she's single. You don't care who she's with."

"It's just that I've been staring at this handsome guy for several days. I asked for WeChat several times but was rejected. Now I know why I was rejected. It turns out that he likes nursery rhymes, too... If I were a man, I would I like nursery rhymes, after all, she looks so good-looking, and the family still has money..."


The voices of everyone talking were not small, and all the nursery rhymes were naturally heard in their ears.

She frowned slightly, and then regained her composure, as if it wasn't him that those people said...

"Let's go." Tong Yao moved to the side, not planning to go with the man in front of him.

After all, it's someone she doesn't know, and he's still a man. She doesn't want to get too close to him, "No, I'll wait here for my roommate to pick me up."

"That, I'm offended." The man suddenly turned his face and said that. Before Nursery Rhyme could even react, his arm was grabbed, and the next second he was dragged forward for several steps...

Into the rain.

Nursery rhymes don't like physical contact with aliens very much. It's okay if they are familiar with people, but for unfamiliar people, the feeling of resistance is very strong.

She frowned unhappily, and was about to shake him off, but he let go first, and said coldly, "I'm sorry, I don't think you want to listen to those people's nonsense there either."

"But I don't want to hold an umbrella with a strange man either." After finishing speaking, Tong Yao turned to leave, and just as he turned his head, he saw a familiar figure standing under the stairs holding an umbrella under the rain curtain...

He just looked at her like that, his eyes calm.

Xiao Yijin...

He seems to have lost some weight, and his complexion is not very good...

The two stood in the rain and looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

After being missing for so long, you are finally willing to show up, right?

What will he say?
Will you apologize?

Would you say that there was a reason for saying those things on the phone at that time?

Will you say that he doesn't want to break up at all?

Will you explain?


When he didn't see Xiao Yijin, Tong Yao kept cursing him in various ways, but now that he saw her standing in front of him, he felt that the grievance and anger in his heart had dissipated.

"Here you are." The man beside him suddenly stuffed the umbrella into Tong Yao's hand, and strode towards the rain curtain. The rain was heavy, but he didn't seem to notice it, and kept walking without looking back.

"Ah! Colonel Xiao, you're so stupid!" A girl passing by Xiao Yijin suddenly screamed, and gradually, more and more people surrounded him.

Tong Yao stood there watching for a long time, and finally walked towards the dormitory with an umbrella in hand. Before reaching the dormitory, she met Jiang Ya who ran back to pick her up.

Jiang Ya was holding an umbrella by herself, and she was holding an umbrella in her hand. Looking at the nursery rhyme, she wondered, "Ah? Fairy, why don't you call me when you have an umbrella, and make me climb the stairs so hard to go back to get it?" umbrella."

"I'm sorry Xiaoya, I forgot just now. To make up for you, I invite you to dinner. Let's go." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she walked towards the cafeteria.

(End of this chapter)

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