Chapter 776 Are You a Fool

"Yaoyao, are you a fool?" Xiao Yijin said this in a very low voice, and he felt that even if the world thought he was going to break up with her, she should still retain a little trust.

Indeed, even though he had been imprisoned for so long, even if he knew about sister Ting's tricks, he still firmly believed that the relationship between them would not be so fragile.

But she...

Listening to Xiao Yijin's words, Tong Yao thought about everything she had experienced during this period, and she gently showed a sad smile. She stretched out her hand to push Xiao Yijin away, and said slowly, "You're right to say I'm a fool."

Picking up the bag and going out, Nursery Rhyme did not hesitate at all.

That phone call was the evidence that he wanted to break up, but now he said she was a fool?
Why should he question her again?
Jiang Ya hadn't finished her meal, but she was frightened. She wanted to go out after the nursery rhyme, but after walking a few steps, she came back and said to Xiao Yijin, "Brother Xiao, I always believed in you before, but you They broke up with her on the phone, why deny it all now? These days, nursery rhymes are hard for her, and she is going to be driven crazy by the media blocking the outside of the classroom, you know what they say about her Do you know how ugly those words are?"

"I'm just an outsider, I'm not good at commenting on your relationship, but if I were to be unilaterally broken up by my boyfriend, I guess I'd have to find someone to break his leg to calm down." After saying these words, Jiang Ya also left.

The crowd of onlookers did not disperse, and everyone pointed at Xiao Yijin.

But Xiao Yijin was thinking about what Jiang Ya said just now. He said that he broke up with Yaoyao on the phone...

That is simply impossible.

Miss Ting, what have you done?
When Jiang Ya ran back to the dormitory, Tong Yao was lying on the bed. At that time, Tong Yao told her that Xiao Yijin had broken up on the phone, so she believed it.

Otherwise, she wouldn't believe it if she was killed.

Her fairy is such a strong person, she hasn't shed a single tear in front of her since they broke up.

But now Nursery Rhyme is lying with her head covered and silent, maybe she is crying secretly, after all, she doesn't say anything, she still hopes to meet Xiao Yijin and explain the breakup thoroughly, but she didn't expect that personnel matters will come later Yes, but the conversation fell apart...

As soon as Wu Jie and the others returned to the dormitory after eating, Xiao Yijin went back.

Seeing Xiao Yijin, Sun Yi immediately told him exactly what Xiao Liu said. Xiao Yijin sat on the chair and listened to Sun Yi's words quietly, without any fluctuation in expression.

He had already guessed this matter.

Wu Jie saw that Xiao Yijin didn't respond, so he whispered again: "Boss, how are you going to coax the nursery rhymes well? It must be difficult to coax a girl like her."

"No matter how difficult it is to coax, you have to coax." Walking back from the cafeteria, Xiao Yijin had already introspected deeply. What he said just now in the cafeteria was a typical example of being incompetent...

It's just that I couldn't control it at the time.

Sister Ting has done so many things, and now she has angered Yaoyao again, and the breakup must have angered the old man.

So now my situation is even more difficult.

"By the way, Boss, that day Jiang Ya said that Boss wanted to break up the relationship with you, so we asked Xiao Liu to directly suspend the account of Keguan Boss, maybe she also counted the title on your head... ..." Wu Jie knows that for experienced game fans, not playing games for a day is simply fatal...

(End of this chapter)

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