Chapter 787 Serious Injury
Listening to the nursery rhyme, Qiao Yutong tightly clenched her fist, which reminded her of the past with Zhang Chi. If it wasn't for the nursery rhyme, she wouldn't have known Zhang Chi, and wouldn't have been coaxed into conceiving a child by Zhang Chi !
So all of this is not all because of nursery rhymes!
Thinking about what the nursery rhyme said just now, Qiao Yutong became more and more upset. Why should the nursery rhyme look down on people!
Why is she superior to others!
Why did she look at herself with such disdainful eyes!

Isn't it because of her that I met that scumbag Zhang Chi?

At school, hadn't he made himself less ugly because of her?

But why is she still a goddess, but her own situation is getting more and more embarrassing!

Just because her family is rich and powerful, don't even her friends dare to help her? !



Seeing that Tong Yao had already walked to the side of the escalator, Qiao Yutong suddenly rushed towards Tong Yao like crazy, and pushed Tong Yao's back hard!
Tong Yao, who was thinking about something, never thought that Qiao Yutong would do such a crazy move, so she was caught off guard and fell directly from the escalator!


"Someone fell!"

"Help! Call an ambulance! Someone fell!"

"Mom! A sister has fallen!"

"Come on people!"


The food city was in chaos, and Qiao Yutong looked at her trembling hands in dismay, and collapsed on the ground...

What did she just, just do...

"You guys, help me!" She came back to her senses and looked at the people who came with her, only to find that those people had already run down to the edge of the nursery rhyme.

Qiao Yutong stood up in fear, turned around and wanted to leave, but heard a man shouting: "Security! Security! It's this girl, I saw her push someone down!"

"It's not me... No, I didn't..." Qiao Yutong realized her fear the moment she was caught.


When the ambulance arrived, Tong Yao had already lost consciousness, and the blood flowed far from the back of her head, staining the beige floor red, which looked shocking, and the owner of the food court also trembled.

Nursery rhyme was taken to the hospital by the person in charge of the food city along with the ambulance.

The police asked Qiao Yutong about the nursery rhyme, but Qiao Yutong, who was already frightened, remained pale and did not speak, trembling all the time.

The family members of Tong Yao could not be contacted, so the police had to ask the witnesses around: "Does anyone know the girl who was injured just now?"

"I know, we are in the same school, I know a girl in their class, I can help to ask for the phone number of their counselor." A girl with a pale face, thinking of the picture of the nursery rhyme lying on the ground just now, she felt Scared.

"Okay, thank you." After taking photos at the scene, the police left the scene.

Before the police could contact the counselor, the school post bar exploded.

The incident of Nursery Rhyme falling from the escalator in the Food City exploded immediately.

Wu Jie and the others were addicted to the game, so they didn't see the post immediately.

On the way back from Jiang Ya and Lin Feng's dinner, the sound of WeChat messages kept ringing.

The class group, which had been dead for several days, was actually chatting in full swing. She clicked in curiously to have a look, but her eyes widened. They were talking about nursery rhymes and were seriously injured and admitted to the hospital.

seriously injured?Jiang Ya panicked, and quickly clicked on the photos. The photo of Tong Yao lying in a pool of blood made her feel cold all over. Those photos looked so terrifying. She enlarged the photo to confirm that it was Tong Yao's face... …

With trembling hands, Jiang Ya's tears flowed down at once.

Lin Feng was at a loss, wasn't he fine just now?
Why are you crying all of a sudden?
She grabbed Jiang Ya's hand and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong, Xiaoya? Why are you crying?"

(End of this chapter)

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