Chapter 792
Several people returned to the entrance of the intensive care unit. The doctor said that Nursery Rhyme's condition has improved, but he will be observed in the intensive care unit for a period of time until the situation is completely stable before being transferred to the general ward.

The old man did not expect the situation of the nursery rhyme to be so serious. Looking at a group of teenagers staring at the dark circles, the old man said to Lao Yu: "Old Yu, take these little guys to eat, and arrange them to rest in the nearby hotel first, little guys , you have worked hard, Yaoyao is very happy to have friends like you."

They didn't sleep all night, knowing that the nursery rhyme's situation had improved, Jiang Ya and the others didn't shirk it, and went to rest with Lao Yu.

After the others left, the old man hit Lao Zhang's leg with a cane: "Old Zhang, your wings are stiff? Why don't you tell me something happened yesterday?"

Lao Zhang didn't dare to hide when he was beaten, so he lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Chairman Feng."

"Grandpa Feng, I'm to blame for this..." Before Xiao Yijin finished speaking, the old man's crutch had already hit him on the buttocks, "Don't blame you? Who do you blame? Old Zhang didn't listen to you, you did it without telling me What? I didn't get to see Xiaoran for the last time. If Huan Yao's condition got worse and she suddenly left me, I couldn't see her for the last time...I'll kill you right away!" The old man's voice became louder and louder. After a while, a medical staff came over and reminded him to keep his voice down.

The old man smiled obsequiously, lowered his volume and continued: "I'll settle the score with you later, tell me first, who caused Yao Yao to be like this?"

"It was a girl from Ms. Tong's companion who pushed her down the escalator. The media just made up the news. The murderer has been detained by the police. The doctor said yesterday that Ms. Tong will be out of danger if she can survive the next 24 hours." , That's why... the young master decided to hide it from you for the time being, because he was worried that your high blood pressure would not be able to bear it." Lao Zhang was worried that his young master would continue to be beaten, so he explained by the way.

"That's all... that's all... I just hope that my Yaoyao can get better now, and I don't expect anything else." The old man received a call from the counselor early in the morning. ICU...

Fortunately, now that Yaoyao's situation has improved, he doesn't expect anything else.

As soon as Yu Ting and Xiao Yao got off the plane, they saw all kinds of news about Xiao Yijin. In the video, what Xiao Yijin said to the camera made Yu Ting feel cold.

Xiao Yao looked at Yu Ting, and said in a low voice: "I told you not to mess around. You see, even the relationship between us and our children has deteriorated. This should not be what you want to see, right?"

"But husband, you know that I did this not for myself, but for our family, do you think I'm wrong?" Yu Ting bit her lip, looking aggrieved.

Looking at her like this, Xiao Yao sighed and said: "I have been living with infinite guilt these years. I was sorry to Feng Ran before, and now I am sorry to her daughter. Sometimes I think, I really hope that I Never been to that banquet."

"You know it's impossible. It's useless for us to argue about this matter. Now let's pray that Yaoyao is okay. If something happens to her, I really can't imagine what Yijin will do..." In fact, Yu Ting was afraid in her heart, but she wanted to be strong, she didn't want to admit her mistakes, and she didn't dare to face her mistakes.

Xiao Yijin's eyes in that video made her a little scared, she had never seen Xiao Yijin like that.

(End of this chapter)

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