Chapter 802 Flattering

Xiao Yijin narrowed her eyes when she heard the words: "And then?"

Sensing Xiao Yijin's cold face, Lao Zhang immediately added: "But he never said that he wanted to pursue Miss Tong, and they almost never talked alone, and Chu Ye never asked Miss Tong, so everything is still under control within range."

"He's not important, what's important is Yaoyao's attitude." What makes Xiao Yijin feel annoyed is that this Chu Ye has a paralyzed face, and has always been a good example of a student, and he doesn't make people bored or conflicted when doing things. , he is using all kinds of little things in life... to invade Yaoyao's life little by little.

Maybe he doesn't say anything, but as time goes by, Yaoyao will get used to his presence.

There is really a set.

Maybe this guy also did his homework, knowing that if he approached Yaoyao with a purpose, he would be rejected, so he chose this way.

Lao Zhang naturally knew that this Chu Ye was different from those boys who appeared around nursery rhymes in the past, but now he couldn't talk about troublesome things to make his young master a headache, so he said, "Master, you know Miss Tong's temper, even It took so long for an outstanding person like you to impress her, and Miss Tong wouldn't care about Chu Ye's trivial matters."

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin slightly raised her eyebrows: "Old Zhang, why didn't I realize that you are good at flattering?"

Old Zhang smiled guilty: "Young master, thank you, thank you, so now, are we going to find that Chu Ye?"

"No, I'll go back to the company first and let our people protect Yaoyao." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she stretched and walked over.

The nursery rhyme in the ward heard the two people's footsteps going away, she picked up the review outline left by Xiao Yijin, and sighed softly, she didn't know how accurate this guy was this time, but now she can only A dead horse is treated like a living horse.

After reading the book for a while, Nursery Rhyme felt dizzy and dizzy. I closed my eyes and wanted to rest my mind for a while, when I heard the mobile phone’s WeChat reminder beeping non-stop.

When I opened it, I found that the sect group was very lively.

You Yun: Is everyone's exams coming to an end?Let's make an appointment close to the imperial capital, let's go see the guest official boss!
Altman Dijia: Although I'm not close here, but in order to meet the guest officer, I plan to go out to beg for food now, and I should be able to walk there at the appointed time.

Tears of Allure: If you can go, tell me what day you finished the exam, and everyone will agree on a time.

Three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation: I am free, anyway, it has been a long time since I finished the college entrance examination, and I am free anytime.

Wu Jie: You all have to come, I don't want you to see my all-powerful face.

You Yun: Don't be disgusting, you can only fall in love with you if you are drunk and blind. We are not blind, we have good eyesight...


Nursery rhyme lay on the bed watching them chatting, inexplicably began to itch...

It seemed like she hadn't played games for many days, and the doctor didn't even look happy for her to go to the exam, let alone let her play games.

Although that guy Du Chuan said that he would help him with power leveling tasks every day, but what he did was also a large-scale task. With so many small accounts, she didn’t use her books, dig medicinal materials, ore, or cut trees. How much is the loss?

It hurts to think about it.

It feels like the days without playing games, the soul is incomplete.

She was in a daze when the phone started vibrating again. She looked down and felt itchy when she saw the content.

(End of this chapter)

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