Chapter 808 Guilty Guilty
In order to prevent Wu Jie from going crazy, the nursery rhyme immediately changed the subject: "Ah, little bitch, has there been any big gossip in the game recently? I don't have time to play games in the hospital these days, can you tell me about it?"

"Isn't the big gossip sitting in front of you?" Xiaojian instinctively said such a sentence, and then realized that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately changed his words: "Yes, it is the Lich King, yes, yes, it is the Lich King who was exposed It's quite lively to come out and meet with many female netizens at the same time, um, yes..."

Looking at the atmosphere tonight, Tong Yao concluded that Wu Xiaojie and Du Chuan must have something to do!
But in front of Wu Jie, she couldn't ask, because sometimes this kid's heart is really fragile. If she accidentally scares away the person Du Chuan finally abducted, it would be a crime. up.

"Oh, by the way, Ultraman and the others said they will come to see you next Monday, how do you plan to entertain them?" Sun Yi sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately changed the subject.

The nursery rhyme echoed: "I haven't figured it out yet, why can't I take them to climb the Great Wall? My current physical condition is as weak as Lin Daiyu."

"I heard that several sisters from our sect are coming, by the way, Shishi is coming too!" Wu Jie said suddenly, and he seemed quite excited like that.

Du Chuan turned his head and saw that Wu Jie was grinning almost to the back of his ears, so he asked, "Who is Shishi?"

Sun Yi immediately replied: "A girl with a loli voice in our sect, many boys in the sect like to hear her sing "I Want to Hug", "Little Waist" and so on..."

"Yes, yes, her loli voice is really amazing..." Wu Jie went to pick up the food in his own bowl to eat as he spoke, and his face flushed red: "Fuck, who is in my bowl?" Put millet pepper in it, oh my god, my god!"

Tong Yao and the others saw through everything and laughed at the same time...

After dinner, Xiao Yijin wanted to go for a walk with Tong Yao, but Lao Yu followed the old man's order and stood guard at the door, so he had no chance at all.

Watching Lao Yu and Tong Yao go downstairs, Sun Yi stepped forward and patted Xiao Yijin on the shoulder: "Hey, Boss, don't look at it. The future will be long, and if you look at it again, it will become a wife-watching stone."

Xiao Yijin turned her head and glanced at Sun Yi when she heard the words: "If you still want the gold material, just tease me."

"Boss, spare your life! Boss, spare your life! The younger one will leave first." Sun Yi walked shoulder to shoulder with Wu Jie and the others, and Xiao Yijin was the last to leave the hotel.

In the car, Old Zhang said coolly, "Master, there is something that I think I need to tell you, because Ms. Tong may be involved."

"Say." Xiao Yijin looked away from the phone, stretched out her hand to press the center of her eyebrows, feeling a little tired.

"The Tong family's company has recently experienced a big financial loophole, cash flow difficulties, and business problems. I guess that Tong Shuo may come to the capital to look for Miss Tong in the past few days." Old Zhang said in a low voice.

"It's not a guess, it's a definite meeting. Help me keep an eye on the Tong family's movements. I won't go to the company these days. There's nothing important, so don't bother me." Nursery rhymes meet, but in the game, then he can't stop himself.

After returning home, Xiao Yijin logged into the game after washing up, checked the coordinates of Nursery Rhyme, and then teleported there. As soon as she passed, she saw Tong Yao wandering in the bamboo forest with a very poorly dressed trumpet.

(End of this chapter)

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