Chapter 810

Tong Yao was injured and hospitalized, so he naturally didn't have the mind to play the game for a few days, and most of the time he lost his account to Xiao Liu for training.

But why haven't I seen it for a few days, and I feel that this fairy dream is not the game I was familiar with?
Especially his rumors...

In the past, she would not easily go to fame and say who to kill, but now it is better, because of that novice Xiaobai, she actually became popular and chased and killed herself in the wild?

What kind of rhetoric did that kid use to trick his wife?
"Master, that..." Lao Zhang came in with a contract. As soon as he came in, he saw that their boss's game page was black and white, and it was written in the lower right corner: You have been killed by the guest officer!

cough cough...

Lao Zhang felt that he came at a bit of an untimely time, but the contract matter could not be delayed, so he just had to bite the bullet and say, "Master, the contract, can you see if there is any problem?"

"Leave it alone, I'll watch it later." Xiao Yijin is now fully focused on that Cang Haiyixiao, and there is no time to take care of other things.

When Yaoyao goes offline, he will definitely clean up this game Xiaobai.

"Okay." Putting down the contract, Lao Zhang turned and walked out.

After walking into the living room, he shook his head silently. He originally thought that the young master would mature after going through these things, but now it seems... He will easily lose his mind whenever he gets jealous, and the situation seems to be getting worse.

It's just that this is not in his consideration, he just needs to keep an eye on Tong's actions.

In the villa, Tong Yao avenged the old man, so he stretched his waist and said, "Grandpa, I'm a little tired, and I get a headache after playing for a long time. You can level up and fight wild monsters yourself. When you meet popular people, you must avoid them." Come on, if someone provokes you, please report my name, remember?"

I played for several hours in a row today, and the injury hasn't completely healed yet. Nursery Rhyme feels a little uncomfortable in the head.

The old man said without turning his head: "I know, I know, just report your name if you have something to do, you can go to rest, Yaoyao, it's just a small game, and it won't trouble your grandpa."

Although I got the answer from the old man, the nursery rhyme still feels unreliable.

Stretching, she took Xiaobao upstairs.

The old man was wandering around on the map by himself. It was the first time he played this kind of large-scale online game on the computer at this age, and he felt that everything was extremely novel.

Passing by a wasteland, a group of people stood together, and they didn't know what they were doing. The old man felt a little curious, so he typed on a nearby channel: "Everyone, what are you doing here?"

Many players were waiting for the world boss to refresh. When they saw the old man's words, they knew that he was a newcomer, so someone explained: "A newcomer, right? We are waiting for the world boss to refresh. This wave of bosses at night will drop gold materials." most likely."

A female player saw that the old man was only in his twenties, but the powerful Peugeot in front of his name was slaying the world, so she kindly added: "New kid, this is the time when the major sects are robbing the boss. If you don't want to be affected, you can Get a little farther away."

But she was also a little bit guilty in her heart, when did Shi Tianxia accept such a small number, could this be a related account?

This boss can only pick up the materials from the first team to open monsters, and the team distributes the materials picked up by throwing. The old man doesn't understand this, but he has already passed his sixtieth year, and someone still calls him a kid, which feels very strange It's weird, I feel like I've suddenly become younger.

(End of this chapter)

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