Chapter 816 Powerful beauty filter

"She looks better in real life than in the photos, but the injury doesn't seem to be healed yet, and the gauze on the back of her head hasn't been removed yet!"

"It's really thin, but it's so white that it shines."


After all, the server where Nursery Rhyme is on is the most popular server in Xianmeng. Naturally, there are not a few players in the imperial capital. Seeing someone posting this news on the World Channel, many people began to agree.

"Wow? An anchor like her actually goes to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet. Why doesn't she play at home?"

"What's wrong with going to an Internet cafe? You didn't read the news. That national husband also went to an Internet cafe to play games!"

"Which Internet cafe is it? Report the location, we also want to have a face-to-face meeting with the goddess!"

"I also want to know if the goddess died in light!"

"I want to see with my own eyes what a woman who can play around with the founder of Xianmeng Game!"


"I envy those of you who are in the imperial capital, I may not have that good luck."


The nursery rhyme has just been published, and it has been switched to the team channel, so I haven't seen the information on the world channel.

She had just quit the team when she saw someone send a voice transmission: "This server's god guest officer can't be in the fast Internet cafe, come here if you want to meet the goddess!"

Fast internet cafe?
What the fuck?

Tong Yao grabbed the earphones off, stood up and looked, and found that several pairs of eyes around her were staring at her.

She didn't expect that she would be recognized by people just by using the air conditioner. She she already that popular?
36 plan, the best policy is to walk, what if someone really comes to the Internet cafe to look for her?
When the time comes to turn someone's Internet cafe into a fan meeting, won't it affect their business very much.

"Guest officer, it's really you! Can I take a photo with you?" A boy rushed over with his mobile phone in his arms, his face wrinkled all over with a smile.

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched, and it was not very good to refuse, so she nodded: "Okay."

The straight male photo mode is extremely scary.

The front lens of Apple's original camera is still from a sweet angle. If it weren't for the nursery rhyme's good looks, I don't know what this photo would look like...

"Guest officer, you are really beautiful, I'll get you a card right away!" The boy happily ran away with his mobile phone in his hand.

Nursery rhyme is speechless, this fake fan!
She didn't even apply for a card in her live broadcast room yet, and dared to come and ask for a group photo!
Dayu tilted his head to look at Tong Yao's gloomy little face, lowered his head and chuckled, got up and said, "I think we might have to go to other places to use the air conditioner, otherwise this place will be surrounded soon."

"This shouldn't be enough, I'm not that popular yet..." Nursery rhyme finished speaking, and many people came in one after another at the door, men and women, of all ages.

As soon as a chubby girl saw the nursery rhyme, she stood up and jumped up, her whole body trembling: "Guest officer, I can see you, I like you so much! I'm you I really like you so much! I was studying in other provinces and just came back from the exam. I didn’t expect to see you in person. Can we take a photo together?"

The girl was so enthusiastic that the nursery rhymes were a bit overwhelming: "Okay, okay..."

"Come on, I've chosen the stickers, handsome guy, help me!" The girl happily opened the big eyes and thin face of the phone filter to the maximum, and then stuffed the phone into the hand of Dayu who was watching the fun...

Dayu took it with a smile. When he saw the nursery rhyme in the camera that had been distorted by the terrible filter, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. The nursery rhyme's eyes were already big, but they were messed up by the big-eyed filter. , I am about to become an alien...

(End of this chapter)

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