Chapter 823 59 points

Dayu's footsteps paused: "I know, so I cut it first and played it later, sorry."

After the words fell, Dayu left first, Tong Yao leaned on the railing, thoughtful.

And the scene just now happened to be photographed by the candid photographer Lao Zhang, and he sent it to Xiao Yijin without fear of death.

Xiao Yijin was already angry enough, but when she saw this photo, she immediately exploded.

He dialed Tong Yao's phone number, and it took a long time before he heard Tong Yao's lazy voice on the other end of the phone: "Hello."

Xiao Yijin: "Tongyao, do you want to piss me off!"

The irritable voice startled the nursery rhyme, "Xiao Yijin, are you sick!"

Xiao was already jumping with anger, but when he heard the words of the nursery rhyme, he became even angrier: "I haven't left for a day, and you went out with other men! Are you so eager to get rid of me?"

Compared to Xiao Yijin's impatience, Tong Yao was very calm, "Xiao Yijin, did you send someone to follow me?"

"I asked him to protect you, not to follow you! I just happened to see you flirting with other men!" After saying these words, Xiao Yijin felt that her words were a bit inappropriate, but the scene just now was not Is it just flirting?

That Dayu actually touched his wife's head with his hand!
Hearing the words flirting and cursing, the nursery rhyme immediately became angry: "Xiao Yijin, what is my relationship with you now? Even if I am flirting with someone, what does it have to do with you!"

It's unreasonable for this stinky man to put hats on others without knowing the situation!
After the words fell, Tong Yao hung up the phone directly, and turned off the phone by the way.

Every time she wanted to explain, Xiao Yijin would always say something that would piss her off.

If you don't treat him well, will he go against the sky?
"Grandpa, I'm going back first." Originally, I wanted to watch the meteor shower, but now I lost interest.

Dayu watched her leave, his eyes hard to hide his disappointment.

The old man shouted in the direction where Tong Yao left: "Yao Yao, wait a minute, I'll ask Lao Yu to take you back."

Old Yu who was standing aside heard this and quickly ran out following the nursery rhyme.

After sending the nursery rhymes home, Lao Yu went back to pick up the old man.

After playing the game, Nursery Rhyme felt that there was nowhere to vent his anger, so he reported to the battlefield and abused vegetables in the battlefield.

As a result, many trumpets who won the first battle have a shadow on the battlefield, and dare not go in, because they are unlucky and will not be in the same camp as Nursery Rhyme, and then they will be severely abused by her.

Soon, players on the World Channel began to complain.

"Give me a way out, Mr. Guest Officer, we just want to win the first game!"

"That's right, guest officer boss, please let us go!"

"Brother guest officer, who is this that has offended you old man? Can you kill him? Soon the battlefield will be closed, and I haven't won my first victory yet!"


Altman couldn't help but find it funny when he saw people crying and howling in the world, so he spoke on the sect channel: "Guest officer, why are you so angry today?"

Three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation: "Is there any need to talk about it? It must be the lovesick boss who offended her."

Wu Jie: "Hey, our boss is really trying to kill himself."

You Yun: "I'm angry, why did you fail three subjects in the final exam! And I think the professor has a grudge against me, and gave me 59!"

Seeing You Yun's message, Tong Yao smiled unkindly: "It's nice to hear and see, 59!"

Xiaojian: "By the way, sir, have you checked your grades?"

(End of this chapter)

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