Chapter 831
This kid has a problem, this kid has a problem.

What kind of ecstasy soup did he pour into Yaoyao? Yaoyao is so indifferent to herself, but hangs around with the kid all day long.

A man can't stand it!

Xiao Yijin didn't feel this way before, but now, he actually felt a sense of crisis.

This Canghai laughed, what is the origin.

No, he had to look it up.

At this time, the nursery rhyme is still taking the old man to write the book, saying that it is taking the old man to write the book, but in fact the old man didn't even touch the monster.

In the end, the old man couldn't take it anymore, so he asked, "Yaoyao, how is my current equipment?"

Tong Yao looked at the old man's dungeon purple outfit, and replied solemnly: "Very good, equipment for the strong, as long as you upgrade the level, you will definitely be a master in the future."

The old man believed it was true: "Since I'm so powerful now, you have to let me fight a few monsters to practice, otherwise I will wear such good equipment for nothing."

Nursery rhyme: "Go to Xinghualin, the wild monsters there can let you practice your skills, come on, grandpa."

The old man is usually very busy with work, so he didn't have much time to play games. He just played it for a few days. It's just a novelty, so let him be a happy scenery party. Don't let him recharge the money, otherwise the situation will be under control Can't stop.

The old man carried his sword and went to the Xinghua Forest humming a ditty. There were many wild monsters in the Xinghua Forest, and many monkeys and wild boars ran on the ground.

Looking at his equipment happily, the old man raised his hand and slashed a few times at a little monkey beside him. Unexpectedly, he was killed so quickly. He couldn't help laughing until his eyes narrowed. It seemed that he It is now among the ranks of great gods.

Moreover, the wild monsters here have a chance to be subdued after being killed. Many girls like to swipe cute wild monsters to play with, such as little monkeys or little foxes.

The old man was slapping, and when he saw the word "retainable" appearing on the top of the little monkey's head, he chased after it.

In just ten minutes, they caught several monkey babies and wild boar babies with very rubbish qualifications, and then complacently sent messages to show off with nursery rhymes.

Nursery rhyme was typing difficult books with other people while chatting with the old man. Originally, he wanted to dislike the old man, but in order not to disturb the old man's source of happiness, he had to hold back and typed: "Grandpa, the white tiger in the apricot blossom forest It can be ridden, you can try it.”

Seeing this information, the old man's eyes lit up, riding a tiger?

Can have this!

With a new goal, the old man finally gave up catching monkeys and wild boars, and began to search for the white tiger all over the woods.

At this time, Xiao Yijin, who had checked the old man's real name information, was in a mess.

The account showed that Cang Haiyixiao's real age was actually 25 years old. He checked this person's occupation by the way, and he was an ordinary employee of Feng's Winery.

This's very ordinary...

He looks silly with glasses on.

Yaoyao just neglected herself because of this kid?
Feng's Liquor... the old man's company, could it be the guy that the old man met when he took Yaoyao to the company?

It's too much for the old man to separate Yaoyao from him. Did he introduce people to Yaoyao casually?Anyway, choose someone who is on par with you, why are you so anxious to introduce all kinds of crooked melons and cracked dates indiscriminately?
I have to say that Xiao's brain is too big...

(End of this chapter)

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