Chapter 834

"Xiao Liu, Mr. Feng is here." A girl said mysteriously.

Xiao Liu was taken aback, and stretched out his hand to grab the chicken coop-like hair, "Which Mr. Feng?"

"Which other old man Feng is there, the grandfather of nursery rhymes." The girl just finished speaking, and the smile on Xiao Liu's face froze.

He tiptoed to look inside, and saw the old man sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face.

It looked terrifying.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of noise about the relationship between their boss and the nursery rhyme. It is best to avoid suspicion now. This old man Feng is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Thinking of this, Xiao Liu turned around and left without handing in the documents, slipping away faster than anyone else.

At this time, Xiao Yan who was sitting in the office could be said to be on pins and needles. He squinted at the old man sitting on the sofa, not knowing what to say.

The old man just sat there with a gloomy face and didn't speak.

But even so, Xiao Yan was still in a cold sweat.

It would be fine if the old man made it clear, but he didn't say anything, which is really confusing.

I don't know how long it took, but the old man finally said, "Xiao Yan, should the client of your game be maintained?"

Xiao Yan was taken aback, but he didn't expect the old man to suddenly mention this, so he said honestly: "Grandpa Feng, the client side of our game will be shut down for maintenance every week."

"Oh? It means there is no problem?" The old man raised his mustache, and his eyes made Xiao Yan inexplicably guilty.

"No, um, there are still minor bugs, but at most they are map bugs or something that doesn't affect the game experience." Xiao Yan wiped his sweat silently. Why is this old man so busy today, and he even came to the company to guide him in his work? coming.

"Then what do you mean, there is no such thing as a problem with the divorce system?" the old man asked again.

Xiao Yan didn't know Xiao Yijin's tricks, so he answered honestly: "This kind of problem doesn't exist, the relationship system of this fairy dream game is very complete, I assure you that there will never be such a problem. "

"Oh? Is that so? That brat Xiao Yijin is fooling me, the old man!" The old man angrily knocked on the floor with his cane. Ruo Yao doesn't want a divorce.

Listening to the old man's words, Xiao Yan immediately realized the old man's intentions. For a long time, it was Xiao Yijin who locked the relationship between Nursery Rhyme and him, which prevented the two from divorcing.

But the old man is really amazing, he even came to the company specially for the divorce of the game.

The old man glanced at Xiao Yan who was sweating profusely, and said coolly, "Who cares about divorce and marriage in your company?"

Xiao Yan was taken aback, and replied instinctively: "Isn't the Civil Affairs Bureau responsible for divorce and marriage?"

He was overworked after speaking. The old man was talking about the game, so he immediately added: "Department of Technology, I'll take you there right away, please."

"Hmph." The old man snorted coldly, got up and walked out.

The onlookers outside immediately retreated.

Xiao Liu sat in the office and looked out the door in fear, fearing that the old man would kill him directly, Goudan walked up and down on the table, and muttered: "Goudan will soon be a single parent, so pitiful!"

"..." Xiao Liu listened to Goudan's terrible Mandarin and directly forced him to shut down.

(End of this chapter)

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