Chapter 841 Slip fast enough
After sitting for a while, the nursery rhyme couldn't take it anymore, and turned to Jiang Ya, "Xiaoya, why did I come to welcome new students? I'm not a member of the student union either?"

Jiang Ya heard the words, and said mysteriously, "When our school posted this enrollment information on Weibo before, it posted your photo on it. Now you are one of the labels of our school. There are so many The elementary school brother is all here for you, you have to come and show your face!"

"..." Tong Yao looked hopeless, took a look at Jiang Ya's phone, and indeed saw a photo of her, with a few words written on it: I'm waiting for you at Hangda University!
And there is also a photo of Xiao Yijin on it, and the words that were written on the nursery rhyme.

"I'm not a big star, there are so many people coming after me, don't make trouble, the boss of my world is about to be refreshed, I want to go back and lead the team to fight for the boss!" After Tong Yao finished speaking, she stood up. I'm leaving.

Then the senior sister at the side said, "Nursery rhyme, are you sure you want to leave? I think senior Xiao is here too, and if he is targeted by countless freshman girls, don't you care?"

Hearing this, the corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched slightly, "No, I don't care."

If he was abducted by the elementary school girl so easily, then what's the use of such a person, it's better to get rid of him as soon as possible.

But at this time, someone Xiao who was sitting not far away had his eyes locked on Tong Yao.

If someone hadn't informed that Tong Yao had come to attend the orientation, he, a senior senior, wouldn't need to come and sit here. After all, the orientation was a matter for sophomore and junior student cadres, and had nothing to do with him.

But before, under the official school blog, many ignorant children confessed to his wife.

So, he had to come and watch.

"Senior, it's really hard work. You are so busy and still find time to help welcome the new students." A sophomore junior said with a smile.

Xiao Yijin nodded absently: "It should, it should."

As soon as the words fell, I saw a boy dragging a suitcase rushing towards Tong Yao. If Jiang Ya hadn't blocked it in time, that guy would have hugged Tong Yao like an octopus!
Nursery rhyme was also really taken aback. She raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat off her forehead and said, "Hi, classmate, this is your freshman handbook."

"Guest officer, I really like you so much! I applied to Hangda University because of you. I didn't expect to see you when I first entered the campus. I am so happy!"

"Guest officer, you have already broken up with Yicun Xiangsi, right?"

"Would you like to know more about Lively Little Fresh Meat?"

"Would you like to know more about the super cutie?"

"Do you want to know more about the little whirlwind in the stadium?"


Jiang Ya was shocked, she never expected that there would be such an enthusiastic little fan.

The boy kept looking at himself crazily, but he didn't see an angry person approaching beside him, and then a cool voice floated over: "Do you want to know more about fists the size of sandbags?"

Hearing this, the boy was taken aback for a moment, but when he turned his head, he saw Xiao Yijin's chin. He raised his head slightly, his eyes paused on Xiao Yijin's face for a few seconds, and then he stammered, "Hi, Acacia... God of Acacia, what a coincidence... That... I remembered that I still have something to do, I'm leaving first, goodbye, goodbye..."

Dragging the suitcase, the boy slipped away in a second.

Who knew that I would meet Yicun Acacia in this place, it doesn't look so cold in the photo, just now that look looks like it wants to eat people, it's really scary.

But he firmly believes that as long as he runs fast enough, Yicun Xiangsi won't remember his face!
 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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