Chapter 845

But Xiao Yijin's wechat had set permissions, so they couldn't add it, so they started sending text messages to Xiao Yijin.

For this kind of text messages, Xiao Yijin has always regarded them as spam messages and never read them.

That night, while he was sleeping, another text message from an unknown number came in. He didn't read the text message, but thought of another thing.

He has received so many text messages, does it mean that Yaoyao has received more text messages?

After all, she seems to have many fans.

When thinking of this matter, Xiao Yijin thought of Chu Ye, and then couldn't fall asleep.

Lying on the bed tossing and turning, the more she couldn't sleep, the more she missed her. Xiao Yijin sent a text message to Tong Yao: "Yao Yao, there is a new crayfish restaurant in the food city. I heard that the taste is very good. How about we go eat tomorrow?"

Nursery rhyme: "I won't go, I have a shadow on Food City."

Seeing this, Xiao Yijin patted herself on the head, he was really funny, Yaoyao had such a big incident in the food city, naturally she didn't want to go there.

He even said that he was going to the Food City...

I was really made to cry by myself.

After a pause, Xiao Yijin sent another message: "Then what do you want to eat? I'll take you to eat."

Nursery rhyme: "It's too hot, I really don't want to go out, so let's go."

In fact, Xiao Yijin found so many reasons because he just missed her, but he couldn't say those three words.

At this moment, Xiao Yijin realized that the relationship between them seemed to have really changed.

Sitting up from the bed with her mobile phone in hand, Xiao Yijin realized that he couldn't wait like this any longer. If this continued, the distance between him and the nursery rhyme would be further and further away.

Anyway, he had made up his mind a long time ago, no matter what the outcome of Sister Ting's incident was, he would not give up on her, so why should he be so passive now.

If you really wait until someone takes advantage of it, it will be too late.

He wants to chase her back again, just like before.

On the third day, Tong Yao was forced by Niu Niu to participate in an official event. Because the contract stipulated that it was impossible not to participate in some activities, so Tong Yao tidied up after class and went to the event site with a sad face.

Displeasure written all over his face.

Because it was short notice, not many fans knew about it, which led to the on-site support of Nursery Rhyme not being as large as that of other anchors, which made other fans take pictures and laugh at Nursery Rhyme on Weibo.

Talk about a hot female anchor, but that's all.

Tong Yao didn't care about these things at first. After she entered the backstage, Niu Niu saw that she came here with light makeup on, and she didn't even change her hairstyle and clothes, so she said with a headache: "Miss, it's an official event after all. , let's...can we take it seriously?"

"I've paid attention to it, I didn't see that I put on makeup." Niu Niu was speechless at Tong Yao's words, so he went to invite someone to come over and clean up Tong Yao.

Not long after the nursery rhyme arrived, Xiao Yijin arrived. On such an occasion, how could he not come and watch.

Originally, Xiao Yijin, a young and big money owner, was glamorous in the eyes of those anchors, and the two had broken up not long ago, but now Xiao Yijin is single.

Moreover, it was rumored that Xiao Yijin liked girls who looked young, so this newly popular anchor had Xiao Yijin's idea because he was still somewhat attractive.

Normally she would not have the chance to meet Xiao Yijin, but this time she finally met, she couldn't miss it, so she walked over with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, hello, I am a friend of the guest officer, my name is Qingqing."

"En." Xiao Yijin thought she was really a friend of Nursery Rhyme, so she nodded politely without stopping.

Jingjing saw Xiao Yijin's indifference, but she didn't give up. She grabbed her hair on purpose and continued, "Mr. Xiao, I saw the guest officer just now. She has really beautiful makeup. I don't think she brought any staff with her. It should be her." Make it up, I really envy her for having such good craftsmanship, like I'm so stupid, I don't wear makeup unless I'm on camera, and I don't even wear sunscreen when I go out."

Xiao Yijin only wanted to find nursery rhymes at this time, and she was a little impatient at first, but now when she heard this woman say these nonsense words, she suddenly felt that she was extremely mentally retarded, so she said angrily: "Oh, then you really can't bask in the sun, you are so shameless!" It must be thick, right?"

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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