Chapter 853

The car slowly stopped a few meters away from the old man. Tong Yao opened the car door and walked down. He said with a flattering smile, "Grandpa, good evening, do you want to come out for a while?"

The old man raised his beard, and stopped beside Xiao Yijin's seat, and then knocked on the car window with his crutch: "Boy, come down for me, don't be a coward for me."

Xiao Yijin got out of the car obediently, and stood beside the car with her hands folded, like a primary school student waiting to be punished for doing something wrong.

The old man looked at him like this, and the more he looked at him, the more angry he became: "High-profile reunion? Doting on your wife with strength? Reunion after a broken mirror?"

Thinking of those press releases tonight, the old man became angry, especially his family rumors, who were not up to date at all. After being wronged like that, he still broke up with this kid, how could he let it go!
After listening to the old man's words, Xiao Yijin naturally understood the meaning of the old man's words, so she said, "Grandpa Feng, I will deal with Yao Yao properly, please give me another chance?"

"Yaoyao, go in!" The old man turned his head to look at nursery rhyme, his tone was rarely serious.

Tong Yao understands that he is really angry.

After glancing at Xiao Yijin, Tong Yao turned around and walked towards the door.

"Stinky boy, how did you promise me before? You said you would protect Yaoyao forever, but look at what has become now? If Yaoyao didn't stop you, I would have settled with your Xiao family long ago! I think Give all my love to Yaoyao, and I will make up for the pain she has suffered in Tong's family for more than ten years, but what about you?" Speaking of this, the old man's body began to tremble.

He panted violently, and he took a long time to calm down before continuing: "At this age, I am full of problems. I don't know when I will leave Yaoyao. I don't want much. I just want to find Yaoyao. A person who can protect her for life, I thought you were before, but now I think I was wrong, with a mother like that, how could Yaoyao live a safe and happy life if she married you?"

The old man's words pierced Xiao Yijin's heart like a knife, and it hurt, but he couldn't refute it.

"Boy, let's go. I'm getting old and I can't stand the trouble. I just hope you don't come to disturb my life with Yaoyao in the future. Please tell Yu Ting that no matter what she is targeting Yaoyao for, this This is the first and last time, if there is a next time, I will never let it go, I am indeed old, but it is still more than enough to deal with your Xiao family, you let Yu Ting weigh a little by herself." After the words, the old man leaned on crutches slowly Walked slowly back into the house.

He pushed open the door and saw Tong Yao standing by the door, but he was not surprised at all.

Stretching out her hand and gently holding Tong Yao's hand, Tong Yao looked at the old man's face full of vicissitudes, but at this moment she couldn't say a word.

Xiao Yijin stood outside the door and fought for a long time.

Looking at his back, Lao Zhang couldn't help but feel a little distressed. He could understand what the old man did, and even more understand how he wanted to protect the nursery rhyme, but their young master...

It's really hard.

The old man's health is indeed not as good as before, so he cherishes the days with Tong Yao very much. He lost Feng Ran, and Tong Yao is all he has now.


Ma'am, do you know what you have done?

Do you think if you let them separate, everything will be peaceful?

No, you are wrong.

If you do this, it will only make the old man suspicious. If the old man finds out any clues, not only will the young master and nursery rhyme not be able to reconcile, but the Xiao family will also face a huge disaster.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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