Chapter 860 Escape
After hanging up for a second, the phone rang again. The ringtone made his thoughts extra irritable. He picked up the phone and said, "Hello."

Xiao Yan: "Yijin, where are you? Mom committed suicide!"

Xiao Yijin: "Perhaps she will be happy if you force me to death."

After saying this, Xiao Yijin hung up the phone, the elevator arrived, he walked into the elevator, and closed the elevator door.

The old man was discharged from the hospital the next day, but Tong Yao still took three days off from school to take care of the old man at home.

The tone said she was asking for leave, rather than escaping, she didn't want to go to school, or the place where their memories were everywhere.

Xiao Yijin stayed in front of the computer for a day and a night, but did not see the nursery rhyme online.

Nursery rhyme has become silent, not talkative anymore, just accompany the old man to watch TV and walk the dog all day long, not even touching his favorite fairy dream.

The name Xiao Yijin has become a taboo in this family.

The old man didn't say anything, and neither did Lao Yu.

On the last day of the three-day vacation, the person in charge of the student union called. He didn't want to answer the nursery rhyme at first, but he thought that he had promised others before. It's not good to miss the appointment at this time, so he answered the phone: "Hello .”

A girl's brisk voice came from the phone: "Hello Nursery Rhyme, I'm Wu You, we met, I'll go to your class to find you, did I hear you asked for leave? I'm here to remind you about Saturday The welcome party, I'm afraid you will forget."

Nursery rhyme: "Oh, I didn't forget, I'll be there on time."

Wu You: "Okay, excuse me then, see you on Saturday, goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Nursery Yao slumped lazily on the sofa, and the old man said to Xiaobao, "Yaoyao, you can't hide from going to school for the rest of your life, or if you really don't want to go, then... Grandpa will give you How about applying to a foreign school?"

"Who are you lying to? You want me to watch over you every day and send me abroad? Do you believe it yourself? I have nothing to escape, and I didn't do anything to offend him." After the nursery rhyme finished speaking, Get up and put on your slippers and go upstairs.

The old man lay on the sofa and watched her without speaking, but sighed softly.

When Saturday came, Lao Yu knew that the nursery rhyme was going to be performed, so he arranged for the makeup and hairdresser to come to the house in advance, and arranged everything properly...

Nursery rhyme has long been used to Lao Yu's thoughtfulness, so he smiled and said, "Uncle Yu, don't you feel that you are at a disadvantage when you have to do the work of so many people for only one salary?"

"Then listen to this, does the lady mean to give me a raise?" Lao Yu smiled, and said to the stylist who was busy, "Why didn't the cameraman come? Aren't you together?"

The stylist smiled: "He's already here, in the car outside."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Nursery Rhyme said speechlessly, "I'm going to sing, not to act, so I don't need to shoot."

Upon hearing this, Lao Yu reached out and patted Tong Yao's shoulder: "Miss, just listen to me, and you will thank me in the future."

"Cut." Glancing at Lao Yu with distaste, after packing up everything, nursery rhyme said goodbye to the old man and went out.

The party started at 06 o'clock, and the nursery rhyme ended at 30:[-]. The people at the scene were stunned when they saw her come in.

What Nursery Rhyme is doing today is an ancient costume appearance. From the shape to the costumes, they are impeccable. It looks like the kind of costumes that go to the party on TV.

In comparison, the other people who were preparing here suddenly looked a bit shabby.

(End of this chapter)

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