Chapter 868 Not Intentional

"You said she was drugged? Then how do I know if the person who drugged her is you! Let her go, and I'll send her there!" Zhuang Yi kept on playing the nursery rhyme, and then began to shout out at the top of his voice : "Yijin! Yijin! You fucking hurry up!"

"You don't believe me, and I don't believe you either." Chu Ye didn't know Zhuang Yi at all, and naturally he wouldn't hand over the nursery rhymes to him. The atmosphere between the two became tense!
At this moment, Xiao Yijin came in from the outside, saw that something was wrong with the nursery rhyme, strode up to her, held her face in her hands, and asked in a trembling voice, "Yaoyao, what's wrong with you?"

Tong Yao heard Xiao Yijin's voice in a daze, she opened her eyes slightly, and whispered a word: "Hot."

"I'll take her to the hospital, you two let go." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, Zhuang Yi let go first, but Chu Ye still didn't let go, Zhuang Yi quickly said to him: "Hurry up and let go, she is in this situation There can be no delay."

Chu Ye still didn't let go, but when he saw nursery rhyme, he stretched out a hand to hug Xiao Yijin's waist, and buried her head in his chest. She looked very much like a kitten.

Just now... no matter how uncomfortable she was, she kept a distance from herself, and even pinched the wrist of her other hand to keep herself awake.

But when Xiao Yijin arrived, she let go of all her defenses.

Gently letting go of his hand, Chu Ye watched Xiao Yijin pick up the nursery rhyme and rushed outside. In his eyes, something was broken bit by bit.

In fact, just now, when he knew that the girl Dad was going to introduce was her, he really wanted to yell at her and said: If I had known that the person I was going to meet was you, I would have run instead of being dragged here.

It's just that talking about it now doesn't seem to make any sense.

In the car, nursery rhymes became more and more restless, but in Xiao Yijin's eyes at this time, apart from distress, there was only distress.

He held Tong Yao's hand with his hand, and forbade him to move carelessly, but Tong Yao looked very painful, her head was sweating, and her brows were tightly wrinkled.

You must know that she participated in this dinner, he will definitely come earlier, if he comes earlier, it will not let others get involved.

This night is very long.

Tong Yao didn't come home, and the old man couldn't get through to her phone, so he was a little anxious, so he called Mr. Chu to ask if Tong Yao was with Chu Ye.

Elder Chu only replied to him, telling him not to worry.

At noon the next day, when Tong Yao woke up, she found herself lying in a familiar place, which was... Xiao Yijin's room.

She sat up abruptly, and some incomplete fragments popped out of her mind...

last night……

is her……


It's over.

She grabbed the quilt and looked left and right, her heart was beating like it was about to jump out, but the room was quiet, no one...

Turning my head, I saw a piece of paper on the bedside table, on which was written: I have already made breakfast, you can eat it after heating it up, you should have a good rest today, and you should not walk around too much.

Stretching out her hand to scratch her hair, the whole nursery rhyme was about to collapse. She never thought that things would turn out like this.

The sound of the key turning came, and Nursery Rhyme became even more nervous. She hadn't figured out how to face him yet, why was he coming back soon!
Pulling up the quilt and covering her head, Tong Yao wished she could find a hole in the ground to drill into.

what would she say...

Are you saying that you are responsible for him?
"Yijin, are you up yet?" Yu Ting's voice was like a thunderbolt, directly hitting Tong Yao's head.

(End of this chapter)

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