Chapter 882

Lao Yu thought that Xiao Yijin might come, but he didn't expect him to come so soon.

Xiao Yijin walked into the room quickly, so anxious that he didn't even change his shoes, he walked to the sofa and stood still, looking at the woman who had appeared countless times in his dreams over the years, he lost his words for a moment.

Lingling turned her head, looked at Xiao Yijin with wide eyes, and said softly, "Are you that big villain?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin's heart trembled, and she came back to look at the delicate and cute little girl: "What? What a big villain?"

"Yao Yao's mother always looks at the photos at home and tells us that the person in the photo is a big villain..." Before Lingling finished speaking, Tong Yao got up and covered her little mouth with her hands: "Lingling, you and brother How about playing upstairs?"

The two little guys nodded with half understanding, and walked upstairs holding hands.

Before climbing to the second floor, a tall man came out of the next room. Lingling immediately ran over with short legs and said, "Dad, aren't you going to sleep? Why are you awake?"

The man slightly helped his eyes, and said with a smile, "Dad wants to play games with you, come on, let's go in."

The sound of "father" made Xiao Yijin's heart feel like being stabbed by a knife.

Compared with five years ago, she doesn't seem to have changed much, even the style of her clothes is exactly the same as before.

The whole person still looks lazy, but the look in his eyes is a little more indifferent.

The old man stood up without saying a word, and walked slowly into the study room, but he didn't close the door completely, leaving a small gap, wanting to hear what the two of them had to say.

Xiao Yijin stood there watching for a long time, then walked to the sofa opposite the nursery rhyme and sat down, and said coldly, "Oh, the children are already so old, it seems that they will be together soon after separation."

Hearing Xiao Yijin's words, Lao Zhang who was standing at the door was sweating coldly.

Why does their young master still not get rid of this problem, always duplicity...

Xiao Yijin himself was a little speechless, obviously what he wanted to say was not this, all along the way he wanted to ask her why she left at that time, and just wanted to ask her if she was doing well these years.

But just seeing the child... Seeing that man, I feel like his sanity has been lost.

He couldn't help himself.

I really hate myself like this, it was the same five years ago, and it was the same five years ago, as long as I was in front of her, I would always lose my sense of proportion.

Tong Yao looked at the increasingly mature man in front of her, and said quietly: "I don't want to marry and have children, so I want to be your widow?"

Listening to the nursery rhyme, the old man who was eavesdropping behind the study suddenly took a breath.

Speaking of poisonous mouth, his family rumors really do their part.

In one sentence, Xiao Yijin was speechless.

"Then...then why did you tell the child that I was a big villain?" Xiao Yijin didn't know what she was talking about, but she didn't understand...why she became a big villain in her mouth.

Lao Zhang couldn't take it anymore and walked out directly.

The young master is really getting more and more regressed, and this awkward chat is too much for him.

Tong Yao gave him a blank look and stopped talking. After a long time, she slowly got up and said, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Xiao Yijin looked up at her for a long time, but after all, he didn't ask the questions he had thought about. He stood up, turned around and strode outside.

Hearing the sound of the car starting, Tong Yao sat gently on the sofa, sighed softly, and then sent a message to Jiang Ya with her mobile phone: "Xiaoya, I'm back, are you still in the capital?"

(End of this chapter)

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