Chapter 888
She didn't expect that there were so many people waiting for her to come back.

"Miss, do you start the live broadcast at eight o'clock in the evening?" Lao Yu shouted from outside.

Nursery rhyme: "Yes, Uncle Yu, what's the matter?"

Lao Yu: "It's okay, I'll come to cheer after I finish my work, come on, miss."

"Okay, Uncle Yu." Tong Yao has always known that Lao Yu is a game fan, but she is more worried about Lao Yu's age, is he really planning to be single to the end?

Maoya live broadcast also attaches great importance to the return of nursery rhymes. In the past two days, a lot of publicity has been done. Nursery rhymes will start broadcasting on time at [-] pm. Unlike usual, this time, nursery rhymes turned on the camera.

A completely filter-free camera.

Originally, the popularity of the live broadcast room had already soared to the first place, and the nursery rhyme showed its face.

"Hi, everyone, I can't be a guest officer, thank you very much for coming to my live broadcast room, within three hours of the live broadcast tonight, I will draw 1000 88 yuan red envelopes from the barrage, I wish everyone good luck! "After saying this, Tong Yao turned off the camera.

She is still not used to facing the camera, just showing her face, it's just an easter egg.

Fans frantically took screenshots, and many old fans felt that it was Chinese New Year... I used to watch Nursery Rhyme's live broadcast for several years, but Nursery Rhyme didn't show her face, and I actually saw her today...

The lens without filter completely kills all the filter anchors in seconds...

In just ten minutes, the guest officer was not allowed to show his face in the live broadcast, and it was gorgeously listed on Weibo's trending searches.

This is a complete surprise for Maoya live broadcast, because the popularity is too high tonight...

The gift information kept going on for a long time, Tong Yao saw those gifts and started nagging again: "The gifts are almost enough, students should buy less gifts, I'm not saying you..."

The nagging anchor is online, and the old fans should feel extremely...

It's still the original formula, and it's still the familiar taste. The guest officer they are familiar with can't do it, and it's back.

After nagging for a while, Nursery Rhyme formed a field team to go to the book, and sang while downloading the book. The gift was exaggerated enough before, knowing that someone got out and gave a hundred super rockets... It scared Nursery Rhyme directly Choked: "Brother, it's not necessary, it's really not necessary..."

She was about to give a lecture to that person, when the old man's voice came from outside the door: "Yaoyao, I'm number one, I'm number one! Hahahaha!"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

When the live broadcast is over, she will immediately lock the recharge function of the old man's account, otherwise... this must be a prodigal man.


That night, Nursery Rhyme seemed to return to the carefree days five years ago, happily live broadcasting, chatting with fans, playing games happily...

It was agreed to live broadcast for three hours, but in fact she didn't download it until after twelve o'clock.

After downloading the live broadcast, she did not download the game, but she was still jumping around in various places in the game. Many places were places where she used to love to watch the scenery. The scenes and pictures were optimized and upgraded, and they looked even more beautiful than before... …

Passing by the lake and seeing a small boat docked by the side, Nursery Rhyme flew up, ordered a rowing boat, and then slowly floated on the lake, listening to game songs, rowing the boat, feeling very happy.

At this moment, someone rowed over from the opposite side, wearing a bamboo hat and a hat, like a knight.

She fixed her eyes and saw that it was an unfamiliar ID.

(End of this chapter)

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