Chapter 895
"Bang!" The kettle was smashed, and the debris was all over the floor.

Tong Manlin grabbed Yang Ying's hand: "Mom, stop making trouble!"

While the two were arguing, Yang Ying accidentally saw a figure occupying the door. She shook off Tong Manlin's hand and walked over to open the door. When she saw the person standing outside the door, Yang Ying's face rose A trace of ridicule: "Hey, why is our big star here? Is he here to divide the will?"

Tong Manlin, who was arguing with Yang Ying just now, immediately changed her face when she saw the nursery rhyme: "Mom, aren't you talking nonsense? After all, this big star hasn't been to our house for a few years. He must have heard that Dad has cancer. , that’s why I came here to take away that inheritance.”

Glancing lightly at the two people in front of him, Tong Yao looked at Tong Shuo who was lying on the hospital bed. His face was pale and his complexion looked bad.

Seeing nursery rhymes coming, his lips trembled slightly, and then he moved his fingers, as if he wanted to call nursery rhymes over.

Tong Yao didn't expect Tong Shuo to look like this when they met again, and Yang Ying was making a fuss in this ward because of the inheritance, so he must be feeling uncomfortable.

But when he thought about what he did to him before, Tong Yao couldn't feel any sympathy for him, "What about the things, give them to me."

"Bah! Why should I give it to you? Have you fulfilled the filial piety that a daughter should have for a day? Why do you take away 40.00% of Wu's inheritance!" Yang Ying became furious when she heard the nursery rhyme.

Looking at the madwoman-like woman in front of her, Tong Yao said expressionlessly: "I haven't fulfilled my duty as a daughter, so has he fulfilled his duty as a father? Besides, I am grateful to you all." There is no interest in that little bit of inheritance, I just came to take what belongs to me."

A little inheritance?
These words made Yang Ying and Tong Manlin's faces very ugly. Seeing the girl who let them be beaten and scolded at the beginning turned into such a strong appearance, they naturally felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

Tong Shuo's inheritance was divided into three parts, nursery rhyme and Tong Manlin each accounted for 40.00% and [-]%, and the remaining [-]% went to Yang Ying. Because of this, Yang Ying made a lot of noise in this ward all day long.

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry, lying on the hospital bed these days, I've thought about a lot of things, I owe you an apology, I also understand that the three words sorry are the most useless words in this world, but now, all I can give you is This property."

"In these years, I have never forgotten your mother. There was only that one time between me and her... It was also that time when I had you. After that, no matter how I tried to curry favor with her, she refused to do so."

"It's not that I don't want to treat you well, but as soon as I see you, I think of her disgust and hatred for me when I was alive. I love her, but I also hate her... Maybe I won't be able to see her again after I die, but... ...I hope I can make up for what I owe you...cough cough cough..."

After Tong Shuo said this, he coughed violently. He looked very painful, as if he was about to be out of breath. It's good to say that people are about to die, maybe that's it.

"Stop talking, you rest, you give me something, I'm leaving." Tong Yao said this, and Yang Ying came over after hearing these words: "Tong Shuo! Are you talking in human language? Since you Said that you have not forgotten that bitch Feng Ran in the past twenty years!"

"Crack!" A slap hit Yang Ying directly on the face, Tong Yao turned her head and said, "You are not allowed to insult my mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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