Start Chaos God

Chapter 12 Kunlun Tiange

Chapter 12 Kunlun Tiange
On an island in the Kunlun Holy Land, there are several giant pagodas that reach the sky, majestic and majestic, like giant pillars connecting the sky and the earth, standing upright.

These several sky-reaching giant towers have an ancient appearance, and they emit a faint golden light all over the body, shining in the entire sky, which is quite extraordinary.

Here is the Library Pavilion of the Kunlun Holy Land, where countless scriptures and magical powers are stored, and there are Kunlun masters of practice and powerful holy beasts all the year round.

It can be said to be one of the important treasures of the Kunlun Holy Land.

There are countless practitioners in the Kunlun Holy Land, so no matter what day it is, the Zangshu Pavilion is full of people and it is extremely lively.

However, today is very different. The Kunlun Holy Land suddenly issued an important notice that everyone is not allowed to approach the giant tower that reaches the sky in the center of the island, and can only move around in other areas.

And this giant pagoda in the center is the most important place of Zangshu Pavilion, which is called Kunlun Tiange.


"The Tiange was suddenly closed. I wonder if something major happened?"

Some people were puzzled and expressed their inner confusion.

"Hey, don't you know? That future holy son has broken through to the supernatural realm..."

"Has the Holy Son broken through to the supernatural realm?"

"That's right, the sky and earth in the Tongtian Great Hall was full of true energy that day, and it was chaotic and hazy. It must be that the Holy Son has successfully reached the supernatural power level."

Many people witnessed the terrifying scene at Tongtian Hall.

"Hey, the Holy Son seems to be only five years old...the five-year-old supernatural power is really incomparable."

"Comparison? What are you thinking? The Holy Son was born with the appearance of an emperor, and he is destined to become an emperor. How can you and I compare?"


It is not a big secret that Chi Diyi came to Zangshu Pavilion today, and many people know about it.

After these people's propaganda, now almost the entire Kunlun Holy Land knows about it.

Densely packed, countless crowds came from all directions, and the island was already full of people's heads, continuously.

Even the outer periphery of the island is surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, and it is impenetrable.

"The Son of God came to the Library Pavilion, and he is so powerful, it is really something I have never seen in my life."

"Haha, with such a formation, even when the elders were giving lectures, it was never so lively."

"I really want to see how the rumored Holy Son looks so peerless?"


Before Emperor Chi arrived, everyone in the Kunlun Holy Land had already been waiting, just to witness the demeanor of the Chaos Divine Body with their own eyes.

However, things are not as expected.

At this moment, Chi Diyi was standing with the Ninth Patriarch Chi Canghai in the endless void, and none of the people present noticed.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​people, Jiuzu Chi Canghai smiled slightly, turned his head to Chi Diyi, and said, "Now you can understand why I brought you here in person, right?"

Today's Chi Diyi, after reaching the supernatural power state, the chaotic energy around his body became more and more intense, hazy, and the bright divine light flickered, making him extremely sacred.

The whole person reveals an indescribable charm, like a son of heaven, every move is full of Tao rhyme.

"Jiuzu, are all these people here to see me?"

"Naturally, you are now the No.1 person in Kunlun, and you have overshadowed us old bones."

Jiuzu Chi Canghai joked.

Hearing this, Emperor Chi was stunned for a moment, quite helpless, and said, "Nine Patriarchs, they probably won't find out if we pass like this."

"Stinky boy, don't I even have this ability?"

With a wave of Nine Patriarch Chi Canghai's sleeve robe, a force of space rules was generated, wrapping Chi Diyi and himself completely, and disappeared from the void space in the blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time, in the Tiange, two figures emerged, and they walked out of it. It was Chi Diyi and Jiuzu Chi Canghai who were outside before.

In a single thought, under the eyes of so many people, Chi Diyi was very surprised to come quietly to the Tiange.

I also look forward to it very much in my heart, I don't know when, I will also have such ability.

As for the Nine Patriarch Chi Canghai, upon seeing the shocking look in Emperor Chi's eyes, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, thinking that you had been the one to push the limelight a while ago, and now it can be regarded as gaining back some face.

"Old Jiu, bring Emperor Yi to the top floor of Tiange."

Suddenly, Second Patriarch Chijue's voice sounded beside his ears, as if speaking in his ears, it was extremely clear.

Seeing this, Jiuzu Chijue waved again, and the figures of the two disappeared, as if traveling through the endless void, and came to the top floor of the Tiange.

"This... is this the top floor of the Tiange?"

Emperor Chi opened his mouth with a shocked look on his face.

I saw that there was a vast expanse of land in front of me, so wide that I couldn't see the edge at a glance.

It has blue sky and white clouds, peak lakes, plain forests, everything!

This place is like an independent vast world. Not only is the environment the same as the outside world, but even the zhenqi permeating the world is exactly the same, full of richness.

"This is the top floor of the Tiange." Nine Patriarch Chi Canghai beside him said lightly.

After getting the answer, Chi Diyi was quite shocked in his heart. When he was outside just now, although the Tiange he saw was not small, it was not so spacious.

This... Could it be that everything before is an illusion, or is everything in front of me an illusion?
Seeing Chi Diyi's doubts, Nine Patriarch Chi Canghai said: "The Heavenly Pavilion you saw outside is real, and the Heavenly Pavilion you see here is also real."

"The reason why the two are different is because the top floor of the Tiange contains a unique space for one side, which is no different from the outside world."

"A unique space?"

Emperor Chi was puzzled, and at the same time, he was a little curious. There is still an independent space in the Tiange. How is this possible?

Nine Patriarch Chi Canghai looked at the world around him, his eyes were also full of splendor, and he sighed: "The emperor's ability is really beyond what we can imagine."


"Nine Patriarchs, could it be that here..."

"That's right, the independent space here was opened up by the only great emperor of Kunlun."

"Although the Great Emperor has already passed away, what he left behind is eternal!"

Jiuzu Chi Canghai said calmly.

The only emperor of Kunlun has left countless wealth for Kunlun.

Kunlun can have what it is today, thanks to him!

This is not the first time Chi Diyi heard about this great emperor of Kunlun. The second patriarch Chi Jue mentioned it before when he was practicing scriptures.

It was he who created the 36 heavens of the emperor's scriptures that he practiced.

Although he has not practiced other sutras, after practicing 36 levels, Chi Diyi found that his whole person has undoubtedly reached the peak in terms of energy, spirit, and all aspects of the body.

The untapped potential is unimaginable.

These changes were all brought about by the 36 heavens of the emperor's scriptures.


"You are here..."

Suddenly, the figure of the second patriarch Chi Jue appeared, holding a golden scroll in front of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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