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Chapter 1018 Convention

Chapter 1018 Convention
Daliang used his busy schedule as an excuse to not see Memnon, but met with those middle-level guild leaders and legion leaders in the Brazilian game area.This made Memnon aware of Da Liang's purpose in doing so. He was dividing the player group in Brazil, looking for a local Brazilian army that was willing to be a Chinese player's thug for profit.

If Da Liang really succeeds, then the battle between the Chinese game area and the American game area will not develop in the direction he expected.Once the contradictions in South America itself are provoked, Chinese players can easily raise the price of gold in South America.

Now Memnon is eager to know what Da Liang said to the summoned army chiefs.Only by figuring out which direction he wants to start from can he see through his tricks and bring the South American strategy back under his control.

Memnon immediately asked Thiago to come over.

In the living room of the Lord of Glory's mansion, Memnon asked Tiago sternly: "Do you know how much your surrender announcement on the national frequency has had a great impact on our entire Brazilian game area?
The situation that was originally favorable to us turned out to be in favor of Da Liang.Now I don't know how many Brazilian player legions want to get financial support from the Chinese game area.

Said... What kind of benefits did Da Liang give you, so that you easily betrayed our country. "

At that time, Tiago was dazed by the big show of Enwei and teased him. What he was thinking about was how to get rid of the specter that shrouded the army on the front line of the charge, and how he could have imagined that a surrender announcement would cause such a big consequence.

As for the benefits...

"I didn't get any benefits from Da Liang." Thiago said truthfully: "I just don't want to be an enemy with Da Liang anymore. He is too strong...really very strong and controls everything. I have nothing to fight against him." Thoughts...he made me see that I'm really, really weak, and that's what I have to do if I want to survive.

Mr. Memnon... sorry! "

At this moment, Memnon suddenly felt that Tiago had changed. If it wasn't for the high safety factor of Hero World, he would have suspected that Tiago's account had been stolen.

In Brazil, the leaders of those small and medium-sized gangs all have a common characteristic, that is, they are fearless and dare to fight.Only such characters have the opportunity to stand alive in the city, but most of them do not die well.

Thiago is such a person, but in the past.

Now Tiago is almost like a reborn, he began to face up to the fear in his heart.

In this way, people will either never recover after a setback, or they will reach a whole new height.

If Tiago announced his surrender on the national frequency channel after taking advantage of Da Liang, Memnon would definitely punish Tiago by making an example.At this moment, what Memnon is curious about is what happened during the meeting between Tiago and Da Liang...

When Memnon asked Tiago about the details of his relationship with Da Liang, the personnel of the Radiance Territory also got the content of Da Liang and the conversation that summoned the head of the army.

All the people I saw today were the fourth-level army commanders from Rio de Janeiro.

First give 10000 gold when meeting.

Sure enough, he is the major shareholder of Yingshi Virtual Bank in the Chinese game area. This gesture is absolutely open, and it instantly shortened the relationship with these foreign army chiefs, and at the same time showed his financial strength.

What followed was beyond Memnon's expectations.

At this time, shouldn't Da Liang promise benefits to win over these legions to work for him?The fourth-level legion belongs to the middle level in the game. It does not have the strong strength of the large legion, but it also has its own control area and belongs to an organized and disciplined group.Moreover, there are a large number of fourth-level legions, and people's hearts are also chaotic, which is the best breakthrough to divide the Brazilian player group.

But Da Liang didn't take the opportunity to win them over, but instead talked about... "The problem of chaos inside and outside the game."

The game environment in the Brazilian game area is indeed quite chaotic.

Frequently, the two legions are fighting in the game, and they start fighting outside the game.After finishing playing outside the game, enter the game and continue playing.Get angry and go outside for another date.

Anyway, since the open beta of World of Heroes, the problem of violence in Brazil has become more serious.

This is true throughout South America.

When Da Liang met with these army chiefs, he first expressed that Yingshi Virtual Bank was willing to provide them with various benefits, and then he expressed concern about the game environment in the Brazilian game area.

"Through the fact that my friend Ada was caught by Tiago, I am deeply worried about the order of the game here.

When I learned that you are all accustomed to using offline means to deal with conflicts in the game, it increased our investment risk.Yingshi Virtual Bank is a financial body and likes to deal with principled people.

And I am a player who enjoys the fun of the game, and the people I don't want to contact the most... are those who play tricks outside the game, and even cause death and injury.

I don't think you are willing to shoot yourself in the game helmet alone when you are galloping in the game, right?

That's right... the current situation here is the same, everyone is doing this, and you can't do anything about it.

But that can definitely change.

As long as everyone promises that they will never use external violence to resolve conflicts in the game, sign a contract to supervise each other, and impose severe sanctions on those who violate it.

Then all of you can play games and earn money with peace of mind.

We can also let go of all worries about working with you. "

clever!Memnon couldn't help but praise Da Liang for his proposal.

All players in the Brazilian game zone know the disadvantages of using offline violence to resolve online conflicts.However, the small player group is humble and can't convince the crowd, saying: We signed a contract and will not play offline in the future.Who dares to sign?Who dares to agree?

Large player groups are vested interests in offline violence. They use this method to deter small player groups and intruders, so how can they abolish their martial arts?
Now Da Liang has proposed it, and is willing to take the lead in organizing the signing of this agreement.

You can no longer worry about your personal safety, and you can cooperate with Yingshi Virtual Bank to make money, and those small player groups will definitely support it.

When the agreement proposed by Da Liang was supported, signed and fulfilled by enough small player groups.If the big player groups do not sign or abide by it, they are standing on the opposite side of the grassroots players in the Brazilian game area.

How else do they play?
That is to say...

When Da Liang proposed that this agreement be fully implemented and observed in the Brazilian game area.

Player groups in the Brazilian game area no longer have any worries when they fight in the game, and all battles are transferred from offline to online.

And it's not life-threatening, so everyone can let it go.

In the game, gold coins are spent in wars, and the gold coins decrease. If Yingshi Virtual Bank intervenes casually, the gold price will naturally go up.

That's too clever... Memnon shook his head, and he couldn't stop the signing of the treaty.

He couldn't even see Da Liang's face.

(End of this chapter)

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