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Chapter 1029 Demonstration

Chapter 1029 Demonstration
The person in charge of this live broadcast is the Propaganda Department of the University Alliance. It is the first time for Ada to be the spokesperson of Judgment Legion's Brazilian game area.

When Da Liang entered the Brilliant Landing and walked towards the Lord's Mansion, Ada explained the meaning of the "Brazilian Game Morality Convention" in Portuguese, and at the same time introduced Memnon's status and influence in the Brazilian game area and even South America.

Then use your own personal experience to tell about the harsh game environment in Brazil and the stable life they got in China.

"Mr. Da Liang is very young and very humble. Chinese players like him very much, and I like him and admire him very much. Moreover, there is very little offline violence in the Chinese game area. This is mainly because those influential players are in the game. Play the game under the rules, and at the same time resist offline bullying. If a person has such a bad habit, everyone will exclude him in the game.

In this way, the cost of offline violence is very high, and some people will try their best to endure when the gain outweighs the loss.

But in our Brazilian game area, the cost of offline violence is very low. Everyone does this, and the risk is lower than grabbing things on the street.You rob me, I rob him, this becomes a vicious circle.

In the end, our grassroots players cannot become strong, and the overall strength of the game area is weak, so they will be bullied by others and robbed by other game areas.

We all know it's not normal to do this, but we've been enduring it all the time.The most critical reason is that the big players in the Brazilian game area do nothing, they just watch us mess up and get what they want.

Now, for us to get a normal game environment, Mr. Da Liang proposed the 'Game Morality Convention', which has been supported by almost all Brazilian players.However, the lords of the Brazilian game area, the head of the grand duke, and the head of the army headed by Mr. Memnon have never expressed their views on the "Convention of Game Public Morality".

Moreover, the American game area sent a large-scale fleet to our Brazilian game area.

What do they want to do?
it is known.

Mr. Da Liang's visit to the Guanghui Congregation to meet with Mr. Memnon this time is to make a final effort for peace.As long as Mr. Memnon takes the lead in signing the "Official Convention on Game Morality in the Brazilian Game Zone", it will benefit the well-being of all our Brazilian players.

We also hope that Mr. Memnon can recognize what justice is and what is the will of the people, and don't oppose the Brazilian people, and don't try to stop the rolling wheels of the progress of civilization.

This time, our Brazilian players are united as one, to completely eradicate the bad habit of offline violence.Let everyone happily do what they want, and no longer have a pistol pointed at their head because of a thousand gold coins.

I believe!
A good man lacks only a cry; a brave man lacks only a goal; even a cowardly man, you can take up your weapon and defend your rights.

We want to let all the reactionaries who try to block the signing of the "Official Convention on Game Morality in the Brazilian Game Zone" know that once the power of the people gathers, it will be a vast ocean, and all those who stop us are paper tigers! "

When Memnon greeted Da Liang, he also followed Da Liang's live broadcast.

When he heard Ada's impassioned statement, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: Who did he learn all this from?The previous article is quite normal. When the audience's attention is attracted, the style of painting changes rapidly, and it is like hanging yourself up and whipping.

This is definitely not a style of writing that a Brazilian girl can come up with. Da Liang must find someone to write a manuscript for Ada to follow.

Don't say it... This wave after wave is very deceptive, and I feel a little excited when I hear it.

it is good!it is good!it is good!
Da Liang, you actually messed with me like this, let's see who can have the last laugh!
Memnon kept smiling at Da Liang, pointed at the Lord's Mansion in front of him and said, "That's the Lord's Mansion of my Glorious Territory. I heard that Mr. Da Liang is coming to my place, and many celebrities from the Brazilian game area rushed over to borrow This is an opportunity to meet you, a man of the world of heroes."

Da Liang looked forward...

Hey, what a demonstration.

What Da Liang saw was also seen by countless viewers through the live broadcast.

The Lord's Mansion of the Brilliant Lord is a very orc-style castle. Huge unpolished stones are piled up layer by layer, which is full of unrestrained beauty.

And the most noticeable ones are the ultimate creatures standing outside the castle.

They all turned into their own big forms, archangels, ancient Beamon, black dragons, golden dragons, ghost dragons, titans, nine-headed dragons, big demons, and some ultimate creatures that don't belong to mainstream races.

One by one tall, mighty, strong and violent, standing together is full of visual impact.

Da Liang took a closer look, and there were more than 14 ultimate creatures of level 30 alone, and it was impossible to count the ultimate creatures of level 13 scattered around.

The big bosses in the Brazilian game area that Memnon mentioned were standing in front of their respective ultimate creatures. In addition to the ultimate creatures, they also brought some high-level heroes, and they were all top-notch, with their magic power and momentum leaking out.

Compared with such a super lineup, the boss's originally enviable luxury lineup seemed inconspicuous.

All audiences were frightened at this moment. Players who are familiar with the game know how terrifying the strength of ultimate creatures and high-level heroes is.Think about the scene of your ancestors riding a horse and holding a spear to the white guns, which is the scene where ordinary players encounter finished ultimate creatures and high-level heroes.

Now regarding Daliang's visit, the purpose of Memnon's formation outside the lord's mansion has become clear.

What should I do?
Ada, who was in charge of explaining, was dumbfounded, worried about Da Liang, and didn't know what to say.At this moment, the audience didn't notice the silence of the commentary. They also stared at these ultimate creatures and high-level heroes, thinking about what to do if these were their enemies.

At this time, a new commentary was sent to Ada.

"Look at these ultimate creatures and high-level heroes, as well as the equipment on these self-proclaimed high-level players. Do some friends feel familiar?
That's right, these heroes and equipment used to belong to you, but they were snatched by your enemies and turned against you.

When will this encounter end?
If this kind of oppression and bullying continues, our enemies will only become stronger and stronger, and we will only become weaker. When our endurance reaches the bottom line and we want to resist, we will find that our enemies can come up with more The force is ten times and a hundred times stronger, but we have nothing and have lost the power to resist.

stand up...

When we still have the strength to resist, stand up!
The past cannot be changed, but we can change the present and the future...

Go to the Glorious Territory, Mr. Da Liang dared to face such a powerful enemy alone for us, how can we Brazilians let him fight alone?

Go to the Shining Collar and show those vampires our power!

Go to the Glorious Collar, show our blood, whoever dares to touch Mr. Da Liang, we will tear him to pieces!

Go to the Radiance Territory..."

(End of this chapter)

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