start an archangel

Chapter 1036 Maid Team

Chapter 1036 Maid Team

Julian worriedly asked Da Liang in a low voice: "My lord, do you want me to help Juliet?"

Da Liang regained his composure and said, "Look again...we can't scare the American players from coming to Rio de Janeiro. Vincent..."

Vincent, who presided over the defensive barrier, responded, "My lord, what are your orders?"

"Provide auxiliary magic support for Juliet, don't let her be cursed and controlled."

"Yes! Your lord."

The Sun Attendant turned around and besieged Juliet with the flying ultimate creature, reducing Vincent's defensive pressure a lot.He made some changes to the structure of the magic circle, one by one light circles lit up from the ground, and the four magic mage heroes changed from maintaining the defensive enchantment to assisting magic release.

One after another, high-level auxiliary magic was lifted into the air, and magic springs exploded in the sky. Juliet used her speed to get rid of the enemy's entanglement and sprinted past these magic springs.

Advanced Curse Resistance
Advanced Body Stone Skin
advanced tenacity
Advanced Magic Resistance
Advanced Fire Thaumaturgy

With the support of the magic wizard group, Juliet is even more powerful. She maintains the highest flying speed, draws a circle in the air, and then dives in a snake-like trajectory. The two swords are swept back to accumulate power, and suddenly enters the sub-space and suddenly appears, with an erratic figure. , If you don't pay attention, you will lose her track.

Juliet avoided the sun waiter and stared at a big demon. When passing by the big demon, her figure turned sharply and cut the big demon four times in an instant.

The Hell's Angel has a damage bonus to the angels and demons. After being hit by her, the great demon let out a scream and his blood volume plummeted.The surrounding ultimate creatures immediately healed the attacked great demon, surrounded Juliet, and released various control magics at the same time.

At this time, after the magic wizards on the ground completed the magic blessing for Juliet, they turned to release debuff magic on the hostile ultimate creatures in the air.

All of a sudden, all kinds of magic flew in the air, illuminating the sky like gorgeous fireworks.

Juliet, who was covered by magic, rushed to the big devil again after changing directions many times in flight.


Juliet controls the rhythm of the battle. Although the Sun Attendant has become a 15th-level evil angel and has so many ultimate creatures to command, it is difficult to limit Juliet's speed under the interference of the ground magic mage group.

After a while, the great demon who was stared at by Juliet and continued to raid was killed and fell from the sky.

Realizing that the battle was not as smooth as he had imagined, the Sun Attendant immediately reorganized the formation, not giving Juliet a chance to kill alone, and at the same time ordered the remaining heroes who had rushed over to join in the attack on the defensive barrier, preventing the mages inside from Then provide magic support to Juliet.

More than 20 heroes are divided into two teams. The heroes of the physical profession stand outside the defensive enchantment and attack the enchantment. The heroes of the spellcasting profession are responsible for destroying the flame elves produced by the enchantment.

Coupled with the attacks of the three ancient Behemoths and the Spider Queen, the barrier's ability to withstand gradually approached the critical point.

"Sophia, bring your personal guards, archangels, and golden dragons to fight, and return immediately after killing the creatures knocking on the door."

Sophia, who received the order from Da Liang to fight, drew out her own sword, and at the same time, all the maids here also drew out their swords, and pulled out their swords neatly from their scabbards.

"The guards attack!"

After Sophia gave the order, she turned into a bat and rushed out of the barrier, and the other personal guard maids also turned into bats and rushed out.The archangel and golden dragon changed back to their large forms and soared into the sky, and then rushed down to the enemies below who were attacking the barrier.

The battle on the ground started instantly, with three archangels and three golden dragons confronting three ancient Behemoths and a spider queen.

Sophia led the guard maids to attack the Sun Servant's hero team.

As the ancestor of the blood-sucking sword guard hero, Sophia has a very wide room for growth. Of course, Da Liang will not take her by his side all the time as a vase.

Sophia is one of the heroes of the Black Fire Territory who was trained by Da Liang.

When Sophia is not needed by his side, Da Liang will let her go to the snow field and magic realm to level up, and he will let Sophia take the guards to gain experience in the big and small wars initiated by the Black Fire Territory.

Moreover, as Da Liang's personal maid, Sophia has often sparred with Julian and Juliet recently. Although these battles can't improve the level and attributes, what they add is fighting skills that cannot be displayed through attributes.

No matter how strong the attack power is, it will not cause damage if you miss it.

Therefore, Sophia is also a very powerful hero in Da Liang's hands. Just looking at the superficial strength, she has already reached the 14th level.If the ancestor's invisibility bonus is included, ordinary 14th-level creatures are no match for her.

The blood-sucking sword guards who can become Da Liang's personal guards are also carefully selected high-potential and good-looking heroines, and then they go to the private training points in batches for training.

Finally, after another screening, Da Liang selected 12 personal guard maids for himself.

Most of these 12 personal guard maids are the blood-sucking sword guards who completed the blood sacrifice in the previous batches. The initial group of the initial race will concentrate a group of high-potential clansmen and become the backbone of the race.It is difficult for these high-potential personal guard maids to appear among the vampire sword guards who will complete the blood sacrifice in the future.

Unless, like the poisonous dragon clan, they are facing the threat of genocide.

Anyway, this is the first time that Da Liang's maid team has appeared in front of the players. I don't know how many nerds are envious of the uniform maid outfits. The key is that they are not only good-looking but also violent enough.Just forming the defensive enchantment showed that they had good magical abilities. Now that they draw their swords, they draw their swords, and it is not ambiguous to slash people in melee. It also makes the world howl at the same time.

Big brother Da Liang is indeed a big boss, he just knows how to play better than others.

However, after some high-level players in the game saw that these maids could transform into bats, a name sounded in their hearts at the same time: Mie Shi.

When these maids didn't transform just now, everyone regarded them as heroes of the human race. After all, although the vampire sword guard was transformed from a vampire, the appearance of the vampire sword guard was closer to that of the human race.

But when these maids pulled out the vampire sword guard logo saber at the same time, and transformed into bats to attack, some people recognized their race.

Vampire Sword Guard - the standard hero for the faction against the apostles of the shadow of death. All players who have seen the Vampire Sword Guard hero are impressed by this all-around combat hero.

All want one.

But this kind of hero seems to be exclusive to the shadow of death, to be precise, it is a hero unique to the No. 1 destroyer.

Vampire Swordguard heroes are only available for internal purchase in Shadow of Death. Most of the Vampire Swordguard heroes that appear in the game are concentrated in the hands of the apostles. Even if other players obtain Vampire Swordguards, they are obtained indirectly from the apostles through the relationship of Death Shadow. of.

Why does Da Liang have so many vampire sword guards?

Did he get it from Mieshi?Or is it the same as Mie Shi, knowing the way to recruit vampire sword guards?

(End of this chapter)

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