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Chapter 1056 Defection

Chapter 1056 Defection
Memnon stood on the flagship of the Glorious Fleet. This is a three-masted warship that has been strengthened and transformed. The hull, mast, and sails have all been enchanted. Core, it can become a fifth-tier space battleship.

The Brilliant Fleet set out from the commercial port of the system since the beginning of the Rio War. When the expeditionary force in the Chinese game area completed a breakthrough from the middle road, it happened to arrive at the outer waters of the landing point of the intervention army.

At this time, the warships of the intervention army aimed their guns at the coast, and waited for Da Liang to lead the army to attack before giving them a head-on blow.And the cargo ships carrying the legion's assembly flag were all concentrated in sea areas far away from the battlefield.

Gather the moored cargo ships and put the small boats tied at the sides of the respective ships on the water.The American players who were resurrected in the war, and then transferred from the American game area to the cargo ship, will take a small boat to the landing point, and then attack the coast with the support of offshore warships, preventing the expeditionary army from easily using the war hoarded at the landing point Weapons attack ships at sea.

Small boats full of personnel preparing to re-enter the battlefield were heading towards the coast, and at this moment...they saw a fleet bearing the banner of the Radiant Leader approaching from their side.

And there's no sign of slowing down.

The personnel on the small boat took out eye-catching flags, waved them desperately towards the glorious fleet, and asked them to immediately change course through the regional channel to avoid attacking friendly forces.

But... Not only did the Glorious Fleet not give any response, but instead adjusted its formation, and accelerated towards the small boats on the water.

"Memnon has rebelled!" The words of the Sun Attendant appeared on all the command channels of the Intervention Army: "From now on, the army of the Radiance Territory is our enemy! The sea fleet is ready to save itself, and all warships are going to support the supply fleet. The cargo ship is protected.

All combat personnel on land, hand over their backs to friendly forces, and attack the legions in the Chinese game area with all their strength.


After the Sun Waiter issued many emergency orders, he immediately contacted Memnon: "Are you crazy? Why did you betray us! You don't know how much you will lose after the 'Brazilian Game Zone Game Morality Convention' is actually signed. ?

You should be our staunchest ally!
Memnon, it's too late to rejoin us now... As long as you withdraw the Glorious Fleet, I can win immediately, and then...

What do you want, tell me now, I can promise you. "

Memnon listened silently to the words of the servant of the sun, watching the battle on the east coast of Rio.

At this time, Da Liang had already led his elite army to capture the landing point of the Intervention Army, and then used the war materials piled up here to organize defense on the spot.

His glorious fleet has completed its combat preparations, and the air fighters hidden in the cargo hold took off in groups to seize a favorable position in the sky.The artillery that has been loaded with ammunition has been pushed out of the gun port, facing the target hull at a distance of less than 50 meters.

Now just waiting for Memnon's order, the Glorious Fleet can bombard the Intervention Army's supply fleet that is stopped at sea.These are all cargo ships, their own firepower is already low, and they are all gathered together, lowered their sails and anchored to stop on the water, all of them are immovable targets.

With such a low shot at such a close range, the Radiance Fleet can easily hit the hulls of these ships below the waterline.Cut random holes in them and watch them sink by themselves.

In order to ensure the frequency and accuracy of ground attacks, the warships of the Intervention Army Fleet also lowered their sails and anchored near the coast with less wind and waves to make the hull more stable.

The process of sailing warships from stationary to driving is very slow, and they have to go around the sea to adjust their formation.Therefore, in a short period of time, the Glorious Fleet can safely pour all its firepower on the supply fleet of the Intervention Army.

Memnon knew that he was holding a knife in the heart of the Sun Waiter. If this knife was stabbed, the forces in the American game area would usher in a big defeat in South America.

If you don't poke...

Da Liang put himself in the most dangerous position, he would face double attacks from sea and land.

Memnon felt that the weight of victory was in his own hands. Whatever he wanted now, the Sun Attendant would definitely win.

is not it……

At this time, the conversation with Da Liang resounded in Memnon's ears.

"The big country shows the small country with prestige, and the small country serves the big country with wisdom!"

Since I chose to stand in Da Liang's team, I would definitely block myself and the Chinese game area by defecting. I am afraid that the American game area will not look good on me in the future.

The victory or defeat of a war cannot shake the strength of the two game regions of China and the United States, and the short-term huge profits will not allow themselves to have the capital to compete with these two game regions.

A big country is still a big country, and a small country is still a small country.

So it's better to be honest and correct your position.

So Memnon replied to the Sun Waiter: "I'm sorry, Lord Sun Waiter. From a long-term perspective, it is the most beneficial thing for our entire game area to be signed and implemented.

Compared with the interests of the entire game area, my personal interests are too insignificant.

I am willing to take personal pain if I can trade my loss for a strong Brazilian gaming area.

Sorry again...

I don't want this war to affect our personal friendship. I still welcome friends from the American game area to come and play with me and cooperate in game development. "

This knife still has to be stabbed, and there is such a high-sounding reason, which is irrefutable.

The Sun Attendant was really angry, but he couldn't scold him: "Memnon, I really underestimated you. You are definitely the biggest highlight of this war, the deepest fox."

"Thank you for your compliment... My army is about to attack. Let's open a new page in South America..."

Memnon cut off the communication with the Sun Attendant, and quickly ordered:

"I order that all personnel in the Radiance Territory...all teleport to the city of Rio de Janeiro, and then march to the east coast battlefield at full speed. Our enemy is the intervention army and their allies from the American game area.

Note: Our enemies are not friends in the Chinese game area, all Daliang's enemies are my enemies!

Drive all the enemies into the sea and destroy them all!
Glorious Fleet...

fire! "

boom boom boom...

On the surface of the sea, the group of glorious leader ships that had completed their shelling preparations ran over the small boats on the surface of the sea.When Memnon's attack order was issued, all the artillery facing the Intervention Army's supply fleet completed a salvo.

The supply fleet of the Intervention Army seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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