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Chapter 1069 Assassination Mission

Chapter 1069 Assassination Mission
Walking into the portal, the number plate in Da Liang's hand flickered, and he was sent to a cold room.

The room of more than ten square meters did not have any exits, and the only portal that could go out was also closed after Da Liang came in.

The room was empty, except for a dilapidated table in the middle, a dagger stuck on the table, and a dim oil lamp slowly swaying with a flame that would be extinguished at any time.

When Da Liang approached the table, a teleportation door opened behind the table, and a Soul Eater came in fluttering with its tentacles, and one of the tentacles was tied to the caveman that Da Liang photographed this time.

The cave man was thrown on the ground, and Soul Eater walked behind the table and said to Da Liang in a cold tone: "You are a stranger...but our auction only recognizes money but not people.

Give me 14000 gold now, and you can take the caveman you bought. "

Adding the deposit of 1000 gold to enter the auction site, it is equivalent to paying 15000 gold.

The 15000 gold that Da Liang shouted at the auction was to be delivered. This was the deposit for the assassination mission. If the mission failed...the deposit would also belong to the assassin's hut.

Therefore, the assassins will be very cautious when selecting and accepting tasks, otherwise they will not only lose money but also lose money, and this will also stimulate the assassins to do their best to complete every task they accept.

When the mission came to this point, Da Liang readily took out the money.

In fact, there are still many ways to enter the Assassin's Lodge... Slowly accept the peripheral tasks of this slave exchange... Enter the exchange to work, and then contact the intelligence gathering tasks released by the Assassin's Lodge, you will have the opportunity to learn about assassins In the end, he may become an assassin recognized by the assassin hut, and be recruited by a certain assassin group that needs manpower.

Da Liang didn't have time to do these slow and meticulous peripheral task chains, so he directly used the most reckless means to complete the first contact with the assassin's hut.

The 14000 gold coins were handed over from Da Liang to the Soul Eater, and then the caveman's ownership was handed over.

A portal reopens behind Da Liang...

Here lies a trap.

Although a caveman worth 10000 gold can scare buyers who don't know the truth to participate in the auction, it doesn't guarantee that no one will be cut off by a rich local tyrant.

What if someone photographed the assassination mission as some kind of special slave?
So the assassin hut set up a trap at this time.

If after getting the right to use the caveman, Da Liang took the newly bought slave and left through the portal, then he bought a useless caveman with 15000 gold.

The Assassin's Hut made money for nothing.

Therefore, at this time, it is absolutely impossible to take the caveman with you.

Based on the information obtained, Da Liang pulled out the dagger on the table, and stabbed the caveman to death with one blow.

The caveman bought for 15000 gold, the buyer who doesn't know the truth will definitely take him back immediately to discover the potential value of this caveman.

How could it be possible to kill him before leaving the door?

Only the assassin who knew that this was an assassination mission knew that the caveman was of no value.

If you kill him, you can get detailed information about this assassination mission.

Sure enough... the moment the cave man fell, the portal behind Da Liang closed again.

Soul Eater put a piece of paper on the table: "It seems that you are an assassin from another city, and you know our assassin cabin through some means.

Assassins don't ask for their identities, as long as you have the ability to complete the tasks we issued, I will give you the rewards you deserve.

The mission is right here...

The employer requires that the assassination be completed within three days. The thieves in our assassin's hut have already helped you with the preliminary investigation, and the rest will be left to you.

Remember... failure and abandonment of the task will not get paid and deposit. "

Da Liang put the piece of paper away, then nodded slightly to Soul Eater and said: "I know the rules here... If I can complete this assassination mission. I hope the Assassin's Cabin can introduce me to join an assassin group, preferably It is the assassin group of the black elves, and I like to cooperate with the best assassins."

"Black elf's assassin group?" Soul Eater repeated Da Liang's request, and then said: "Black elves are not popular in Obsidian City, but our assassin hut likes those black elf assassins who are very efficient in completing tasks.

Very challenging task if you are alone...

As long as you can complete it smoothly, all the assassin groups will be willing to accept you, including the very exclusive black elves. "

After finishing speaking, Soul Eater opened a portal for Da Liang again.

After Da Liang politely saluted the Soul Eater again, he backed out from the portal.

Then he appeared in a wilderness outside the city far away from the free market, an underground river passed by him, and flowed to a downward cave ahead.

After Da Liang checked that there was no one else around, he sat down on the rocky beach that was rushed out when the underground river surged, and then took out the assassination mission that he had obtained by betting 15000 gold.

The target of the assassination was a Medusa hero named Margaret.She lives in the central city of Obsidian City, and is one of the many mineral brokers in this city. She occupies a large share of Obsidian City's mineral transactions, and some ore transactions in the free market are controlled by this Medusa.

Margaret is considered a well-known rich man in Obsidian City.

As a Medusa of the seventh-order creature of the underground race, Margaret has the special ability to petrify the target.And her hero level is very high, the Assassin's Cabin evaluates her strength like a 7th-level hero.

The wealthy Margaret has a powerful guard and a group of heroes who are used to deal with various things.

It is not an easy task to kill Margaret who has petrification skills under heavy protection.

The basic task cost of 10000 gold is already low enough, but the assassins have to compete to reduce the price in order to accept this task.The main reason is that dungeons are rich in assassins. When black elf assassins join the competition for assassin missions, this industry will become even more difficult to mix.

Many assassin groups were either disbanded or forced to leave here. Those who can survive in this border city are all the most elite assassin groups.

And for these assassins, killing Margaret was not an easy task.

After the 10000 gold task was cut to 5000 gold, they could only curse in their hearts: Which bastard is messing up the situation here.

As a spoiler, Da Liang stood up from the rocky beach after reading the mission information...

In the distance, under the illumination of the torch tower, Obsidian City showed its majestic figure.As a border city, it shoulders the important task of resisting the invasion of the lower caves. The outer city wall of Obsidian City is more than 20 meters high, and then there are four inner city walls that increase layer by layer.

The wall of the city wall is studded with obsidian, which is abundant here, to enhance the strength and magic resistance of the city wall system.

Finding the direction of the city, Da Liang summoned a giant bat to ride on it, and then ordered: "Sophia, take me to Obsidian City."

(End of this chapter)

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