start an archangel

Chapter 1071 Linkage plot

Chapter 1071 Linkage plot

At this moment, the stone goblin felt that his eyes seemed to have been hit hard, and the mysterious ore buyer in front of him transformed into a human priest with magical energy all over his body.

Look at this priest's robe, the magic blessing circle is floating close to the cloth, just looking at the dense runes, you can know how high-end this robe is.

And the priest's staff studded with magic gems.

Ten fingers carried ten magic rings, each of which was as big as a pigeon's egg.

The stone goblin finally noticed that the boots that Da Liang was wearing had also turned on the magic energy release mode, and a stream of air flowed around the boots as if they could lift people up.

Thinking that he actually kissed this boot just now, the stone goblin couldn't help leaning on it again...

Seeing that the stone goblin was about to lie down again, Da Liang sent an electric shock and flipped the stone goblin over a few somersaults.

And the stone goblin immediately ran over: "My lord, your wealth has blinded me, please forgive my rudeness.

We goblins really can't help ourselves sometimes.

Please follow me to the reception room. Master Margarita should be here soon. She will be very willing to meet you, and you will also receive the most honorable treatment at the Margarita Ore Exchange. "

Da Liang was taken by the stone goblin to the VIP reception room of the ore exchange, which is a room specially designed for the human race.It doesn't even feel that this is underground, even the air you breathe carries the smell of flowers and plants on the surface, which seems that the owner here is extremely caring.

Then a glass of red wine purchased from the surface world was brought to Da Liang...

The stone goblin waited on him attentively.

As Da Liang said, if this deal can be concluded, he will get a generous reward from Margaret, and he may even get rid of his status as a slave and become a small leader in this ore exchange.

Before Margaret came to this exchange, he must keep this rich human being here.

Da Liang drank the red wine, slowly surveyed the room, and felt that it was no accident that Margaret was able to make such a big ore business.He couldn't help being a little curious about the Medusa he wanted to kill.

So Da Liang asked Stone Goblin: "You just said that there were buyers for this batch of high-quality black iron ore, but they gave up because of the price?"

The stone goblin immediately replied: "Yes, my lord. The one who ordered this batch of high-quality black iron ore from Master Margarita is a dwarf from the magical land of Black Iron City.

They first ordered this [-] units of high-quality black iron ore from my master...

You know that the high-quality black iron ore produced by each black iron ore mine is very small. In order to gather this batch of high-quality black iron ore in time, my master has spent a lot of thought and effort, and even personally escorted these ores to arrive here.

Due to the war and the attack of the black elves, the entire procurement cost exceeded our expectations, so Master Margaret proposed a price increase to the dwarves of the Black Iron City.

It turned out that these stubborn dwarves insisted on the price negotiated at the beginning.

In the became like this.

However, during this period, high-quality black iron ore is absolutely not worrying about selling.A grown-up with a vision like yourself can see the value in this fine iron ore. "

Da Liang noticed several key words in the stone goblin's words: Black Iron City and the dwarves of Black Iron City.

"The Black Iron City you're talking about... is it the dwarven main city that leads the dwarves to become independent?"

The stone goblin replied: "Yes...these dwarves want to be independent from the rule of the elves. War has been raging all over the magic land. Especially the black iron city. The army of the elves launched a fierce attack on the black iron city. The dwarves almost lost all peripheral resources.

If the dwarves want to defend the Black Iron City, they must have enough resources to make weapons.

Black Iron City and Obsidian City have a connected plane transmission array, and we have always been an ore supplier for the dwarves in Black Iron City.Although the elves asked Obsidian City to stop providing ore to Black Iron City during this period, we have been supplying these old customers.

It's just that the black elves' harassment and raids have caused the price of ore in Obsidian City to rise across the board, and there is nothing we can do about it...

You can't lose money to support the dwarves in the war, right? "

"Yes! You can't lose money to help them fight the war..." Daliang deeply agreed with Stone Goblin's words.

And just when Da Liang was about to ask more questions, Margaret came to this ore exchange. When she learned that there was a rich man of the human race who was going to buy all 10000 units of high-quality black iron ore at a time, she immediately rushed to the exchange. Arrived at this reception room specially built for the human race.

The appearance of Medusa is very scary from the aesthetic point of view of the human race. In order to make a good impression on the human ore purchaser, Margaret deliberately swept back all her snake hair so that it would not look so scary. .

Then, after seeing Da Liang's clothes, Margaret knew that she had really met a big customer. She had a higher vision than the stone goblin. What she saw was not only wealth, but also strength.Being able to have such magical equipment and dare to wear it out means that his strength is not afraid that someone will attack him because of these magical equipment.

Margaret, who slid in with her tail swaying, said enthusiastically to Da Liang: "Hi, dear guest, I am the owner of this ore exchange... Margaret, may I have the honor to know your name?"

"Da Liang..." Da Liang gave a noble salute to Margaret, and did not introduce himself too much, but said: "I am very interested in the ore here, especially you have so many high-quality black iron ore stone.

If you can provide me with this high-quality black iron ore for a long time, I am willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you.

But... I also understand that the harassment of the black elves has caused problems in your ore transportation.

This makes me very worried, whether you can supply me in time. "

Eat 10000 units of high-quality black iron ore directly, which is 100 million gold coins, and the long-term cooperation in the future makes Margaret determined to make this big order.

"Mr. Da don't have to worry about the issue of the black elves. We merchants in the ore business maintain a very good relationship with the surrounding black elf tribes. Our business routes are actually blacked out by these Faceless Men. Protected by elves.

What has been harassing the neighborhood recently is just some snake black elves wandering from other places. We have notified those Black Elf tribes of the Faceless Man faction. They are really active in eliminating these snake black elves. Trust our ore transportation roads It can be quickly restored to its original appearance.

Minerals are the specialty of the dungeon, Mr. Da Liang, you don't have to worry about...the problem of our supply. "

However, at this moment, the stone goblin who had just left ran in, and he shouted to Margaret out of breath: "Master, master... those dwarves from Black Iron City are back again, and they want the batch of high-quality black Take away the iron ore, 100 gold per unit, and ask us to deliver it now."

(End of this chapter)

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