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Chapter 1074 Wrath of Medusa

Chapter 1074 Wrath of Medusa

Da Liang's main task is to find a dungeon with a torch tower, and then join an assassin group.

Completing the assassination commission in the Assassin's Cabin is just a way to join the Assassins.Therefore, when the assassination mission conflicted with his grand strategy, Da Liang gave up the assassination mission in the assassin's hut without hesitation.

Since it is enough to join the Assassins, and Margaret is familiar with the black elf tribe, Da Liang thought of asking this Medusa merchant to help... As for why the Medusa in Obsidian City is so familiar with the hostile black elves?That's not what Da Liang wants to consider. A businessman always considers business issues first when doing anything. If he wants to have smooth business routes, he must manage in many ways.

Not every chamber of commerce, like the Shuntong chamber of commerce, has troops to open the way.

However, Margaret actually proposed to hire black elf assassins sent by the Faceless Men to form his own assassin group, which surprised Da Liang a bit.

How to manage the assassin group?
I'm not familiar with this business!

Forget about it... Forming the Assassin Group by yourself is considered joining the Assassin Group. As for how the Assassin Group works?

Brother is so rich, do you still need to run an assassin group to make money?Stay by your side and give it to Sophia to train, and then see what the follow-up mission is...

Da Liang agreed with Margaret's proposal: "Yes... If I can form the assassin group, things will be much more convenient in the future. It's just that I don't know how to form an assassin group. Ms. Margaret can continue to serve Can I help with this?"

In Margaret's eyes...Da Liang casually gave up the assassination mission, completely lacking the consciousness to be an assassin, and now he doesn't even know how to form the assassin group, a typical layman.

It makes people very speechless, but their identity and wealth are there, and there is nothing to complain about.

Just play with the rich.

And in this special period, Margaret also needs a super strong like Da Liang to protect herself.Not to mention that the reckless Brutal not only didn't leave anyone to protect himself, he even ran away without the ore.

What about the 10000 units of high-quality black iron ore?
Therefore, she will do her best to keep Da Liang in Obsidian City.

Margaret said to Da Liang: "As long as there are five assassins, the assassin group can be registered in the Assassin Guild... The whole process is somewhat cumbersome and complicated. If Mr. Da Liang is assured of me, then the task of forming the assassin group will be entrusted to me Bar."

The Assassin's Guild and the Assassin's Hut are two organizations that operate separately and have a single line of contact.

The Assassin's Guild is a semi-public organization, responsible for the registration of assassins and accepting assassination commissions; the Assassin's Cabin is a very secretive organization, only responsible for issuing assassination tasks to assassins.

Therefore, the assassination client will not know the entire assassination organizational structure in the Assassin's Guild; even if the assassinated person knows that he has been assassinated, it is difficult to interfere with the entire assassination process.

It is precisely because of the secret method of the Assassin Organization that even if Margaret knows where the Assassin Guild is, she has no way to interfere with the Assassin Lodge to continue sending assassins. She does not even know which Assassin Lodge is organizing the assassination of herself.

With Margaret's help in forming the assassin group, a lot of things can be saved. Da Guang nodded and said: "Okay... please trouble Ms. Margaret to help me form my assassin group."

After seeing Da Liang's agreement, Margaret immediately asked what she was most concerned about: "Mr. Da Liang, in which assassin's hut did you receive this mission to assassinate me?"

Even if Da Liang and Margaret do not belong to the alliance, they belong to a close cooperative relationship, and Da Liang doesn't have the awareness to be an assassin.Therefore, without any psychological burden, he sold the assassin's cabin where he received the assassination mission.

When Da Liang told the location of the Assassin's Hut, Margaret was really surprised. She never expected that the location of the Assassin's Hut was so close to her ore exchange, it was in this free market, and ...

"It turned out to be Hauge's slave exchange? This damn soul eater! I also had dinner with him yesterday and ordered a batch of cavemen from them for mining.

This mission to assassinate me was received by my husband yesterday... That is to say, during the meal, he already knew that someone was going to assassinate me, and announced this mission.

Damn Hauge, I must kill him! "

The business contacts kept the ore merchant Margaret in frequent contact with the slave dealer Hauge. Margaret often received entrustments from the mine owners of the layer caves to order slaves at Hauge's slave exchange.As a result, what Margaret didn't expect was that when Hauge wanted to kill herself, he not only collected the deposit for ordering slaves, but also said so many blessings at the banquet.

This made Margaret more angry than a stranger trying to kill herself.

The anger made this Medusa finally erupt. The snake hair on her head twisted crazily, and each snake head spit out a message quickly.The human-carved velvet chair Margaret was sitting on turned into a stone chair in an instant.

"Mr. Da Liang..." Margaret stood on the ground again, her tail straightened and her pupils turned red, like a poisonous snake about to attack, she said to Da Liang, "Thank you very much for making these things for me... Although I promised you to help you form your assassin group. But the anger made me unbearable. Now I will call my subordinates to attack the slave trading center of Hauge. I must kill this damn Soul Eater .

Even if I die in this battle.

I'm sorry, Mr. Da Liang.If I can come back alive, I will repay you well. "

With that said, Margaret was about to leave...

Da Liang didn't expect that Margaret, who was able to deal with the problem calmly just now, would be so irritable after hearing the location of the assassin's cabin.She went to fight the slave trader Hauge desperately, what should I do?
Without killing Margaret, the way to join the Assassins through the Assassin's Lodge is broken.

Now if Margaret dies in the slave exchange, who will form my brother's assassin group?

Therefore, Da Liang hurriedly stopped Margaret and said, "Ms. Margaret, please don't worry. If you want to kill Hauge, I can help you..."

Hearing that Da Liang was willing to help her fight the war, Margaret immediately stopped sliding towards the door, and she said to Da Liang: "Mr. Da Liang, I thank you for helping me, but this is not your war."

"No, no, no..." Da Liang stood up from his seat: "You want to help me form the assassin group and provide me with the ores I need in the future. You are useful to me, so I won't let you do it." Unnecessary sacrifice.

Hauge runs the Assassin's Lodge, and his strength is definitely stronger than yours. If you rush over so rashly, you are going to die.

Leave this to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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