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Chapter 1079 Hiring Hauge

Chapter 1079 Hiring Hauge
The free market is under the jurisdiction of Obsidian City.

For this large-scale battle that took place in the free trading market, Margaret had to give a reasonable explanation to the lord of Obsidian City as soon as possible, otherwise the death of a famous slave trader would bring her a lot of trouble.

As for the slave exchange left by Haug?

There is no way for Margaret to take it for herself. This place is just a trading terminal, and the core of a slave trader is far from what an exchange can hold.Like ore traders, slave traders had their own circle.

At most, Margaret could snatch the slaves here, but not Hauge's sources of goods and sales channels, which would be slowly divided up by other slave traders.

In order to appease the army of Obsidian City as soon as possible, Margaret dared not leave the free trade market without any delay.

Da Liang returned to the sealed assassin's hut.

The last Hauge was still standing there, tentacles had regrown from the severed limbs.He just stood there under the sword of the night, waiting until Da Liang walked in again.

Using magic to make a chair for himself, Da Liang took off his smock to reveal his appearance and sat in it, then looked at Hauge for a while before saying: "I have very good reasons for not killing Margaret, even if she uses me to To kill you, I also helped her. As for you...

I'm still thinking about it.

Morally speaking... you are far inferior to Margaret.

What other bargaining chips do you have that can increase your self-worth, you can say it now.

If I can't make up my mind to spare you, any reason that makes me worry about you will make me kill you to prevent future troubles. "

Hauge looked at Da Liang. He came in like this, which meant that the battle outside was over, and of course it also meant that his other body had died.

If this body dies again, then it is really hopeless.

With a strong desire to survive, Hauge said: "If my identity is exposed, I will no longer be able to do the slave trade business. I believe that the small money earned from running the slave business will not be valued by the clothes of adults.

But I can continue to run the Assassin's Lodge.

If my lord is willing to spare my life, this assassin hut is yours..."

Seeing Da Liang's expressionless face and no reaction, Hauge knew that what he said was not sincere enough, he continued: "Your Excellency, you know that Soul Eater has two bodies, you can lock me up with one body, so that you can Don't worry that my other body will betray you."

Hauge's suggestion aroused Da Liang's interest, and he said, "This proposal can add points to you. But you are wrong to say that I have no interest in the slave business...

I'm actually going to invest in the slave market in Obsidian City.

Therefore, if you can rebuild both the Assassin's Lodge and the Slave Exchange, then I'm really reluctant to kill you. "

It's very easy to re-establish the Assassin's Hut, just change the location and notify the Assassins associated with you.But re-establishing the slave exchange is very troublesome.

Although the dungeon is famous for producing assassins, assassins are not seen well here. Doing business as an assassin will definitely be rejected by other businesses.Without connections, the business will not make money.

But the slave trade is closely related to whether he can live, so Hauge used his brain and said: "If your lord wants to invest in the slave business, I have a way.

Most of my slave suppliers come from nomads in the lower caverns, most of whom are black elf tribes. My status as an assassin will not have much impact on them, and there should be no problem with the supply of slaves.

The important thing is how to sell the acquired slaves.

After going through this incident, my slave exchange will definitely be taken back by Obsidian City and re-auctioned.If my lord can come forward to buy this place and let you run it, I can preside over the operation of this slave exchange in the dark.

If the Assassin's Cabin is also arranged here, no one would have thought that we would continue to release Assassin missions here. "

At this time, Da Liang felt that he was not in a hurry to kill Hauge, which was really correct.

Whether it was his main quest or observing the battle in Black Iron City at close range, he decided that Da Liang would stay in Obsidian City for a while.At this time... having an identity that can be made public and has a certain status in Obsidian City will undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

After all, Margaret's ore exchange is not a place to stay for a long time, and there are many things in the big light, and I don't want this shrewd Medusa to notice.

A slave trader is a nice cover.

Hauge is a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse.He can manage the slave business so well, even if his identity as an assassin is exposed and it is difficult to start the slave business again, it is definitely much easier than Da Liang, a surface human race who has just arrived and doesn't understand anything.

Hauge is a Eater of Souls with two bodies.

Close one, use one.Although Hauge's absolute loyalty cannot be guaranteed, the cost of making him betray will become very high... In terms of employing people, Da Liang still has great confidence in himself.

After thinking carefully, Da Liang said with a smile: "I really didn't misunderstand you. You successfully convinced me that you can survive. The night... catch a caveman."

"Yes, my lord."

Just as Ye Guang finished answering, a caveman fell out of thin air in front of Hauge.

The cave man didn't know what happened, he got up from the ground in panic, and Hauge had already jumped on it.

The tentacles entangled the fleeing caveman, and the suction cups on them blocked all the breathing holes in his body.

The poor caveman struggled a little before being killed. Then Hauge wrapped the caveman in circles with his tentacles, and slowly stuffed it into his body...

Then, the Eater of Souls began to split... from top to bottom, splitting into two like a single cell.

The whole process lasted about ten minutes. In the end, the two Hauges, who were seriously exhausted, collapsed on the ground with shrunken bodies.

A voice came from both bodies at the same time: "I'm sorry, my lord... the split will make me enter a state of extreme weakness, and then I will enter a dormancy period of about two days.

I can only work for adults after I wake up. "

Saying that, Soul Eater's eyes slowly closed, and it was about to enter sleep and recover.

At this time, Da Liang said to Hauge: "Go to sleep... After you wake up, we will lead Obsidian City into a new journey together.

I'm not like you who can only brag, lie, and fool.

I can do what I say.

When you are truly willing to pledge allegiance to me, I will give you another body to be free. "

(End of this chapter)

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