Chapter 1082 Three Policies
The King of the Hill heard something from Da Liang's words, but he still asked, "My lord, where do you think we can retreat to if we are defeated in the Black Iron City?"

Da Liang replied directly: "Of course it is Obsidian City. There is only a plane portal between here and Black Iron City, which is suitable for emergency evacuation.

As long as you can hold the plane portal, you can block the elves on the other side of the portal.

Moreover, Obsidian City is a level 13 city. If you dwarves are approved by the level 14 magma dragon, you can transform this place into a level 14 main dwarf city.

There are more abundant mineral resources here than Black Iron City, and the torch tower can provide a fire that is not inferior to the volcanic fire. You can reproduce the glory of the dwarves here.

Obsidian City has all the elements to become the main city of dwarves. His majesty can rely on this city to regroup the dwarves who wandered in the magical realm and form an army of dwarves armed with steel.

Then counterattack the magic realm and take back the Black Iron City.

In this way, His Majesty has a double-city king city that crosses planes. "

Da Liang drew up a very grand blueprint for the king of the hill. The dwarf king's ambitions were filled with the king city composed of two 14th-level main cities, but the reality quickly dispelled his fantasy. He said: "No, no. , No, no! Obsidian City supported us in the most difficult time for the dwarves, and I must not occupy it.

Dwarves never betray their friends. "

Da Liang praised the King of the Hill who refused to be tempted: "Your Majesty is really kind-hearted, and the integrity of the dwarves is also recognized by the whole plane. Just because His Majesty doesn't attack Obsidian City, it doesn't mean that others don't. Once this city Being occupied by others is a fatal blow to Black Iron City..."

After hearing Da Liang's words, the King of the Hill said in surprise: "Your Duke, you think Obsidian City will be breached? This is a level 13 dungeon, and its owner is the level 15 dark dragon Moore. In the underground world... who has the ability Take the city?"

"The situation in the Endless Labyrinth is actually worse than in the Magic Realm. Warlocks from the World Factory have already invaded. The academic army is mainly ground combat units, which can easily adapt to the underground combat environment. Their occupied areas are gradually The increase and expansion of the dungeon, the kings of the dungeon are fully directing the war with the academy.

This time should be the time when Obsidian City's defense is weakest, and the black elves in the lower caves will never miss this golden opportunity. In fact, they have already begun to accumulate strength to attack Obsidian City. "

Da Liang said that the black elves wanted to attack Obsidian City was not aimless.

First of all: his main quest implies that the Black Elf will rise in the Endless Labyrinth.

Then: the Black Elf tribe in the lower cave has established a very close relationship with the merchants in Obsidian City. The ore merchant Margaret Hull and the slave merchant Haug are all cooperating with the Black Elf tribe.This is definitely not an isolated case. It means that the Black Elf tribe has controlled the sources of ore and slaves in Obsidian City, and then it can be inferred...they have occupied all the important roads from the lower caves to Obsidian City, forcing the merchants in Obsidian City to Had to seek protection from them.

The army of the black elves is approaching. They have cut off all information from Obsidian City to the lower caves, and are lurking nearby waiting for the opportunity to attack Obsidian City.

The black elves are going to attack Obsidian City?

The King of the Hill couldn't easily believe Da Liang's deduction. He said: "The black elves are nomadic tribes. They lack siege weapons and no army suitable for frontal combat. Obsidian City's city defense system is very complete, although because of the World Factory Invasion, the dungeon army here has been transferred a lot, but it is not easy for the black elves to break through."

Da Liang smiled and said: "So...they are not attacking now, but are lurking looking for an opportunity. Your Majesty...if Obsidian City is really occupied by the black elves, and the dwarves have no preparations, then your last retreat will also be lost up.

Now... the best way to take advantage of Obsidian City's unpreparedness against Black Iron City is to directly occupy here. The military strength of Black Iron City is more than enough to defend Obsidian City.With Obsidian City as a logistics base, perhaps Black Iron City can last until the day the elves withdraw.

Another way is, when the black elves attacked Obsidian City, His Majesty sent troops to defeat the black elves and occupy it.It's just that if the black elves want to attack Obsidian City, they will definitely find a way to destroy the plane teleportation array first, so as to prevent Black Iron City from coming to support them.Therefore, His Majesty needs to secretly build another plane teleportation array... I suggest that a piece of land should be obtained in the name of renting the torch tower to build a manufacturing factory, so that the dwarves can have a legitimate reason to station troops here, and no one would think that there are planes in the factory teleportation array.

Your Majesty only needs to wait until the black elves are about to occupy Obsidian City and send troops.

The last way is to negotiate with the black elves first and promise them... that when the black elves attack Obsidian City, they will not provide military aid to Obsidian City.As long as the dwarves support the black elves in occupying Obsidian City, since the black elves and elves are mortal enemies, even if the black elves occupy the city, they will not cut off Obsidian City's supplies to Black Iron City. "

Da Liang proposed three strategies for the king of the hill: upper, middle and lower.

King of the Hill savors the pros and cons of each strategy.

Occupying Obsidian City directly should be the safest way... When Obsidian City is defenseless against Black Iron City, first occupy the plane teleportation array, and then the king of the hill will lead the elite to capture the city lord's mansion as quickly as possible and kill the city lord Moore finally took over Obsidian City, which had lost its command and commander, from the inside out, and made every effort to turn it into a dwarven city.

As long as the speed is fast enough, the king of the hill can return to the Black Iron City before the elves can react, and re-command the defense of the Black Iron City.

The Iron Hoof Kingdom was busy resisting the attack of the World Factory, and couldn't spare the army to counterattack Obsidian City for a while.After they get together an army, they may not be able to counterattack this frontier fortified city, and fighting the dwarves here will probably make it easier for the black elves.

And the Black Elf...

These nomadic tribes, who are good at sneak attacks, are not only helpless against the Obsidian City guarded by the dwarves, but also worry about driving away the dwarf mine guard army.

In this way, the king of the hill has a dwarven royal city that crosses planes.Use the surplus troops of Black Iron City to guard Obsidian City and occupy the resource area of ​​the underground world.Obsidian City will become a large logistics base that provides raw materials, weapons, and supplies to feed back the war in Black Iron City.

But the drawbacks of doing so also caused the dwarves to lose their good reputation, attacking allies who fully supported them, this kind of behavior is extremely bad, and will make the already weak dwarves even more isolated.

It is not conducive to the future development of the dwarven race.

(End of this chapter)

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