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Chapter 1086 Copy War

Chapter 1086 Copy War
Facing Half Moon Cat's suspicion, Shi Fei casually explained: "A long time ago, the elves experienced a split. Some elves were defeated, then retreated into the endless labyrinth, and transformed into an underground race... the black elves.

This road is the correct route for the black elves who were surrounded at the beginning to use their lives to wade out of the gap between the planes.At that time, the chasing troops of the elves also chased and killed the black elves along this road, and did not withdraw until all the remaining black elves fled into the endless maze. The elves also suffered heavy losses in this gap between the planes.

Of course, the correct path was also recorded by the elves, and I happened to find this path when I was doing the task of the magic realm.

And in this road, there is a branch road leading to the Black Iron City.

The dwarves don't know the existence of this road, and neither do most elves.In their eyes, this place is a gap between planes, a place of death.

If I can lead this army of elves through this road, appear near the Black Iron City, and establish a military camp...

The elves will definitely do their best to supplement the strength of my legion and nail this nail firmly to the side of the Black Iron City.Then the war in the entire Black Iron City will revolve around the entire barracks, and I will change from a second-line commander to a first-line commander, directly participating in the siege of the Black Iron City and guiding the entire elf army in the direction of attack. "

Shi Fei's explanation dispelled Ban Yuemao's doubts. She knew that Shi Fei's task level in the magic realm was very high. No player could lead the army of the main city of the system alone like him, and had access to some secrets of the elves. It is also a very normal thing.

Regarding Shi Fei's battle plan, Ban Yuemao said in admiration: "The boss is the boss. If they can gain a foothold near the Black Iron City, the dwarves must shrink their troops to the Black Iron City to attack the boss's barracks. At that time... the main force of the elves can take the opportunity Quickly advance to the black iron city. No matter how strong an isolated city is, it will be broken by the elves.

The plot of the Dwarf Independence Movement is over, the boss, you are the biggest contributor to the victory of the elves in encircling and suppressing the dwarves.You will definitely get a batch of ultimate creatures, as well as level 15 elf envoys.Even the status in Hong Kong City will be one step closer..."

One step closer is to be granted the title of Marquis, which is still one level behind Daliang's Duke in Shangjiang City.

And the Duke... There is no special opportunity, and it cannot be achieved through hard work.

On the main plane, Da Liang's status should be beyond reach.

However, in terms of the height of the plane war plot, Shi Fei believes that when the dwarven independence movement ends, no player can be higher than himself.

As for the road that Shi Fei asked Ban Yuemao to find to reach the Black Iron City, it was indeed the route used by the black elves to escape from the magical realm to the endless labyrinth.

During the Battle of the Black Iron City, the dwarves' underground network made it difficult for the elves to penetrate an inch. The dwarves' attacking troops would appear in the entire mountainous area at any time, and then retreated after taking advantage of it.

And just when the elves were helpless against the Black Iron City, the long-sealed road map was found and used by the elves... Then the elves sent an army to fight a wonderful sneak attack, and they suddenly appeared in the black city. The vicinity of the Iron City, and nailing it there forced the dwarves to concentrate their strength and launch a crazy attack on this partial division.

Taking advantage of this time, the other elf armies pushed the battle line to the Black Iron City as quickly as possible, completing the encirclement of the main city of the dwarves.

This is the end of the story of the Dwarf Independence Movement. This sneak attack has also been talked about by the players. Some players who are very fanatical about the military have personally explored this gap between the planes called the Road of Death, and then developed A very popular extreme parkour sports route.

So in that life, how to go this way... A familiar player knows better than an elf.

But in this life, this road has not been discovered by the elves from the ancient books.

Now the only one who knows that this road exists... Only Shi Fei, and then he asked the personnel of the Dominant Legion to walk out the road again according to his memory.Next, he will command this second-tier army to repeat the sneak attack in the previous life, and get the greatest credit for the entire plot of the dwarven independence movement...

Need to wait a little longer!
Shi Fei reminded himself.

Now Black Iron City's strength is at its peak, and he only has one supplementary army in his hands.Fighting a sneak attack at this time will only be self-defeating and quickly eliminated by the dwarves.

And soon, as the largest source of supplies for the dwarves, the Obsidian City of the Endless Labyrinth will be attacked by the black elves.

At that time, the black elves who attacked Obsidian City would first destroy Obsidian City's plane teleportation array and city teleportation array, preventing Obsidian City from receiving reinforcements from other places.There will be a period of chaos in the Black Iron City due to the sudden closure of the plane teleportation array, and the elf army will also take the opportunity to set off a wave of attack.

He only needs to take this opportunity to bring this supplementary army to where it should appear, and then block the dwarves' attack with the assistance of the dominator army, and then wait for victory.

Shi Fei formulated his own strategic layout based on the victory route of the elves in the previous life. Everything was copied, but the time was slightly advanced.

The dwarves are doomed, no matter in the previous life or in this life.

Da Liang, who was in the Obsidian City of the Endless Labyrinth, of course didn't know Shi Fei's plan, he just interfered with the Black Iron Field battle as much as he could, and then returned his attention to his main task.

Join a gang of assassins.

Build it yourself.

Hauge's slave exchange was auctioned by Obsidian City as scheduled, and local tyrant Da Liang bought the slave exchange at an undisputed and irresistible price.

Traces of the battle still remain in this slave exchange.

Under the light of the torch tower, the walls here collapsed, the ground was potholed, and the slaves inside the fence had long since run away without a trace.The auction house was hit by a water magic and turned into a small pond.

There is nothing here...Da Liang only has Brutal, ten bear cavalry, and the shady Hauge.

Everything has to be started from scratch.

When Da Liang didn't know where to find some people to repair the slave exchange, Margaret came back.

She kept her promise with Da Liang and brought four black elf assassins.

Assassin (Tier [-] Black Elf)

Attack: 5
Defense: 4
Killing: 30-50
Blood volume: 150
Unit characteristics: shooter.No melee penalty, shooting penalty.

Poison attack, poisons the enemy when attacking.

Invisibility, (active skill) can be invisible for 30 minutes after use, and will appear when attacking the enemy or standing next to the enemy.

Use daggers for melee and hand crossbows for long-range. They can use poison and become invisible. Their beautiful lethality is close to that of Tier 5 creatures.Among the mainstream races, there is no second-tier soldier of any race that is the opponent of the black elf assassin.

(End of this chapter)

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