start an archangel

Chapter 1102 Suppression Potion

Chapter 1102 Suppression Potion
At the same time as the blood mist dissipated, the roar of the battle above stopped abruptly.

Da Liang, Monica and Prophet looked at the sky together.I saw... In the dark background, a shining meteor shot towards the direction of the plane teleportation array.

It was the Arbitration Angel, and she was chasing Abigail who suddenly flew in the direction of Songjiang City.

The blood sacrifice magic that the Prophet taught Monica worked. When Abigail sensed Monica's existence and location, the power of the blood made her react quickly.

Abigail's speed was so fast that people on the ground saw her in the blink of an eye.And Arbitration Angel is faster, even if it starts a step later, it can still overtake Abigail quickly and prepare to intercept her.

At this time, Da Liang's order was conveyed to the Arbitration Angel: "Don't intercept Abigail, come and protect Monica..."

After hearing Da Liang's order, the Arbitration Angel immediately gave up his attack skills, rushed towards the plane teleportation array, and reached Monica's side first.There was still time to turn around and prop up the light shield to put on a defensive posture, keeping Monica and Da Liang behind him.

Abigail followed.

The attraction of her bloodline made her only have Monica in her eyes, and she rushed towards Monica, the wildness made her ready to attack, the tips of the eight spider claws condensed different dark magic, as long as the best The attack distance will immediately attack Monica.

The Prophet chanted the mantra, the wand danced slowly, and a large circular magic circle spread out above.

This is the first time Monica has used blood sacrifice and master-level "suppression potion" on Abigail, and all the effects are only in theory.Abigail's power has exceeded the prophet's divination ability. In order to control Abigail smoothly, the prophet released a potion synergistic magic circle in advance.


Abigail had already rushed in front of him. Under the reminder of the prophet, Monica smashed the potion bottle with magic energy, and then let the potion spray out towards Abigail.

After the light purple potion passed through the Prophet's magic circle, it turned into an expanding purple mist, and Abigail just plunged into the purple mist.

Abigail falls to the ground...

All the heroes are on full alert in the direction of Abigail. As long as she is about to go berserk, the arbitration will lead the frost dragons to rush up and beat Abigail.

But Abigail stood there without moving, her feet were still one step away from the plane teleportation array.

At this moment, Da Liang also saw Abigail's current appearance up close.

As the prophet said, Abigail is just a body with law-level power. Although she still retains Abigail's appearance, she has no soul.

I don't know myself, I don't know Monica...

That's not right... Her blood is flowing and Monica is attracted to each other.

The master-level depressant medicine started to take effect, and the violent aura on Abigail's body gradually weakened. She looked at Monica, and the eight spider claws on her back relaxed and slowly shook.

Monica looked at Abigail in front of her. She was really familiar and unfamiliar, and at the same time, the dark power made her feel deeply afraid.

"Prophet, what should I do now?"

The Prophet kept breathing steadily, trying not to irritate Abigail, and said slowly: "Call her name and see if she still remembers her name."

Monica followed the Prophet's advice and called to Abigail, "Abigail?"

Hearing her own name, Abigail suddenly became a little excited, and the swing speed of the spider claw became faster.A pair of darkened eyes looked at Monica left and right, as if trying to remember who he was?

"There is a reaction... very good. If she has too little impression of you, it will be difficult." The prophet motioned everyone to stay away from the plane teleportation array, and then said to Monica: "Try to control her, let her She walked into the teleportation array..."

"Monica, be careful yourself." Da Liang reminded Monica, and then asked the arbitration to withdraw from the teleportation array.

After Monica waited for everyone to leave the teleportation array, she stood in the center of the teleportation array and said to Abigail, "Come on, Abigail... stand here."

The plane teleportation array exudes a lot of magic energy, and Abigail's instinct to stay away from danger made Abigail stand outside the plane teleportation array when she fell.

Now Monica let her walk into the teleportation circle. The instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages and the pull of blood made Abigail very anxious. In the teleportation array, they all retreated back.

What should I do?
The effects of suppressing potions have a time limit, and when used on level 16 creatures, the effective time will only be shorter.

Da Liang looked at the Prophet, hoping that he could come up with a new solution, but at this moment he saw Monica walking towards Abigail.

"Monica, what are you doing? Don't leave the protection of the Arbitration Angel."

Monica was just standing in the center of the teleportation array, and the Arbitration Angel was standing on the edge. The distance between her and Monica was the same as the distance between Abigail and Monica.If Abigail wants to attack Monica, Arbitration Angel can protect Monica first by virtue of her speed advantage.

But now Monica is walking towards Abigail. If Abigail attacks Monica, no one can save her.

Hearing Da Liang's shout, Monica did not stop her footsteps, she said to Da Liang on the territory channel: "My lord, please believe me..."

Seeing Monica's resolute attitude, Da Liang stopped blocking Monica.Abigail's status is unknown, and it may not be correct to forcibly stop Monica at this time.All he can do is wait patiently and do his best to save Monica in times of crisis.

Monica walked up to Abigail.As long as Abigail runs away, her eight spider claws can pierce Monica's body at any time, and the Arbitration Angel can't save her.

Everyone looked at Monica and Abigail with concern, but fortunately, Abigail did not show an aggressive posture, but became more stable.

Monica stretched out her hands to Abigail: "Abigail, my mother... Although your soul is gone, I believe your body still remembers me.

Do you remember when you helped me learn to walk?

Just like hold my hand and lead me step by step. "

Abigail looked at Monica, and the memory of her body made her put her own hand on Monica's.Then Monica led her into the teleportation array step by step, obediently like a child learning to walk with Monica.

(End of this chapter)

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