start an archangel

Chapter 1109 Consensus

Chapter 1109 Consensus
Da Liang sat opposite to the holy Bella, he didn't have the posture of a subordinate meeting his superior outside, but like a chatting friend.

"We don't know what the future holds.

What if the plane of God cannot be opened?What if God is not under our control?What if God wants to invade us?
We can't place all our hopes on the gods, and even plan for the worst, and fight another god war after the plane war.

Although the Five-Color Flag Alliance is neutral, the war will not come to us because we don't want to fight. We actively make ourselves stronger in this war, and we are far better able to survive in the end than waiting for passive confrontation.

You are a battle angel who has experienced the wars of the previous planes.

Knowing that war is the theme of this world at this time, no one can escape.

If we want to end the war, we must have the power to end the war when the opportunity comes, and we need to have the power to survive.

But the current five-color flag alliance can't even guarantee the most basic survival. "

Da Liang's words made Holy Bella fall into short thinking.

Just because she doesn't like war doesn't mean that Holy Bella is afraid of war. In fact, when war comes, she is braver than anyone else.It's just that as a battle angel, long-term strategic vision is not what Holy Bella is good at. She can also clearly understand her own strengths and weaknesses.

Soon a little smile appeared on the face of Holy Bella: "You are still persuasive as always, it seems that I have to follow in your footsteps in this plane war.

This time we can say that we have completely offended the magic realm, and the war is almost separated by a layer of paper.We should be the No. [-] enemy of the Magic Realm now, do you really want to start a war with the Magic Realm? "

With full trust in the holy Bella, Da Liang didn't mind talking about his thoughts on the magical realm.

"The current Kingdom of Death, the Wizards Guild and the City of Sighs have already started negotiations under my coordination. It is very likely that the Cyan Allied Forces and the New Innocent Holy See will reach an agreement to merge, and then the Kingdom of Death will face a unified battle.

Without the cyan alliance, the good camp wants to interfere in the civil war in the kingdom of death. The most convenient way to send troops is the magic realm with a large number of plane portals in the kingdom of death. Now the energy of the magic realm is on the dwarves.

Recently, I learned about the situation of the Black Iron City War. The situation of the dwarves is very bad, which means that the elves in the magic realm may solve the trouble of the dwarves at any time.Once the dwarf independence movement is suppressed, the task of containing the magic realm can only be completed by our five-color flag alliance.

Therefore, if necessary, we must use the city of Rio de Janeiro as an excuse to fight a limited war with the Magic Realm, so as to reduce the interference of the Magic Realm on the Kingdom of Death. "

Holy Bella had participated in the establishment of the Wizards Guild, and she knew the situation in the kingdom of death very well. She asked, "Your goal is the kingdom of death?"

"To be precise... it is the obelisk belonging to the kingdom of death controlled by Yunzhongcheng. Only when the kingdom of death is unified, Yunzhongcheng will not continue to control the obelisk and slow down their research on becoming a god.

Then we will take back the entrance of the sulfur cave, and we will be on the same starting line as the good camp and the evil camp. "

Holy Bella did not expect that Da Liang would take such a big detour, set up such a big chess game, and calculated three powerful planes in order to seize the obelisk of the kingdom of death.

"It seems that I underestimated you. I thought you were doing a dangerous thing, but I didn't expect that what you were doing was even more dangerous. You dare to snatch the obelisk controlled by Cloud City."

Da Liang smiled and said: "None of Cloud City and Hell will compromise and relax on the study of becoming a god. This means that whoever obtains a god-level hero first will use it immediately. We are also in this state now, even if we know The coming of the gods may bring another catastrophe, but we just can't stop.

At the same time, losing the obelisk in their hands will make them all calm and calm.When our power is strong enough, we can disclose our research on becoming a god, and bring the three parties to the negotiating table to discuss the truce.

This is how I end wars, but before we do, we have many wars to fight. "

Da Liang reveals his plan to Holy Bella.

This war was forced out by Chengshen's research. If you want to stop the war, you must find a way from the root cause. If the Five-Color Banner Alliance wants to be a mediator, it must stand on the same level as the two camps.

Da Liang can be said to have confessed to the holy Bella. He must get the full support of this 16th-level hero, because he has seen the battle of 16th-level heroes. strength.

At this time, the Holy Bella said to Da Liang: "Okay, you have convinced me. From now on, you will do the things that involve your brain, and I will do the things that involve your hands, even if the opponents are the supreme angels."

Da Liang said, "I will try not to let you participate in the battle against Cloud City."

A private chat allowed Da Liang to gain the full support of the Holy Bella.Although this battle angel was recently promoted to the 16th rank supreme angel, no one dared to underestimate the combat power of Holy Bella.In terms of hero level and panel attributes, Holy Bella is not weaker than any veteran 16th-level hero.And the hidden combat experience and combat awareness allowed her to have the level of a first-tier 16th-level hero.

If it comes to fighting alone, Da Liang believes that Holy Bella can defeat most of the 16th-level heroes.

If Holy Bella can hold the League of Angels, she will definitely be able to compete one-on-one with Michael, Satan, and Lucifer.

In other words, whether Holy Bella is willing to contribute in the future war will play a vital role in the direction of the war, and will affect Da Liang's layout of future war strategies.

In the Royal Palace of Rio, Da Liang and Sacred Bella eliminated the small knots and reached a consensus to end the war.

Outside the Royal Palace in Rio, the exchange of gold coins and Shangjiang War Bonds was going on in an orderly manner.

The army of Bauhinia City wanted to intervene in the investigation, but they were blocked outside the city and port; they wanted to contact their immediate superior, Bavaria, but were told that Bavaria was attending a banquet at the Royal Palace in Rio and could not come out.

The armies of Shangjiang and Rio de Janeiro did not attack, and the army of Bauhinia Flower City could not provoke a war without the order of Bavaria, and they did not dare to initiate a war.

There are only two giant dragons flying in the sky of the entire city of Rio de Janeiro, and the golden dragon of the elves cannot even enter within ten kilometers of them. How can the army of the Redbud City fight with the army of the Five-Color Banner Alliance with purple dragons, crystal dragons, and angels.

The once proud Bauhinia army suddenly felt desolate at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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