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Chapter 1118 Too Rich

Chapter 1118 Too Rich
Da Liang knew the black elves very well, of course he heard the implication of Hauge's words, and believed in Hauge's evaluation of the Red Helmets' strength.

At the beginning, Da Liang didn't pay too much attention to these four black elf assassins. After all, they were only NPCs for his own main quest, so he could look for them whenever he needed them.

And he didn't expect Margaret to bring him any awesome assassins. No matter how good the relationship between the Black Elf tribe and Margaret, the ore merchant, he couldn't just give away his important hero to others. Bar?

Da Liang thinks that these are the four tavern heroes, and it is enough if they can make up the number of missions.

Now Hauge told him that these four black elf assassins are very powerful, "this small temple of yours can't accommodate these big Buddhas".


Four very strong assassins live in a first-level assassin group, what do they want to do?
Black elves are very scheming guys, and very proud, they will think about climbing up whenever they have the opportunity.A powerful black elf assassin may be short-sighted for not leaving a first-level assassin group.But all four of them stay here together, which explains the problem.

Could it be that his identity was seen through by the black elf tribe who plotted against Obsidian City?
Da Liang didn't deliberately conceal his identity in Obsidian City. The King of the Hill recognized himself just by hearing Bruto's description, and it could not be ruled out that the Black Elf tribe could guess something from Margaret's description.

If the black elf recognizes that he is the Duke of the Five-Color Banner Alliance, and puts eyeliner beside him...

It is possible.

Of course, other reasons are not ruled out.

But since they didn't reveal their true identities, it's better not to expose them for the time being.

When Da Liang saw what Brutal was about to say, he stopped him in time.Then pointing to Julian and Juliet, he said to the four black elf assassins: "These two are human assassins I recruited from the surface world, and they will join the Creed Assassins from now on.

Your mission is to raise the level of the Creed Assassin Group as soon as possible, just like what the Song of Silence said: Let the entire Obsidian City know the name of our Creed. "

Da Liang's appearance just now really washed away the four black elves' perception of him.From Margaret, they knew that Da Liang was a very powerful mage, and... very rich.

But what I saw today cannot be described as "very rich".

That's quite rich and has status.

Any random maid is at the hero level, such a lineup of maids is their mistress...I'm afraid they can't afford it.

There are also two new assassins who joined the assassin group. Although they also hid their whole bodies in the overalls, the aura they exuded made the black elves feel deep fear.

Two extremely powerful heroes.

Who is this leader of his own?

He is so rich and powerful, why did he open a money-losing slave trading center in this border city.

Did the King of the Hill give him so many rewards just because he helped Black Iron City smash an elf's conspiracy?
Will his presence affect our plans...?

Although there were many doubts in their hearts, the black elves still tacitly accepted two powerful and mysterious companions to join.

Then what Da Liang said next caught the attention of the black elf.

He said to Brutal: "In the future, I can leave the matters in the slave exchange to my maids and personal guards. When I came, I saw that the dwarf weapon manufacturing factory had already started production.

The King of the Hill promised me a quota for purchasing weapons, and you are responsible for leading the bear cavalry to purchase all of them.Then escort it to a plane teleportation array, where it will be handed over to your colleagues on the surface, who will be responsible for selling the dwarven weapons.

In the meantime...they'll give you a batch of slaves that you bring back to fill our stockpile.

Selling slaves only makes small money, and if you want to make big money, you can catch it yourself. "

Finally, there is no need to buy and sell slaves anymore, and Brutal is relieved to change his job.Moreover, buying and transporting is his old line of work, and he feels very comfortable with his new job counterpart. He asked: "My lord, the King of the Hill allows you to have the priority to buy dwarf weapons and a weekly allowance of 50 yuan." [-]% off... how much should I buy?"

"Since you have the right of first purchase, of course you can buy as much as you can. Make use of your contacts in Heite City and try to get as many shares as possible, without considering the sales of weapons."

After Da Liang finished speaking, he glanced vaguely at the black elf assassins.

Although they couldn't see their expressions through the hood, Da Liang could feel their ears pricked up.

The priority purchase rights and weekly fixed discounts for weapons in the Black Iron City are different from the recruitment rights of bear cavalry. They cannot be obtained simply by helping the dwarves, and they represent extremely important political significance.

In this offer, you can even see the intention of the king of the hill to win over.

The questions in the hearts of the four black elf assassins became even bigger. Who is this human race in front of them?

In the conversation between Da Liang and Brutal, they didn't care about the black elf assassins. These were small characters, and what Da Liang was catching was the big fish behind them.

The dwarven weapons manufacturing factory under the torch tower began to produce weapons, but a large part of them had to be supplied to the Black Iron City battlefield, so the number of weapons that could be used for export was limited.

Da Liang's move to buy all of them undoubtedly means that he wants to monopolize the dwarven weapon trading market in Obsidian City.

This touches on the interests of too many people.

First of all, in the free market, those vendors who are selling dwarf weapons will cut off their supply, and merchants including Margaret will come to their door soon.

Monopoly dwarven weapons will get the attention of Obsidian City.

Selling dwarven weapons in large quantities to provide funds for the Black Iron City, the elves will not ignore it.

There is also the Black Elf tribe around Obsidian City... It is estimated that they will not be able to calm down and send people to contact them...

There are four out there.

Da Liang returned to the Creed Slave Exchange, and on the day he returned... the spectacle immediately spread throughout the free market.

Then there was a big news.

The scale of the base camp plane in the commercial field is far inferior to that of the main world.

The main world is a global trade activity. There are consensus trade rules and relatively smooth trade routes. Fleets and convoys can cross continents and oceans to realize long-distance circulation of goods and wealth.

Big chambers of commerce abound.

On the Base Camp plane, trade activities are regional, and most cities are self-sufficient, or form a simple trade network with surrounding cities.

The limited demand and thin profits prevent the merchants in the base camp from hoarding goods at will, and their business awareness is also very limited.

As a result, there is a big difference between the wealth owned by the merchants in the base camp and the wealth owned by the rich merchants in the main world.

For example, the Creed Slave Exchange suddenly bought all the weapons for export from the dwarf weapon manufacturing factory. This move frightened the merchants in the free market.

too rich.

(End of this chapter)

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