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Chapter 1125 Who Has Heard of Da Liang

Chapter 1125 Who Has Heard of Da Liang
The Red Helmets are also outstanding among the many heroes of the Ingram Tribe. As Tier 14 troops, if they can grow into Tier [-] heroes, you can see what kind of talent and strength they have.

In order to attack Obsidian City this time, Ingram sent assassins on a large scale to infiltrate and spy on Obsidian City.

The four Red Helmets are one of them...

And Ingram didn't expect that this dark chess piece that he put down at will would suddenly work.

The fact that the dwarves built military camps and weapons manufacturing factories under the torch tower was quickly detected by the Red Helmets.Then the precise information they provided allowed Ingram to easily grab so many dwarf weapons.

Ingram was already thinking about what kind of rewards she would give to the Red Helmets, but she never thought that these four newly accomplished assassins would appear in front of her so quickly.

And so embarrassed.

Lie on the ground like four dead dogs, only exhaling but not inhaling, as if they would die at any time.

Realizing that something important had happened, Ingram stopped the shadow matriarchs from arguing, and she asked the city gate guard, "Why did they appear here?"

"Reporting to the mistress, they ran all the way from the upper cave, and fell to the ground as soon as they reached the city gate. They said that they had important matters to see the we brought them here."

It seems that something big is really happening in Obsidian City.

Ingram knew that the square in front of the mansion was not the place to discuss things, so she asked people to summon the black elf witch doctor to treat the red helmets and them, and then ordered all the shadow matriarchs to enter the city lord's mansion to discuss matters.

At the same time, he ordered Thorn River City to enter a state of alert to guard against possible sudden attacks.

In the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion of Thorn River City, Ingram sat high on the main seat, and beside her lay a huge but very tame Shadow Dragon.

The shadow matriarchs who commanded the clans of the tribe stood on both sides of the hall.

All together watching the four assassins being treated by the witch doctor.

The Red Helmets are in a state of extreme collapse, and they cannot be recovered with simple healing spells.The black elf witch doctor who was invited, with a cane in his hand, danced a slightly crazy sacrifice dance around the four assassins, muttering words, and sprinkled some fluorescent powder on the four assassins.

After a while, the assassin who recovered slightly from his negative physical condition got up from the ground.

The witch doctor who had completed the task saluted Ingram and retreated from the hall.And the Red Helmets knelt down in front of Ingram, and said in an anxious tone: "Mistress, please don't distribute those dwarven weapons. These weapons were deliberately snatched by that human race. He...he may be one of us. Big shots not to be messed with.

He has already brought his team to the direction of Thorn River City, please get ready for the mistress...

We must hold a welcoming ceremony for him that suits his status, otherwise...he will start a war against us..."

Anxious, nervous, and confused mind made the red helmet a little incoherent.

But the word war was heard by Ingram and many of the shadow matriarchs, and there was a roar of laughter.

Ingram opened his hands to show his subordinates, his smile turned into anger again: "Go to war? Does it mean that someone is going to attack us? If it is someone else... Maybe you don't know how many troops we have here, but you won't have no idea.

No matter who wants to start a war with me, you are so scared by this news that you have really failed my expectations of you.

I really shouldn't have saved you, if that's the won't be here to make me angry.

Get them out of here..."

Seeing the guards from the main hall approaching, Red Helmet immediately said loudly: "Mistress... that human race named Da Liang, even the king of the hill, he attaches great importance to, and even visited him personally. He is definitely not an ordinary human race businessman...

And he has really come to Thorn River City!
If he didn't have real strength, would he dare to come?
Mistress, please let us finish what happened... We also ran all the way back from Obsidian City because we were worried about the safety of the tribe, regardless of our own life or death. "

The guards had already clamped the red helmet and dragged their arms out.

The rattan shield, the wrist blade, and Duojia also loudly echoed what the red helmet said, begging Madam Ingram to let them finish talking.

"Wait a minute..." Ingram finally stopped the guards, she looked at the four black elf assassins kneeling on the ground again, and said, "I'll give you a chance to explain, but if I think you're wasting my time , I will kill you myself.

You cowardly men. "

The Red Helmet was finally able to tell Ingram about the whole thing in detail.

All kinds of details also made Ingram's expression dignified.

Think back to the robbery.

The army escorting this batch of weapons did retreat without much resistance.Thinking about it now, throwing away the million-dollar weapon was like throwing away garbage that they didn't want for a long time.As soon as they charged, the dwarf bear cavalry rushed away...

really abnormal...

But so many dwarf weapons were not fake, so Ingram didn't think much about it at the time, but attributed these to the low loyalty of the dwarf bear cavalry.

Now it seems.

If the other party had suspected the Red Helmets and the others long ago, and knew that they were paying attention to these dwarf weapons.

Then this batch of weapons was deliberately snatched by the other party, and then they can take the opportunity to make trouble and obtain greater benefits from themselves...

Using a dwarf weapon with a million gold coins as bait is really a big deal, and it is definitely not something ordinary people dare to play.

At least have the confidence to get these weapons back.

Now... I just transported the stolen dwarf weapons to Thorn River City, and the other party rushed over impatiently. It seemed that I really fell into the trap of the other party.

And even though the opponent hadn't arrived yet, he made the first move.

"I asked for a welcome that was my equal, and I feel slighted if you still don't know who I am.

Then my dignity can only be obtained through war. "

Ingram has never seen a person who was robbed can be so arrogant.

Are you confident?Or bluff?

Ingram couldn't figure out the reality of this move, and she asked many of her subordinates: "It shouldn't be an unknown person who can make the king of the hill visit in person.

But... the human race doesn't seem to have any powerful heroes.

They are widely distributed in the main world, but they do not have their own plane to rule. Even in the world of heroic spirits, they are attached to the angel race.

I really can't think of any human hero that can pose a threat to us.

Have any of you heard the name 'Da Liang'? "

(End of this chapter)

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