Chapter 1129
Regardless of Da Liang's mood at the moment, Mistress Ingram's mood is very bad anyway.

Whoever welcomes the guests here with great fanfare, but the guests put up an airs that are more awesome than the host at the door, everyone will be very upset.Not to mention, when the opponent had only more than 1000 dwarf bear cavalry, they even assumed a posture of preparing to attack the city after a disagreement.

The cold-blooded cavalry I just sent to meet you can wipe you all out with a single charge, okay?

Madam Ingram listened to Red Helmet's report, and looked coldly at the tent not far ahead.

The Duke of Daliang from the Five-Color Banner Alliance is inside, a despicable human being who pretends to be a tiger. If she is not afraid of the powerful dragon clan in the Five-Color Banner Alliance, she, Ingram, would not pay attention to a human main city in the main world.

Let alone a duke.

But this duke wanted to make use of the strength of the five-color flag alliance to make use of it. He held on to the fact that the black elf snatched his goods, and he refused to let go. Alliance to the death.

I will make you pay for today's humiliation sooner or later.

Ingram restrained the indignant shadow matriarchs around him, now is not the time to be arrogant.

"I'm going to see Duke Daliang. All the clans are on standby. If the other party has not launched an attack, no hostile actions that will cause misunderstanding between the two parties are allowed!"

After Ingram gave the order, he drove the underground lizard to run towards Daliang's tent, and the red helmet immediately raised the flag representing Matron Ingram and led a small group of cold-blooded cavalry to follow.

Brutal, who was on the opposite side, saw a group of black elf cavalry running towards here with the banner of Ingram, and knew that it was the city lord of Thorn River City, so he immediately led a small group of bear cavalry to meet them.Then, after turning sharply in front of Ingram's team, they welcomed the Black Elf team outside Da Liang's tent.

A blood-sucking maid was already waiting outside the tent. She bowed her head to Ingram, lifted the curtain of the tent and said, "Dear Mistress Ingram, Your Excellency the Duke is already waiting inside. He sincerely hopes that this is A friendly meeting can resolve our current hostility."

Ingram jumped off the underground lizard, snorted softly, passed the vampire maid and walked into the tent, and then saw the human being who wanted to cramp and peel his skin.

But Ingram still pressed the idea of ​​killing the opponent in a surprise attack, because she felt the two heroes standing behind the opponent wearing smocks to hide their appearance exuded a very dangerous aura.

The Red Helmet's information said: Da Liang brought two very strong heroes from the surface, with the strength of a level 15 hero.

It should be them.

Ingram sat opposite Da Liang—at the other end of the long table. The maids serving in the tent put a plate of food in front of her and poured a glass of red wine.

Both the food and the red wine exude an attractive aroma, which is difficult to taste in the underground world.

But Ingram was not in the mood to eat and drink. She said to Da Liang: "Your Excellency Duke Feichen, I have prepared a welcoming ceremony at your request, and I have come to invite you in person. The misunderstanding between us is not impossible to resolve, your goods ...I didn't move a thing, the vehicle and the slaves were all intact.

As long as you nod, I will send them out immediately, and even escort them to the place you specify.

I have no intention of becoming an enemy of the Five-Color Banner Alliance...

Please don't be too aggressive, Your Excellency the Duke! "

After Ingram walked in, Da Liang examined the black elf mistress.

Being able to lead such a powerful tribe shows that Thorn River City has not experienced the battle for the mistress for a long time.This means that Ingram's strength is very strong, and those ambitious potential competitors who are strong dare not challenge at all.

According to Margaret, Ingram has been on the throne for more than 200 years.Among the special race of black elves, such a long reign time is simply an anomaly, so she has unparalleled prestige among the black elves in this lower cave.

As long as she raises her arms, she can organize an army of more than a million black elves.

And according to the inertia of the game, if the black elf really succeeds in rising in the endless maze, a hero of level 16 needs to be in charge.So... Ingram should be a Tier 16 hero candidate.

Perhaps this attack on Obsidian City is an opportunity for her to advance.

This is a formidable opponent.

A major variable for the success of the dwarves' counterattack against Obsidian City, and a stumbling block for the Matsujiang black elves to expand into the endless maze.

It is precisely for this reason that Da Liang took the trouble to create this situation.

After he discovered that the Red Helmet had been sending information to Ingram, he first asked Songjiang City to send a mission to Thorn River City, and then designed to lure Ingram to take away his batch of weapons, and finally went to the door to question the teacher himself.

Now, finally meeting Ingram...

Da Liang looked at the angry Ingram, and said kindly: "Mistress, please don't be angry. I think you can also see that I don't care about the batch of goods you stole.

Just a million gold coins... Not to mention Shangjiang City, which was founded by commerce, even for me... it's a number that I don't feel bad about throwing away.

Of course...if the final result of this meeting satisfies me, those goods will be considered as my gift to Thorn River City.

And if it doesn't satisfy me, then these goods are the reason to go to war.

In short... after the goods are in your hands, I don't plan to take them away, and you can't get rid of them..."

it is as expected.

Da Liang's answer confirmed Ingram's initial guess that he really fell into the opponent's trick this time. The dwarf weapon with a million gold coins was placed in the city of Thorns, and he couldn't even throw it out.

Now, the other party has sharpened the knife and is ready to start bloodletting on himself... But this knife is worth millions of gold coins, so he doesn't know how much blood he needs to bleed to satisfy the other party.

Therefore, Ingram decided that he could not sit still and let the Five Colors Alliance think that he was easy to bully.

Ingram said: "Your Excellency, I advise you not to go too far. Although the five-color flag alliance is very strong, our black elves in the endless labyrinth are not weak. If we really will also suffer very heavy losses, and You can't destroy us either.

Even if we lost Thorn River City, the lower caves still belong to the Black Elves, no matter what you want to do in Obsidian City...

It's just that the road for you to transport dwarven weapons in the future will not be smooth under our attack.

So fighting over this cargo, you'll only lose more...

I advise the Duke not to threaten me with war, take your weapons away, and then I will guarantee that your caravan will have a smooth trade route in the lower cave."

(End of this chapter)

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