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Chapter 1131 Signing of the Treaty

Chapter 1131 Signing of the Treaty (Xie Meng)
One by one, every clause that Da Liang proposed was unbearably harsh to Ingram, she really wanted to turn the table over and smash the face of this human being with the whip in her hand.

what are these!
It was the Songjiang Black Elf who wanted to cut the cake of Obsidian City, to steal a large part of the territory of the Black Elf Kingdom that she had worked so hard to complete, and to fight against herself in the future Obsidian City.

However, what did the Songjiang Black Elf do to attack Obsidian City this time?
They just want to use such dwarf weapons to allow themselves to recognize their "angels", let them garrison here, and divide their own population!
You can't be so shameless!
Ingram gritted his teeth and said, "Your Excellency, the conditions you proposed are really too much. This is clearly a robbery. I will not agree to any of your conditions..."

Da Liang interrupted Ingram, and added: "I just remembered another condition. The four black elf assassins, Red Helmet, Rattan Shield, Wrist Blade, and Armor, belong to my Creed Assassin Group, but they are for you. Provide information... I don't want them to be on two boats again, so I want Mistress to transfer them to me...

As for the mistress saying that I was robbing?
Mistress, you are robbing my goods, and Obsidian City is not yours now, but you are planning to rob Obsidian City...

I just want to take something that belongs to me from a robber.

If the mistress is not willing to give me these things... then I will feel that maintaining the status quo of Obsidian City will make my interests safer.

Mistress, please think carefully... whether it is good for you to agree to these terms, or it is good for you to reject these terms. "

Ingram certainly knows how to choose to his advantage.

If these terms are rejected, then she will have no way to attack Obsidian City, and she will get nothing.

And agreeing to these terms, a black elf force that is not under his control will infiltrate into the Obsidian City area, and then become a gangrene that will continue to grow and grow, and even threaten his rule in the future.

But forced by the form, she was unable to refuse due to her disadvantaged strength.And only by occupying Obsidian City can she have the appeal to gather more black elf troops, accumulate the strength to fight a local war with the Five Color Banner Alliance and win the victory, and recover the benefits that have been distributed.

"Your Excellency, I agree with all the terms you said. From now on, the black elves of Songjiang City are my allies of the black elves of Thorn River City. I allow you to send troops to attack Obsidian City with me. I will never give you what I promised you." Will deliver on promises.

But... Obsidian City must be all mine, and I will not compromise on this point.

Are you satisfied this time? "

"Satisfied!" Da Liang was very happy: "We have no interest in Obsidian City, after all, the Five-Color Flag Alliance is a neutral camp, we can't stimulate the magic realm.

Our purpose is to make money, do business, and be optimistic about our own things not being taken away by others.

Madam Ingram, if you have no further questions, shall we sign the treaty now? "

Ingram controlled his emotions, and said to Da Liang: "I have no problem, but you brought an outsider, what will you do with this Medusa ore merchant?"

When Margaret heard that Da Liang and Ingram were talking about attacking Obsidian City, she realized that something was wrong. If such a confidential matter was heard by a third party like herself, there would be only one be silenced.

At this time, Margaret really regretted it very much. Why did she ask to come along when her forehead was so hot?

Now how to do?
Margaret has been thinking about how to escape from here, but when Da Liang looked at her, she seemed to have encountered the coldest winter, and her whole body became stiff.

"Mr. Da Liang, no... Your Excellency Duke. I am just a businessman, and whoever occupies Obsidian City has nothing to do with me. I have a very good cooperative relationship with Mistress Ingram. Even if the black elves occupy Obsidian City, I will absolutely A merchant who can bring wealth to the city."

Da Liang glanced at the nervous Margaret and didn't say anything, but said to Ingram: "As for how to deal with Ms. Margaret, please don't worry, Mistress. Since I brought her, I will Let her leave safely. But I can guarantee that she will definitely reveal our secrets, after all, I will not make fun of my interests."

Ingram looked at Da Liang, then at Margaret, snorted and said, "I hope you can keep her mouth shut, if it's not convenient for you to do it, let me do it.

Now that we have reached an agreement on the resolution of this incident, we are allies. Please, Your Excellency, enter the city. We have prepared a grand welcoming ceremony for your arrival. "

Da Liang replied: "Master, please go back, I will prepare here, and then I will enter the city immediately..."

Although he was suffocated and signed the unequal treaty, the matter of grabbing dwarven weapons was settled.Moreover, they can buy dwarven weapons from Da Liang in the future, and with another black elf army participating in the attack on Obsidian City, the odds of winning the war will definitely be much greater.

I can only comfort myself like this.

After completing the negotiations and signing the treaty, Mistress Ingram left Da Liang's tent, and the ownership of the four black elf assassins in the red helmets was also transferred to Da Liang.

[Task: Get the approval of the Black Elf Assassin. 】

【Finish! 】

[Mission [-]: You have been approved by the black elf assassins, and they decided to reveal some secrets to you in order to draw you into the mission they are performing.But you still need to go through some trials to know more.

Go to Thorn River City and meet Mistress Ingram in any way you can think of. This is also a test of your sneaking ability.

Mission [-]...Meet Madam Ingram]

[Task [-]: Meet Madam Ingram]

【Finish! 】

[Mission [-]: You can meet Mistress Ingram in the heavily guarded city of Thorn River, which means that you already have all the abilities needed to become an excellent assassin.Your ability is exactly what Mistress Ingram needs. Maybe you can add strength to what the black elves are doing, but I cannot tell you what it is.

This is also an important test for you by Mistress Ingram.

Mission [-]... Discover the secret of the black elves in Thorn River City]

[Task [-]: Discover the secret of the black elves in Thorn River City]

【Finish! 】

[Mission [-]: Yes, Mistress Ingram is preparing to attack Obsidian City, and she will lead the Black Elves to rise in the Endless Labyrinth.But even if Obsidian City is in the weakest period in history, it is not so easy to attack.

In order to successfully capture Obsidian City...]

[The progress of the task chain is changed, and the player's main task is regenerated]

[The main task is being generated...]

(End of this chapter)

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