Chapter 1133
The shadow matriarchs who participated in the banquet also looked high-spirited. They all looked at Ingram with reverence, showing that Ingram has absolute dominance over the entire tribe.

Then he looked at Da Liang with disdain and disgust.

Who told Da Liang to be the only male at the banquet? In the society of the black elves, men are not qualified to sit with them at all, not to mention that Da Liang humiliated them outside the city just now.

If Ingram hadn't been here to overwhelm the many shadow matriarchs, the challenger would have jumped out.

Da Liang looked at the food on the table that was made of something unknown, and snapped his fingers lightly.Then Sophia, who was standing behind him, took away the glass of green liquor in front of him, put a glass goblet on it, and poured a glass of red wine.

The whole wine exchange was going on under everyone's gaze.

A guest doing this is definitely the greatest insult to the hospitality of the host.

Sensing the strong killing intent above the restaurant, Da Liang said: "I'm really sorry, Mistress Ingram, I know these are the best things you can come up with. But... such food, even I The lowest servant in my manor would not take a bite..."

If killing intent can really kill, Da Liang has become inextricably linked, and even Ingram is on the verge of breaking out.

But Da Liang didn't seem to feel anything, and continued to say to himself: "The black elves have indeed been separated from the mainstream world for too long... From these food and wine, you can see that your production, industry, and alchemy technology How far behind.

If you want to attack Obsidian City, you don't have enough siege engines, alchemy devices, or even the ability to produce heavy siege weapons, let alone artillery.

Then if you want to break through the walls of Obsidian City, you can only infiltrate Obsidian City with a small number of elite troops, and grab the city gates during the siege to welcome you into the city.

Maybe you will also assassinate some important personnel in Obsidian City, causing chaos...

I don't know if I'm right? "

Hearing what Da Liang said, Ingram lost all her anger in an instant. She looked at Da Liang in surprise. She couldn't imagine that he could analyze his entire plan to attack Obsidian City just by relying on the food and wine on the table. .

That's right... Her Black Elf tribe did not have the ability to produce heavy siege weapons, and even if they attacked the city wall at that time, it would be to provide cover for the infiltration troops who robbed the city gate.

And the assassination plan...

Ingram has arranged for many high-level assassins to lurk in Obsidian City. When she starts to attack the city, these black elf assassins will assassinate important figures in Obsidian City, all for the purpose of snatching the city gate.

This siege plan is really very risky. The defense of the city gate is the top priority of a city. There must be high-level heroes and elite troops guarding it. The chance of a small group of elite heroes raiding and capturing the city gate is not high.Once this plan is leaked, it is even more impossible to open the city gate.

At that time, Ingram can only forcibly attack the city with a small number of siege weapons, and the loss will of course be very large.

Therefore, Ingram's infiltration of Obsidian City was very secretive, and most of the shadow matriarchs didn't know about it, and Da Liang was all shaken out.

Recalling how he was forced to sign the alliance under the city step by step by the other party, Ingram suddenly felt a deep sense of fear for this human being. Being able to become the chief diplomat of the Five-Color Banner Alliance is indeed not an easy role.

Ingram immediately withdrew all his hostile attitude towards Da Liang, and asked earnestly: "Your Excellency... we are allies now, and whether you can successfully capture Obsidian City is also closely related to your interests. What good do you have for this war?" suggestion?"

Da Liang signaled the maids who came to pour red wine for everyone present, and then said: "Warring is not my specialty. However, if the robbing of the city gate fails, I will definitely storm the city wall."

Then the mistress needs to have enough heavy siege weapons and alchemy devices to open gaps in the walls of Obsidian City.

And just... I have a lot of heavy siege weapons, alchemy devices, and some artillery. "

At the beginning, Da Liang really invested a lot in attacking Songjiang City, and he was very well prepared in terms of the types and quantities of siege weapons.Now Songjiang City has been occupied, except for the war equipment and alchemy devices used to defend the city, there are still many stored in the warehouse of Songjiang City.

Songjiang City is in the defensive circle of Shangjiang, and Shangjiang is in the protection net of the Five Color Banner Alliance.It is also underground, and there will not be too many battles in a short period of time. It is not very useful to keep so many heavy war equipment. It not only takes up space but also costs money to maintain.

And transporting so many weapons and equipment away is a very large expense.

Therefore, after seeing the black elf army in Thorn River City, Da Liang saw their lack of siege equipment, and felt that these black elves were a good successor.

If Songjiang's excess weapons and equipment could be sold to the City of Spit River, then these burdens would be turned into supplies and cash, and where there was a need for supplementary war equipment, they could just be manufactured on-site, leaving a large amount of transportation costs.

When Da Liang said that he had a large number of heavy siege equipment in his hand, it really aroused Ingram's very strong interest.

These are weapons that only need the lowest level of soldiers to operate, and can exert great power. They can suppress the city defense system of Obsidian City during the siege.

As long as there are enough heavy siege equipment, the Black Elf army can rush to the walls of Obsidian City with minimal losses.

After failing to snatch the city gate, the odds of winning the Obsidian City will be increased.

"Your Excellency, how many kinds of war equipment and alchemy devices do you have? How many are they? What price are you going to sell them to us?"

Da Liang smiled and raised his wine glass and said: "Mistress, in front of you is the Duke of the world's largest commercial city. Our merchant ships are unimpeded on the seas of the entire main world. No matter what kind of weapon you want, as long as you propose Quantity, I can provide you.

With our support, you can easily form a siege machine force that can fight against Obsidian City in situ.

As for the price...

We are allies, and it is in our interest to occupy Obsidian City, Mistress, and we will provide you with the greatest benefits.

But during the war between the planes, we don't accept credit. The mistress can use gold coins, ores, slaves, rare resources, population...all valuable things to exchange with us.

If it is soon, the first batch of war equipment can come with the garrison of Songjiang City and be delivered to the mistress for use. "

(End of this chapter)

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